Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Stirring The Spoon

What a day I have had!
Someone was stirring the spoon in a vat of warm mud,
Causing hot air and bubbles....
Meanwhile, I got to finish the other Birthday card.
Plus made a lovely batch of mocha cupcakes.
If you don't mind, I am now off to taste test one!

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Wet Hump

Welcome to Hump of the Day.
The weather changed from sun to rain ;(
So I got wet doing my first job.
Then the sun came out whoo hoo!
I made my co-worker a card for her daughter's Birthday.
I am very busy tomorrow doing yet another Birthday card
And making & baking.....mocha cupcakes!

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

I'm In The Mood For...

We have a very short season of Asparagus here in the UK.
I read a great recipe using asparagus in the last few days..
Do you think I can find it?
Even looked in the recycle bin for the past couple of day's papers
I know I have 2 out of 3 ingredients..
However I did find another recipe for tonight...
After getting all the nice ingredients for the nice meal tonight.
I really do hope my hubby like asparagus.....

Monday, 27 April 2015

Snail Time

It's Monday again....
The sun is out but..
The temperature had dropped,  the leggings came back on....
Nearly late for my first job, as one of my son's was trying to be a snail.
Nearly late for my coffee and chat at Webb's
Then nearly late for my second job too.
As the afternoon warmed up,the leggings came off, and the sunglasses came on.
At least I wasn't late for the second shift of my first job!

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Look What I Found!!

Whoo hoo Sunday once again.
Time to make the most of the lovely sunshine.
We went back to exploring more churches.
I discovered a grave covered up with nettles.
We cleaned away the nettles to reveal a U.S Serviceman.
While looking around we found something in the next field.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Cider Anyone?

We visited Pershore today.
Visited some charity shops,
There was a nice £22,000 Land Rover for sale.
I got my cheque book out to buy it.
Then remembered I only got £2.20 in the bank!!!
On the way home, we visited a Craycombe Farm
We discovered a old  Cider Mill Unit

Friday, 24 April 2015

It's Good To Talk!

I have only had 2 jobs today.
I set out to enjoy my day no matter what!
I had a surprise invite for coffee and chat!
Didn't fancy a cooked breakfast.
So I had a large Mocha with cherry muffin.
It's good to talk...and laugh!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

CSI Droitwich

I visited Droitwich Library on World Book Day,
To listen to a talk by a retired CSI Officer called Gerry.
We had free coffee and free homemade biscuits.
It was so interesting to hear about all the cases Gerry had been involved in.
Some solved & some not.
I could have sat there all night and listened to his stories.
At the end of the evening we all had a free book of Lynda La Plant & "Prime Suspect"

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Play Time!

The time is 2am
I have had enough painkillers to numb everyone's else pain apart from mine!
I had two options:
Go downstairs play on the Internet or
Play with husband.
Husband won.
Wore out husband.
He is fast asleep.
I am still racked with a painful mouth & ear.
Still can't sleep.... 
Now for a play with the Internet...

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Resting The Skates!

It has been 3 jobs Tuesday today.
The Dentist confirmed my fears..
The result was, I now have a ear infection.
More antibiotics!
It was nice to rest my roller skates for half an hour.
  At my dads with a coffee and watching a bit of "Gunsmoke".

Monday, 20 April 2015

Smiling Through Gritted Teeth.

The sun is out.
So is my sun glasses, sun cream and floppy sun hat.
Been suffering from pain in mouth today.
Plenty of swilling of salt water, pain killers, and Dental Gel.
I yet another visit to Dentist tomorrow.....
I fear this pain is going to last a good 4 months due to the waiting list at the Dental Hospital.
Due to all this yogurt I am eating
I might be minus a few chins....

Sunday, 19 April 2015

If I Could Fly Away....

Woo hoo it's Sunday.
Cloudy, and cold today.
We went to two car boot sales today.
The first one was pants.
The second car boot was very interesting.
Got some lovely stuff, including a pink boa, and DVD of "The Naked Truth".
We even looked in & around an old plane,  Sea Prince G-RACA on the way out...

