Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Sticking,Licking & Stamping

Now to get the Christmas preparations back on track
Today I put my precious time into card making..
My dining room was covered everything to do with Christmas
That could be stuck on a card, with help from double sided tape!
With a break, I got seven cards done,
No rest for the wicked...
More card making tomorrow...

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Come Dine With Me

Having survived the crowds in my local 99p store and Poundland
I popped into my local Library to read the free paper and grab a coffee
There was an advertisement to appear on "Come Dine With Me" in January 2015.
 I know I am a good cook, and whip up some great grub for four people...
I don't want four people finding my locked box of sex toys, and asking for the key!

Friday, 28 November 2014

Black Friday

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A , often to kick start Christmas shopping season.We are now following this in the United Kingdom.
I however have not got the money, time, or patience to participate in it.
It's like ants fighting over a leaf in some places...
I feel like a King Midas in reverse....

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Time To Smile!

Whoo hoo it was a second attempt of having my photo taken this morning.
For the local newspaper to highlight the Stop campaign.
To get car drivers to stop when I walk in the road,
instead of driving around me or not stopping!
Put the pink lipstick on, and all ready.
Cancelled at the last minute.......
A third attempt will be made a later date.....

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Keeping My Hands Busy!

After coming back from a cold morning trying to stop cars and buses,
I needed to use my hands in a more meaningful way.
Making some shortbread helped!
Then to make the butterscotch sauce....

Monday, 24 November 2014

Brass Monkey Time!

I didn't want to leave my warm bed or warm husband.
It's Monday again.
I looked out of the bedroom window.
The car frozen solid.
Time for the thermal knickers to come out!

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Look What I have Made!

After putting up the Christmas Tree and decorations.
 I used for a few hours of my precious time to make the first of two Advent Calenders!

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Finds It At Last !!

We travelled to Worcester to visit the

I bought all the stuff to make my kid's Advent Calenders for this year.
Next stop was Droitwich.
Every shop we went into to get a Xmas Tree was too expensive :(
However we popped into the last Charity Shop and we found our tree.
Not bad for £3.50!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Time to Find The Tinsel...

That's the working week done!
Now to kick off the trainers and on comes the slippers.
Going to hunt high and low for the Christmas Decorations...
The house is looking empty without the tinsel!
So after Sunday,  the Xmas tree will be up......

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Lucky Escape

I have been feeling ill since Monday
Feeling sick, and passing out at night.
I couldn't think what could be the matter with me be....
Until my dad's Carbon Dioxide detector went off yesterday.
It is on the shelf above the gas fire.......
My dad has been saying about the headaches he has been having.
So my brother the plumber is looking at it later.
The gas fire is stopping off until then...
Good job I work outside...
I have been taking large bouts of oxygen!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Dressing Up Time

I am proud to hoard stuff!
My motto is, You never know when you need it!
My middle son wanted some formal clothes to be dressed as a 1st class passenger
for a tea party as part of his Titanic project.
Found a Top hat, cane, white gloves, bow tie, waist coat!
The blazer was for school I bought back in August.
I too like dressing up, example: Large purple rabbit onesie last Friday!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


The Sun came out this afternoon...
I changed my yellow hat for the orange hat.
Cars were suddenly stopping...
Perhaps I should wear it more often!
Amazing what the word Stop can do!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Running from one job to another.
Cups of coffee in between
Jumped into onesie when I finally got home.
While my kids was doing their "homework"
Out comes the book......
 Apple & Blackcurrant Pie
Made up for getting soaked in the morning!


Sunday, 16 November 2014

How Much For A Xmas Tree????

As Christmas is coming so quick....
We popped into Webbs of Wychbold to have a look around.
I sat on my hands the whole time and didn't spend a penny!
This might be the first Christmas we won't have a Xmas tree, due to lack of money.
I thought some of the Xmas trees were a tiny bit of expensive....
I even heard the first Christmas song on the radio..

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Dropping Off Time

Due to a hectic day yesterday
I didn't have time to drop off cards and presents
So today I had the time for drop off and chat...


