Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday, 28 February 2015

It's My Birthday ;)

I am celebrating my 43rd Birthday today.
My real birthday is next year (29th February 2016)
I have had some lovely cards and presents.
Nice not to cook or clean the house today.
Even better to spend some quality time with all my family ;)


Friday, 27 February 2015

A Visit to Stratford Upon Avon

Hubby had the day off from work.
He took me out to Stratford Upon Avon.
We hit the Charity shops as normal.
Got some bargains....again!
Had a walk around the river.
Looked at everything to do with William Shakespeare.
Enjoyed the sunshine.
Roll on tomorrow for the fun of my not my real Birthday!(Next real Birthday,29th February 2016)

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Fifty Shades Of Grey Time!

I went to see the "Fifty Shades Of Grey" film last night.
As soon as I saw the Christian Grey's, Red room,I thought that's my bedroom with all those toys!
  Anastasia Steele was keen to take her clothes off, however Christian Grey liked to keep his jeans on too often!
However, when I got home last night,
Once in my own red room
 my hubby's boxer shorts were soon removed....

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Cinema Time...

After the fun of my Dentist visit yesterday.
I am off to see the film "Fifty Shades Of Grey" tonight.
Lets hope I don't fall asleep while the trailers are on,
Then wake up when the closing credits come on ;/
That's not the first time I  have done that!
After reading the 3 books.
That got me started on writing my 3 books about sex,sex, and more sex!
I tried to pack as much sex as I could into them.
I am currently writing number 4 of the "Sleepily Village Mysteries"
They are available to buy as a e-book on Amazon.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Dentist Time

I finally got in to see the Dentist this morning.
Have been having pain in my jaw for the past two weeks.
I was prescribed for some antibiotics.
£18.50 to see the Dentist.
£8.05 for the prescription.
£2 to park.
Lets hope the antibiotics sort my pain in my gob out!

Monday, 23 February 2015

No Real Birthday This Year!

Back to work for me, back to school for the kids.
At least the sun was shining.
Having raging toothache doesn't help either!
My real Birthday will be on the 29th February 2016
When it's not a Leap year I celebrate it on the 28th February :) 
I already got a card and present.
After making, baking and decorating the Valentine's cake,
I am making cupcakes for my Birthday instead.


Sunday, 22 February 2015

Sunday Exploring Time!

We again went exploring Churches & their grave yards.
We went to:
 St Matthias & St George - Astwood Bank
St Paul's Church - Cookhill

Some of the people buried there had lived well over 100 years!!
We attempted to go to a third one in Bradley Green.
However the very muddy road stopped the Pink Princess in her tracks....
No way was we going to get stuck........

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Not Long To Go....

A week to go before my birthday...
I'm 42 years old, & I still know no better ;)
We visited Bromsgrove & Alcester today.
We got a few bargains from all the charity shops we visited.
I got home, and started on tea.
From scratch...
Packed it with lots of spinach,garlic,ginger, and vegetables.
Four empty plates. I must be doing something right!
Beef, Mushroom,Potato & Vegetable Pie

Friday, 20 February 2015

Ring Ring......

I was children-free for a couple of hours.
So I looked round my shopping centre,
I raided the reduced stand at Marks and Spencer's.
I had my first visit to a shop called Magical Story.
Nearly all the stock has 50% of it.
One item brought back so memories...
How did we cope with not being able to walk around the  house and talk???

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Those Were The Days.....

While we had a quick stop over in Droitwich,
We had a look in a charity shop (like we do!)
Looking through the DVDs,
I had to buy it.
I remember watching it on Saturday tea-times at 5.15pm on ITV
Now my kids are in total awe of BA
They can't understand why he don't like flying...


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Making & Baking

Kenny the Kenwood has been so busy this morning.
Once the mocha cupcakes were put into cases, they were slammed into the oven.
Out then came my box of card crap.
My kids made two birthday cards,& I made one too.
That's the cake and cards sorted out for my sister-in-law....

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

I Like The Taste Of That!

Second day into half term holiday from school/work
We nipped into the Salvation Army Charity Shop.
Got a few bits.
 Then off to feed the ducks...
 Then out came cupcake maker that was bought for me last February for my Birthday.
This time my kids are doing the baking.
I am just observing and taste tasting!

Monday, 16 February 2015

Cut & Slice

It's the first day of half term holiday from school/work.
Once I had the important lie-in.
I started to tidy up, mop, & add a new duvet cover to our bed.
Now to cut up the cake.
Still got loads to "give away".
I need the room, as I have to make,bake & decorate another cake.
For my Birthday on the 28th February.....

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Snowdrops Time!

