Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Good Karma Time

We did good Karma thing.
We gave some items away in a big swap at our local Hobbycraft store.
In return I got a lovely tea set.
Then I gave away some cooking and gardening magazines.
The first Charity shop refused them.
The second Charity shop said Yes Yes Yes.
Now to use my lovely tea set....
Cheers everyone

Friday, 30 January 2015

The Old Way....

We changed  Internet provider.
Then as soon as we are connected up
The whole system goes down
So no blog entry yet again
Now to go back to the old way of blog writing.
 More time on my hands
I will talk to my hubby more...

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Old Fossil

It has been a bad day.
One of the gadgets I use all the time packed up.
No camera, no photos,& no blog post.
Out comes the old fossil mobile phone.
Back to the old days....

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

A Bit Windy Around Here

After giving slices of the sponge cake out to friends
It was nice to get home.
Until I noticed something bizarre had happened...
Who moved the kid's play house????
Must have been some wind!

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Just Like Magic!

So busy last night with making the cake.
This morning, finished making the Birthday card for tonight's party one of my son's is going to.
The golden tickets for the Kings & Queens have been done too.
Later on I hopefully will finish the other tablecloth I have been doing...
Best not sit down too much, or sleep will appear just like magic!


Monday, 26 January 2015

So Many Things To Do

First day back at work...
I have so much to do and so little time to do it!
I have a Birthday card to make.
The second table cloth of Kings & Queens to do
Golden tickets for the Kings & Queens table.
At least I have made the Lemon & Cherry sponge cake....

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Walking Amongst The Gravestones

It's been a quiet Sunday.
We got lost trying to find one Church we wanted to look round.
We managed to look round two other graveyards.
The first graveyard was in Bidford On Avon
The second graveyard was in Astwood Bank
The second one is where my Nan & Granddad is buried
The sun was going down.
It was getting cold.
We got home for a nice cup of tea and slice of cake...

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Out & About In Evesham

We visited Evesham today.
We got some bargains in the Charity shops
We had a Steak & Stilton Cornish Pasty
We looked around the church.
The sun was out, but it was so cold.
We even did our shopping at the local Aldi.
We will be visiting again soon...

Friday, 23 January 2015

Putting My Mouth On Charge!

I have had a busy day of talking and drinking ....
First I went for a mocha with my older son.
Second, had a coffee and chat with my older son's dad.
Thirdly, coffee and chat with my dad.
Fourthly,  cup of tea and chat with my hubby.
Finally, sipping on a hot chocolate, and attempting a new hobby... 


Thursday, 22 January 2015

Welcome To My Pink World

After my first shift of the day,
I had a drive to Webb's garden centre in Wychbold.
I already had bought some lovely pink tea set on Sunday.(see my other blog for pictures)
Now I have the pink tea set for one with 75% off.
To finish off my pink kitchen.I bought a  pink washing up bowl.
So to ease my new pink cup in slowly,
I used it for my mid morning coffee with a bout of  vitamin C!

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

The House Is Now Warm

The boiler got fixed.
We now have heating and hot water!!
I finally made the table cloth for the Kings & Queens table.
Showed it off at dinner time.
Got a couple of wows...& who made that?
My reply was......I made it...

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Brass Monkey Time!

We had a power cut  for an hour and half yesterday dinnertime.
After getting home to start making the table cloth  for The Kings & Queens table,
The temperatures started to drop.
The radiators didn't come on.
After phoning the emergency call out service.
They said they haven't got a spare circuit board for the boiler
So last night we were all wrapped up like a bug in rug.
I even got to wear my Purple Rabbit onesie.....

Monday, 19 January 2015

Let Them Eat My Cake!

I had a mid morning meeting for my first job.
I rustled up some lemon cupcakes ....
No one said no to my cupcakes.
I had some left over,
So I took some over to my dad's.
He didn't say no either...
He just dropped the cherry !

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Cupcake Heaven.

We were invited to a Decorating Cupcake Party in Stourbridge.
The shop was decorated so lovely.
My kids were in there element decorating the cupcakes.
Our mocha and cupcakes were so Divine.
The Birthday cake was lovely too.
A great time had by all!

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Snow Angel Alert!

I woke up to see a thin layer of snow.
It is so cold, it's nice to cuddle up with a very warm hubby at the weekends
No sign of Mr Rat,
Washing machine on overtime.
Fingers crossed no more snow,
Making  a snowman in snow I like.
Driving in snow is different matter ;(


Friday, 16 January 2015

Chewy Time

Hip Hip Hooray It's Friday
One job to do.
Sun is out, but it's so cold!
Have had the Pest Control Officer out, some of the poison he put down has been eaten.
Hasn't stopped Mr Rat eating through the 4th waste pipe.
Mr washing machine is going to be on overtime for the next 24  hours.
Hope Mr Rat like soap suds!
Now for some dancing...