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Making The Most Off.....

It's Saturday once more.
Making the most of no work and the sunshine.
I had to book another trip to the Dentist for Tuesday.
As in agony from where I had the fillings put in last Tuesday ;/
Had my hair trimmed at the Hairdressers.(That didn't hurt!)
We looked around the charity shops in Droitwich.
I bought something where I can hide my goodies,
hopefully no one will look in it!

Friday, 17 April 2015

Kissing The Daffodil!

I have had a busy day.
Done 3 jobs, and all done with a very painful mouth!
The weather has been kind, sunshine all day.
We visited our local supermarket.
On the reduced stand, was some Daffodils
By the time I had unpacked the shopping,
My youngest son had re-potted them into bigger plant pots. 

Thursday, 16 April 2015

No Coconut This Time!

I had another trip to the Dentist.
This time it was to see the Hygienist
Tried her best to give my teeth a good clean...
Still in constant pain with the wisdom teeth.
Going to the hairdressers for the first time in five years on Saturday.
I am growing my hair under protest.(To please my dad)
I really do miss my number 1 coconut haircut, especially in this heat!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Time For The Big Sunglasses To Come Out!

I have been enjoying a lovely sunny day.
Sun hat, sun glasses, and lots of sun cream!
I looked around the graveyard.
Before I started my second job.
My mouth is still sore.
At least my name is down on the waiting list
To get my troublesome wisdom tooth removed.
4 months of go... 

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

My Swollen Body Part

The sun was out nice and early this morning.
I was sat in the Dentist's chair by 10am.
Injections, drill and fillings.
It feels like I have been punched hard in the mouth.
Left hand side I have wisdom tooth problem
The right hand side is swollen.
The only thing I will be eating this afternoon is

Monday, 13 April 2015

Have A Bit Of That!

It was back to school for my kids & back to work for me.
Having only one job today helped me to ease back on the working wheel.
I had time to enjoy a take away M&S coffee, read my favourite newspaper
in my favourite place....The Library
It was nice to relax
No chance of that tomorrow.
Got a nice visit to the DENTIST!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Last Day Of Fun

Last day of our Easter holidays.
We packed so much into today.
Sowing, planting, and playing with compost.
Tied our greenhouses down, 
As a strong gust of wind, and they will turn into kites!
Our front garden is looking nice.
Sandwiches done for school tomorrow.
 It's the start running on work wheel again tomorrow!

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Green Fingers Time!

I finally got out of my house after a week!
Time to spoil my garden.
Plants, plants, and more plants.
Seeds, bags of compost, and plants.
My green fingers will be used tomorrow.
Planting, sowing, and..... drinking tea!




Friday, 10 April 2015

It's Scratch, Sniff & Plant Time!

Our two new compost bins arrived this morning.
Gives us a excuse to sort the garden out.
Out with old, in with the new.
The two greenhouses were emptied.
Sorted out all the lavender plants 
Planting of seeds is our next conquest!

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Licking The Tin

I have been fighting this flu with a smile and a sigh.
 Nearly a week stuck at home with it.
I was sat in the garden, directing  orders to my hubby this morning.
I needed to do something ...
So out came Kenny the Kenwood and a Mary Berry Cookbook.
The end result:
Butterscotch Cake

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Plenty Of Rub

A lovely sunny day.
I have been sniffing bowls of hot water with Vapour Rub added.
To help this flu move on.
Hubby too has been kept busy.
A trip down to the local household tip with garden waste.
Next his lovely orange toy came out to play ......

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Saying It With Flowers

I spent the early hours unable to sleep.
So I caught up on loads of television programmes.
Series 3 of Bake Off, I love 1971 etc.
Hubby surprised me with flowers!
Sad news a great favourite from The Dukes Of Hazzard has died.
James Best played the Sheriff in the TV Series.