We only time to look around one church today.
We visited St Leonard's in Beoley
 The snowdrops were in great force.
Even the Mayor paid a visit.
Our aim is to visit two churches next Sunday!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
We did our normal thing.
Tea in bed, exchange cards,presents and ride.
I then started to decorate the cake.
From 10am to 4.30pm!
Finally finished!!!
The pink rabbit is called Rampant.
"Inserting The Carrot" Valentine's cake.

Friday, 13 February 2015

It's Good To Talk

I have been enjoying my two days off from being a Dinner Lady.
Yesterday I spent a morning drinking coffee and chatting with a good friend.
Today I had a coffee and chat with another good friend.
I got more supplies from Hobbycraft to do cake and card.
Added a nice ribbon to our Mr & Mrs present for Valentine's Day
Cake & card will be revealed tomorrow!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Patter Cake, Patter Cake....

I finally done it last night.
I started on the Valentine's Cake.
I sat down and planned it.
Worked out how many eggs I needed.
I only got 17 eggs, I needed 26!
Hubby fetched some more after work.
Got two of the three tiers baked...
2 days left to get it finished!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015


Time to leaf through more cookery books.
This time to make a pudding for last night.
Loads of fruit.
Even added some hot custard.
It went down so well, we have none left for tonight!
Time to make more pudding me thinks!
A Nice Apricot,Peach & Strawberry Crumble

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Surprise Thank You Present!

I was taken surprise yesterday at my second job.
I was given a present by a fellow co-worker.
It was a thank you for covering her two days,
so she could spend time with a family member.
It was a choice between chocolate or craft crap.
She knows me too well....;)

Monday, 9 February 2015

A Little Bit Of Gordon...

I raided my cook books last night for a quick healthy meal.
Chilli Beef Lettuce Wraps was the end result.
Even my kids asked for more 
I might even be daring and try the crab and sweetcorn soup!
Must start on this Valentine's cake...a.s.a.p

Sunday, 8 February 2015

More Church Viewings

Morning was to catch up on the  housework.
By the afternoon I was free of the ball & chain!
In the space of an hour,
we visited two more churches.
St Peter's Church,in Ipsley
St George The Martyr,in St Georges.
This one is up for sale (£200,000)
So if you want to live in a church and got a bit of loose change...

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Overflowing Time

I have my fingers in many pies so to speak.
Baking, cake decorating, card making & other craft crap!
It has got to the point I have three boxes of card making items overflowing.
So now the time to get two more boxes....

Friday, 6 February 2015

Eating Of The Strawberry!

The bee has been rather busy today.
First attended a meeting on how to be a Dinner Lady(!)
 The strawberry shortbread I made went down well
At the meeting.
They couldn't get enough of it!
Next to pick up my order from Hobbycraft
Dropped off present for a new baby girl.
Now to sit down for 5 minutes with a cup of coffee.
At least I have the cake stand for my Valentine's Day's cake now...

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Little Bit Of Licking....

Enjoying some me-time in the morning
Only had 2 jobs to go to today.
My creative side came out..
2 cards made.
One 10th Birthday card.
One Congratulations of Having A Baby Girl.
I will get round to doing my hubby's Valentine's day card very soon!
Plus I need to start on the "Inserting The Carrot" Valentine's Day cake a.s.a.p. 

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Time For The Free Coffee!

I popped into Droitwich this morning, 
To try and sign up for the one day Creative Writing course at the weekend.
The Librarian opened the book to add my name to the other names doing the course.
There were no other names.
Oh dear...
On the positive side.
Got a lovely ornament about cake making.
Popped into my favourite store,Waitrose.
I had my free coffee and magazine!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Shaun The Sheep

Nothing better to get home from 3 jobs.
Out comes the Shaun The Sheep Box set.
Never mind the kids finding it funny,
Us adults do as well ;)
The feature film is out this week.
We are going to watch it during Half-Term.
Come to think about it,
I did a cake about Shaun The Sheep.
It was called Fancy Dress Shaun & Friends.


Monday, 2 February 2015

Inserting The Carrot

February 14th is not very far away.
Time is here to make the Valentine's cake.
Last couple of years they have been near the knuckle
of taste.
2013's cake was called Kissing The Belly Button.
2014's cake was called Ride On
2015's cake is called Inserting The Carrot
At least the fondant has arrived!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Watch Out For That Headstone!!

Made the most of the strong winds we had today.
Out goes the wet washing, held onto the washing lines for dear life with plastic pegs
We then went out for a Sunday drive.
We looked around two more graveyards.
First was Stoke Prior.
We still trying to find this elusive Church we can't remember where we saw it.
We ended up in Droitwich again.
So we looked around the graveyard...