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Counting Down....

I have only two jobs today.
After the tense couple of days, I needed to relax,
Not cooking or baking this time,
But making a few cards,
Two Birthday cards and a Thank You card.
Just got Friday, one job to do and then it's the weekend!
Hip Hip Hooray!

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Crowns Galore!

Today we were doing out first King & Queens table at Dinnertime.
10 lucky children would sit at the table with crowns, and chocolate coins.
So I spent an hour making, stapling the crowns together.
The kids enjoyed themselves.
Every week we have 10 different children sitting at the table!


Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Where Is The Love?

I was doing my job as a Lollipop Lady
Then suddenly a car parked on the zig zag lines outside the school. 
I told the woman driver she can't park on the lines
She gave me grief.
I reported it to the school.
The woman driver turned up, and in front everyone
called me a Racist.
I shook my head. 
The Headmaster trying to defuse the situation.
Did point out to the car driver, she wasn't suppose to stop on the Zig Zags anyway!


Monday, 12 January 2015


We did a early Spring clean of the Dining room
Nice & tidy until....
I heard chewing of monkey nuts coming from behind the book case!
We move & empty the book case.
Chocco the hamster has been living on mini-rolls and monkey nuts!
Will have to move the massive cupboard at some point!
Hubby tried to put all my books back on the book case!
Poor love, loads of books left over.
I will attempt to redo it later.....

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Raiding The Bargains....

We visited Alcester to get some Charity Shop bargains.
We popped into six Charity shops....
Got some really good bargains.
Even popped into Waitrose for my free coffee and magazine
Got some reduced food as well ;).
Nice couple of hours out, in non-windy, dry weather  for once.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Play Time With The Mop

Doing my normal Domestic chores,
On goes the washing machine.
Then I have a lake forming in my kitchen yet again.
Couldn't turn off the washing machine.
So out come Mr Mop & Mrs Bucket.
This elusive rat that keeps appearing,
only chewed through the waste pipe yet again.
We have set a trap if he tries to come back tonight via that pipe again!

Friday, 9 January 2015

Friday Madness

I had a bout of Friday madness.
First I had a car driver give a V sign in response to me trying to get him to stop!
"And to you I shouted to him" very loudly!
I bought something off EBay,
What a surprise, the sender didn't put enough postage on!
Off to my Royal Mail Delivery Office
I was given my large letter.
I sniffed it, and said,"No money in there then!"

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Best China Time!

Woke up to wind and rain...
I am going to get wet this morning!
Car drivers being a pain on not stopping.
It was still dark at 8.30am!
By 11am the sun had come out...;)
My house is nice and tidy....
Got the best cups out for the V.I.P that is coming round later....

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Ode To My Henry

It feels like I am married to my Henry.
Last night I used him to vacuum the Dining Room.
After shoving a air fresher up Henry's bottom
Where Henry goes, that lovely smell follows...
Ran out of time to play with Henry this morning.
So out he came after I had finished my second job.
No one can say that my Henry gets chance to grow cobwebs....

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Roller Skates!!

First day back to work, and back to school my kids go.
The weather was being kind to me, no wellies for me!
I growled a few times to car drivers who were unwilling to stop,
Soon off to second and third jobs today.
I better do my shoelaces up tight on my roller skates!

Monday, 5 January 2015

Making The Most

Enjoying my final day of the Christmas Holiday.
Counting down the hours for when it's the first day back at school and work!
I upgraded on the school socks.
Even popped into my local Salvation Army Charity Shop.
I got some bargains!
I never have enough of body lotion!

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Stinking Time

I am making the most of this Sunday, a warm bed & extra warm hubby.
As from Tuesday, it's back.....
The school's are open, and I'm back balancing 3 jobs....
Having a late breakfast, restores energy lost in the morning in bed!
No worries about me putting in for divorce on Divorce Monday (tomorrow).

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Naughty But Nice

My photographs came this morning of my last couple of cakes I have done.
It's nice just to download, and then they get sent through the post...
I have now got a album of every cake I have made since 2012.
Getting better  with every cake.
I have to plan our Valentine's cake & my birthday cake for next month...
Naughty but nice ;p


Friday, 2 January 2015

They're Coming Down On Me

Today was the day they came down on me.
The Christmas tree that is and decorations.
The house has been stripped of every bit of tinsel & bauble
Got my chair back now from the Xmas tree....
Now for my mate Henry to do his business...!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Riding Into 2015

Happy New Year!
2015 is now here...
No bad hangovers here.
I went to bed sober
Hubby exhausted from our riding into 2015
Now for my resolutions for the New Year
Number 7, might wear my hubby out!
But, it helps with number 8 ;)