Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday, 31 October 2014

There Is A Ghost In My House!

Happy Halloween
Something went bump in the night
I have a large heavy box of cake stuff
So heavy it took my hubby and I to put it on the shelf.
So the surprise we had this morning.
Something or someone had practically lifted it off the shelf, and threw it on the floor!
If it had slid of the shelf it would have knocked all the books off the shelf below!
Perhaps my late mum is telling me to get on with my niece's cake!

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Putting My Mind To It.

With the insides of my pumpkins,
I made Pumpkin & Pecan Cake
next up I made two cards.
Now to design Summer's 1st Birthday cake!

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Scraping The Bottom...

Halloween is back with us again on Friday.
That has come round quick!!
The pumpkins have been scraped out.
With the insides I am going to make Pumpkin & Pecan Cake.
Time for me to come out to play on Friday.
Got the broomstick and witch's hat ready!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

No Kids For 6 hours!!!

I was minus one son yesterday due to him having a rare sleep over at a friend's.
My other son joined them for lunch.
Six hours on my own!!!!!
What to do???
Baking was my answer.
Kenny the Kenwood came out to play.
Gave the mum a thank you box for having my kids.

Monday, 27 October 2014

No Showing Of The Cake This Year

Due to lack of money, time, and a dirty mind.
I won't be putting a cake into the annual Cake Show at the Birmingham NEC
I put two cakes in last year and didn't win nothing.
My Shaun the Sheep cake got 2000 likes on Shaun the Sheep Facebook  page.
Anyway I have to do a first birthday cake for my little niece that will keep me busy!
 Shaun the Sheep Fancy Dress Cake

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Welcome To Winter Time!

I forgot to turn back my wrist watch last night
Woke up, and saw the time was 9am!!!
Nearly jumped out of bed...
Only to realise it was a Sunday, & kids on half term holiday
Then it was back to a warm bed, and a even warm husband!

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Can I Have Your Autograph Please?

I was minding my own business for once
In my local library.
When a voice boomed over to me.
"You are that famous celebrity?"
"Am I ?"
"Can I have your autograph please?"
I was a bit puzzled and asked which celebrity I was supposed to be?
"Jo Brand" came the reply.
Mmmm at least it wasn't Olive from On the Buses!


Friday, 24 October 2014

Best Things In Life Are Free

When its a school day, it's a struggle to get them out of bed for 7am
Because they now have broke up for half term.
Both got up at 6.30am!!!!
Now is the fun to find things for them to do
That doesn't cost lot of money
Here comes the first free activity!
Doing a jigsaw!


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Just Like That!

My kid's wanted me to make their favourite teacher
a leaving card.
They told me this when I picked them up from school yesterday.
Having run out time last night.
I woke up really early this morning(2am)
With help of a cup of tea.
I completed it!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The House Gets Blown Away

Yesterday I was worried about the bike being blown away...
Comes back from yoga...
Must have had a mini typhoon in my front garden
As it uprooted one of my kid's playhouses
So it's been secured to the fence now.
The bike hasn't even moved....
I can rest easy, until the next Hurricane...

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Batten Down The Hatches

As Hurricane Gonzalo moves over the UK
It's all hands on deck so to speak.
50 mph winds, and lashings of rain!
Just hope my bike won't be blown away!
 The bike is secure enough I hope.
At least the plants will be watered!

Monday, 20 October 2014

Giving It Moments to Rise!

Monday's are a naughty night in for us.
We are going to make our pizza dough

The kids are quite boring with their pizzas.
It's either cheese or pepperoni pizza.
Tonnes of toppings!
Now to add the cheese with a dash of chilli ;)

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Whip A Lime Into Shape!

I had itchy baking fingers...
Out comes the Baking book
Plus my friend Kenny the Kenwood came out too.
 I put the 5 limes I bought yesterday to some use!
Key Lime Pie for later!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Sat In The Lap Of Luxury

I went to Webbs Of Wychbold,in Droitwich for my free coffee.
I sat in the Cafe listening to other people's conversations
I looked through the free magazine, there were some nice shoes for nice prices
I would have to save a lot for the house for sale in the magazine. £1,000,000!!
Now where did I park my Lotus in the car park??
I wish!

Friday, 17 October 2014

The Road to Hell is Paved.....

Oh what a day so far...
Job Interview in the morning.
Tried my best, but I know I haven't got it.
Never mind got 3 jobs to keep my busy
So I stay where I am for now!
Let's hope the road I am on, isn't the wrong road!
As the road to hell is paved with good intentions!

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Slowing Down To A Gentle Walk.....

A day off, and making the most of it!
No rushing around for me.
Taking it nice and s-l-o-w...
Done tea already.
Chopped and put it all in the slow cooker for tonight.
Even Henry has made a overdue appearance today.
More baking later, and yoga.
Can this day get any better?

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

More Layers Than A Onion

I feeling totally rough this morning.
No hangover either!
Not touch a drop of alcohol for nearly 10 months.
After kids & hubby went to school and work
I went back to bed with a Lemsip and a craft magazine to relax to.
Then time to go to work...
I had more layers of clothing than my bed.
My bed was so jealous!
Hopefully a bit of yoga later,will get to parts of my body,
the Lemsip couldn't reach!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Could Have Been Much Worst!