Friday, 14 November 2014

Big Purple Rabbit

For, the children and adults at school
worn their onesies.
I worn my big purple rabbit onesie.
Put a £1 in the tin.
It is so warm....
I have told hubby, to get me out of it.
He can't unzip me with his fingers,
he will have to use something else ;p

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Miss You Mum

I would love to celebrate my mum's 70th Birthday.
I would have done a cake like I did 2 years ago.
However, my mum passed away last May.
So today I will visit my mum's grave after work to wish her a Happy Birthday.
She may be gone but she isn't forgotten

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Secret Santa Time

It's getting close is Christmas
Now for some fun with my co- workers.
Last year I did the Secret Santa, and the present was a maximum of £10
you might think a tin of chocolates...
the empty tin of chocolates was used..
The above was carefully placed in the empty tin!
This time the conditions are:
Maximum spend £1
It has to be the naffest present.
Let's see what I can find in Ann Summers shop for a £1!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Day For Remembering

Today I did my two minutes of silence,
I had been wearing a poppy for the last 3 weeks.
Even my kids were quiet in their classes at school at 11am.
It's 100 years since the start of World War One.
Lets hope lessons have been learnt, and World War Three doesn't start too soon.

Monday, 10 November 2014

It's Here.....Soooooon!

This is the time to be jolly...
6 weeks and 3 days to go until Christmas Day
I have bought little presents, as got no money to buy nothing big.
We have to get a new Christmas Tree as the Pink one we bought 4 years ago has given up the ghost!
Even started making Christmas cards.....
Here is my 1st attempt......


Sunday, 9 November 2014


Spent another day with my brother, & family in Stroud.
We all ate the Leek & Goat cheese Tart I made.
Took our kids to the park in the Autumn sun.
We had to say goodbye and we will see each other next month.
Back onto the M5
Back to work after 2 lovely days off!


Saturday, 8 November 2014

1st Birthday Cake!

I finally finished the cake! 
Got up at 6am to finish it off.
Very proud of my effort.
So was all my family and guests at the party.
Getting better with every cake and card!

Friday, 7 November 2014

The Need For Dry Socks!

I went to work with blue skies....
Then the heavy rain came...
I dried off at home with a large mug of coffee and a dose of vitamin C
Then at the afternoon session, the second bout of rain
 I think my pink Wellington boots will be coming out soon!


Thursday, 6 November 2014

Just Looking.....!

Off to the Birmingham NEC we went this morning
Walked around 3 halls looked, looked and more looking
Didn't hardly buy nothing!
So after hour and half we packed up the trolley left.
The cake show starts to tomorrow
I won't be there tomorrow at 7am dropping off a cake this year!
At least I have some magazines to read!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Time For The Thermal Knickers!

So far so good.
Did my first morning at my new job today.
 Caught a lovely sunrise
 Had a few near misses when cars don't stop.
It's starting to get cold too.
Time for the thermal underwear to be put on!


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

How To Hold A Lolly Stick Properly

I am all ready for my new job later...
 I was doing role playing with my kids last night on how to hold the Lolly stick Properly.
There are four moves to holding it
As I will remember it!
Fingers crossed I get it right later!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Counting Down The Hours To The New Job!

Both children are back at school, so is hubby back at work.
My hubby's stubble will soon be sprouting hair to reveal a lovely black moustache
I am too back at work today
I start my other new job tomorrow.
Let's hope I don't get hit by a bus or car on my first day!


Sunday, 2 November 2014

Time To Grow The Moustache!

It's the start of November, and my hubby is taking part in Movember.
Movember is s an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer and other male cancers, and associated charities
So will my hubby have a moustache like
Freddie Mercury
 Jason King
Hulk Hogan

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Putting Away The Mask For 12 Months

The fun of Halloween yesterday.
Loads of baking and dressing up!
The pumpkins were put outside
The cupcakes went down well
Now to put away the witch's hat and broomstick away for another 12 months!
Now roll on Bonfire Night