Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

George? Who Is George???

It has been known I like the colour pink a lot.
Today at work, some one asked:
" Who is the pink hippo ?"
(as it attached to my car keys)
George is a pink hippo who appeared in a TV programme, Rainbow
People of a certain age remember George,Zippy and Bungle Bear.
Don't forget Geoffrey, Rod, Jane and Freddy.
Good times :)
Now for some pink and sunshine rolled into one!



Monday, 29 September 2014

A Quick Rub With Deep Heat

I have the lovely smell of Deep Heat lingering around me
After doing a bit of walking over the weekend
My spine tends to creak a bit more
Time for the yoga and Pilate's to come in to play
Try not to bend down too much....don't want to block the sunlight!

Sunday, 28 September 2014

New House......I Wish!

Doing my normal thing of looking on Zoopla
Came across a lovely house in Kidderminster
Not too expensive either.
Needs some work doing to it.
I change eyesores of gardens to the wow factor!
Best start saving now!

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Enjoying The Autumn Sun

Its so warm we decided to make the most of it
Blackberry picking around the nearby lake
Most had gone, but the fresh air did us some good
This time last year it was scarf and woolly jumper
This time it was sun hat and sun cream
Long may it continue.....


Friday, 26 September 2014

Got The Job!

Sent the email about the proposed job last night
Went round for a interview this morning.
I was offered the job.
I was so happy.
Until  I got into my Pink Princess car.
The clutch pedal got jammed :(
Give up!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Starting The New Job Soon!

Whoo hoo I have a the start date for my new job.
Kitted out with the new uniform soon.
Let's hope the new game won't be 50 points to hit the lollipop lady in the middle of the road!
I am used to being out in all weathers
Dealing with the general public.
Snow.....don't get me started on that white stuff!


Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The Search For Another Job Carries On....

The search for another job continues,
Copying and pasting from one form to a next
I see I am practicing my IT skills then!
Let's hope I either have a rejection letter or interview
One brighter note, my hubby got 3 lines of washing in last night
Before the rain started.
As my  washing machine is retired until Friday!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Autumn Brings More Sunshine

We are being so spoilt by Mother Nature.
This nice sunny weather.
Autumn is now arrived...
Still a bit cold in the morning and night times
Good job I have a warm hubby to cuddle up to.
The 16 tog duvet helps too.....

Monday, 22 September 2014

Big Feet

Someone's feet is growing so fast
He might have to wear clogs at this rate.
I better be careful he might start wearing my trainers!
Good job that are sites to cater for big feet
Especially when it comes to football boots!

Sunday, 21 September 2014

The Smell Of Autumn

Welcoming in Autumn with blue skies and warmth
Washing drying on the line.
The music we bought playing on the record player
The smell of dinner cascades through the house.
Even the sound of my bad singing doesn't affect the weather.....yet!

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Hidden Discoveries

Nice big lie in...
Needed that after getting up far too early yesterday
Put on display what I acquired in Worcester.
Looking well now amongst the other figurines
What delights am I going to discover today?????

Friday, 19 September 2014

Up Too Early!

Up far too early.
Even up before the alarm went off.
Enjoying a cup of tea.
The house is silent except the clock 
I wonder what surprises are in store for me today?
No more baking!!!
We will be sick of cupcakes by Sunday!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Making The Most Of The Time!

Hey Hey I have a precious day off
I am going to use it to the max!
Time for apron to be put on.
Kenny the Kenwood to come out
Make, Bake & Eat time!

Lemon & Ginger Shortbread
Lavender Cupcakes
Queen Cupcakes with two types of Chocolate Topping

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

More Baking To Do

The Home made rice pudding went down well last night
Have you got any more?
No I replied.
Might try make custard tarts later.
That will surprise them
I can make more than cakes and rice pudding ;p

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Time To Make A Classic Pudding.....

The sun is shining yet again.
Not like yesterday, when I got soaked.
Time for those mega big sunglasses & sun cream.
Making an all time favourite pudding tonight
Home made rice pudding!
Yum Yum Yum

Monday, 15 September 2014

Once More My Mate Comes Out To Play

The house is now quiet.
Kids have gone to school
Hubby gone to work.
Now to wear the apron
clean clean clean
sing sing sing
Even my best mate coming out to play

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Let Them Eat Cake

Watched half of "Wolf Of Wall Street" last night
This morning I have to finish the cake I started yesterday
Have to pack the picnic basket too.
Making most of the sun as it shines.
How long will the cake last?
give it 24 hours!

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Tangled Up

No sun so far.
Had a surprise delivery
No lie in on this Saturday either :(
Spent an hour trying to untangle my necklaces
My son finally untangled them
Now off to enjoy my  Saturday.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Just Doing My Bit

I have not stopped today.
Chained to the house with a big ball and chain.
The house is looking nice and tidy finally
The apron and feather duster can be put away
I can sit and chill and Zzz

Thursday, 11 September 2014

No Rush Hour For Me

So nice to have day off today.
Had a nice morning out
Spending as little as possible.
Made a Peach crumble
Slow cooker is on too.
Nice not have to rush about
Like headless chicken for once ;)

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Laughing Time

It's now Wednesday already
I'm already counting the days to the weekend.
I am starting to enjoy the weekends so much.
I can let my hair down and have FUN!!!
But always be careful when you see me laughing.....

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Change Of Luck Needed!

In need of a Four Leaf clover
Needs fingers and toes being crossed
I'm in need of change of fortune
If only doesn't work no more
I will, I can, I am will work!
Just wish me luck all the same!


Monday, 8 September 2014

Time For The Most Important Item Today...

Lovely sunny day again.
Got out the ExerBeat Wii game.
Just like Sex, has to keep doing it!
Getting into those positions are interesting! 
Mustn't forget the most important item today!
and say nothing ;)


Sunday, 7 September 2014

Family Time

Another Fine Day
Chores all done
Now to enjoy a special family day together
out and about
Not to forget the most important item



Saturday, 6 September 2014

Had A Good Night

After such a exhausting night.
The leather whip was well used
Had to check hubby's pulse this morning
At least he enjoyed his cake I made
Best way to my husband's heart
is through his stomach
Or being tied up and whipped!


Friday, 5 September 2014

Wedding Anniverary

Where has the time gone?
Three years already?
Still in love loads
Not lost our sense of humour
Roll on tonight
Leather will be used!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Nice Day Ahead

Hey Hey No Work to Day for me.
Plenty of to do mind.
Cake making and cards.
Never boring here.
Now for another coffee to keep awake!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Round One......Ding Ding

Horoscope for Today:
You need to take special care with your words today; otherwise, someone close is bound to think that you're disrespecting them. Things are sure to calm down in the near future if you avoid a fight. 

Best to leave then at home.

Back To School

It's Here! I cry.
My little boy is off to Middle school.
Nice new uniform for him to wear.
He was scared,worried but glad the day is hear.
Just glad I had found the money for his uniform
Or shorts & t-shirts he would have been wearing!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Day Before School


Last minute panic arrives,
Uniform, bags and even sandwich box.
New start awaits
Excited with a bit of worry.
New School awaits tomorrow.