I knew when I hit and dislocated my car's mirror I wasn't going to have a nice day
The phone call from my son's school, I was proven right.
He had a accident, so I had to take him to Accident & Emergency Department.
Off we went. A bit of glue and some plasters,
He was good as new.
Except for his large bottom lip.
He has had lots of mummy love.
Hopefully the swelling will go down in a few days......

Monday, 13 October 2014

A Bit Of Slap & Tickle

The rain and wind is back.
Had to surrender some blood to be tested
Made the nurse laugh.
Had more fun trying to find a vein.
I can be tight with my blood sometimes!
Phoned up the supplies of my dishwasher.
About #rubbergate from Saturday.
Can't do anything because I already have bought another one!
Motto of this story, beware of small rubbers!
 Go for the extra large ones!

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Best Start To Clean The Rug.....

I had my horoscope for the start of next year 2015.
Buying a house??
Leaving this lovely house??
In January 2015??
With inches of snow on the ground and  the cold!
Are the flags going to go up if I do move out?
If I do get to move.
There are two houses on the Zoopla website I am watching
No million pound houses for me
No big houses like Hanbury Hall
Nice little 5 bedroom house in the country suits me fine!


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Oh Dear,The Rubber Has Split!

Always happens to me.
Good news and then bad news.
Good news I won £10.90 on the Euro millions last night.
Didn't know the amount as the website shuts down between 3am-5am
The bad news.
The water pipe leading from the dish washer split.
Water,water, water all over the place.
Now off to buy a stronger,thicker water pipe!

Friday, 10 October 2014

Trying To Bake Banana Bread ;P

The main aim of today was to do some baking.
However the Baking  train was derailed!
Firstly  burnt off  876 calories on the Wii
Then off to see my local Doctor.
Popped into do 1/2 overtime at work
Finally gets back to start baking...
Reaches for the coffee jar
Completely empty!!!!
Got to have a caffeine kick! :(

Thursday, 9 October 2014

It's Been Slapped On More Than Enough Now!

All the painting has now been done.
4 door arches and 2 doors done.
The smell of paint is giving me a headache!
Tried leaving the back door open...
It's way to cold brrrrrr.
Tomorrow it's going to be the skirting board in the hall to be painted.
Oh the paint smell, might EVEN get used to it.
At least it's clears the cobwebs out of my head!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Stirring The Paint For Tomorrow!

The painting of the door arches starts tomorrow.
It will take 7 hours to dry fully.
So hopefully no paint marks on school uniform or anywhere else!
After painting, a bit of baking and a nice work out.
What could go wrong?

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Bump & Grind

It's now starting to get a little bit colder.
Now wearing 5 layers of clothing during the day
The woolly pink pyjamas came out last night.
Hubby had a job of removing them (laugh out loud)
Now to keep warm by doing my hour of exercise.
Using Exerbeat on the Wii.
Boxing, Karate,Pilates, & Yoga.
All primed and ready for work ;)

Monday, 6 October 2014

It Has Been Rubbed Down Enough

The weather has now changed.
No more tee shirt wearing with sunglasses weather :(
The lawn was mowed yesterday just in time.
It's time for the woolly pink pyjamas to come out now
Nice to have a warm husband to cuddle up with at night.
At least the bathroom has now been completed.
No more rubbing of the walls
Then adding the grout!!

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Getting Down & Dirty

Now for some more D.I.Y around the house.
Nice fry up to start the day.
Now got the rest of the day to burn it off!
Old clothes back on.
Now to spend the rest of the day in the bathroom...
The lawn is going to be mowed
Kid's bedrooms going to be tidied up.
All ready for a nice,shiny new week of October!

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Not Just A Quickie

It's back.
We have been so spoilt by the long days of sunshine
Then the rain comes back.
One good thing, I don't have to water the plants today.
The grouting in the bathroom is not just a quickie job I hoped for!
Grout here,grout there.
All over hands, clothes, shoes, at least there was some left for the walls!
At least I can take my stress out of having no money out on the grouting!
No lottery win last again.
So at the moment I'm not got loads of money!

Friday, 3 October 2014

Time For A Face-Lift...

Time to spruce up the house a bit.
The grout around the tiles in the bathroom needs updating
The door arches need repainting
The kitchen & dining room door need painting
Even the front lawn needs mowing again.
Better not start painting this afternoon
As the paint will start to appear when it's not supposed too.
On Uniforms, clothes, & other parts of the house
Thursday & Friday next week for painting.
Now for a bit of grouting.......lovely!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

No Suck Or Swallow

Today it's time for some housework..again!
Time for my mate to come out and play
 However Henry wasn't quite feeling not very well.
He was neither sucking or swallowing.
I guess it was down to bad stomach ache.
Checked and changed his bag.
  He was more than happy to start sucking and swallowing.
House smells even nicer with a bit of Shake & Vac.


Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Finding Brass In Pockets!

Whoo hoo it's the first of October!
We have blue skies and sunshine!
So nice to NOT have to wear a coat at the moment!
It's amazing when you do check the pockets
You find money!
All going in the glass bottle to save for my dream house!