Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday, 31 July 2015

Name That Tune!

Woo hoo it's Friday once more.
The sun is out, blue skies, and it's warm.
Time to splash on the sun cream, wear the huge sunglasses and a floppy sunhat.
I watched my children playing football, 
From a shady spot.
However they were played off the park,
By two other children that joined in with their football game.
When we were going home, a great song came on the radio,
Jack asked "what's that great song mum????"

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Only Sniffing The Bottle!

Where has the week gone to?
We reached one job Thursday again.
Starting writing number 6 book.
Making the most of the sunny weather
Out goes all the washing on the line.
We visited our local big Tesco store for  top up supplies.
My children couldn't believe our how much perfume costs...
My perfume only cost £3 (so no worries on breaking the bank with that!)
My perfume is Timeless (the old flavour,) as Avon as changed the smell and bottle)

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

P is for......

Welcome to Hump of the Week!
Today's is my dad's Birthday.
He received a homemade card and a copy of my latest book on his Kindle.
Back home,out came large preserving pan out.
Time to make pickled onions, chutney, and several flavours of jam.
All this pickling is giving loads of ideas for the next book,
Amazing where a pickled onion can be put ......;P

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Oh The Tingling.....

Woo hoo it's one job Tuesday.
Getting supplies to do some Pickling of vegetables.
New jam jars, and lids I got.
The spices and vegetables I got.
The main ingredient, Pickling vinegar....
Seaching high and low....
I went to Bromsgrove Morrison's, they didn't have a jar of Pickling vinegar at all :(
Good old Asda had the four remaining jars.
I found some old favourites in Asda...
I didn't need to get any, as I boxes of the lovely stuff......

Monday, 27 July 2015

Fun Over A Coffee

We took a trip to Alcester, to look around the Charity Shops.
Went into Waitrose for my free coffee.
A man sneezed behind me, I said,"Bless you."
He replied," My Hay-fever is starting up working next to a corn field, I could think of better places to work next to..."
I didn't turn around to face him, so I had no idea what he looked like....
I carried on looking around, when a man with glasses, wearing a black t-shirt appeared everywhere I went.
I paid for my shopping,(the woman is front spent, £111 for 24 items!!!!)
I asked my youngest son to describe the man who sneezed behind me.
"He had glasses and was wearing a black t-shirt..."

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Not Getting Moist or Wet

It has rained all day :(
I didn't fancy getting wet,
So I sent out hubby and one son to do the food shopping
All 5 books now are on Amazon, so I pleased with that :)
Busy writing notes for number 6 book
While watching the first series of "Great British Bake Off"
The new series will out shown on August 5th :)
We COULD have a monsoon tomorrow,
I don't care!!! 
I need to escape out of the house!
 A trip to feed the ducks is well overdue! 

Saturday, 25 July 2015

The Book Is Finally Ready!

We had been greeted by sunshine today!
Not like yesterday when it rained all day.
I have finally finished my book last night.
The Sleepily Village Mysteries 4
Hubby checked it, and was blushing through out.
Uploaded it on the Amazon website.
The other 3 books of the series will be available  tomorrow.
The Sleepily Village Mysteries 1
The Sleepily Village Mysteries 2
The Sleepily Village Mysteries 3
 Now to start planning number 5 book!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Time To Write About More Sex!!

Woo hoo it's Friday once more.
It has been raining all day.
The kids entertained themselves.
I have a book to finish.
I have sorted all 4 book covers of
The Sleepily Village Mysteries 1-4
The sex scenes are getting hot hot hot.
How much sex can I write about I hear you ask?
Far too much I laugh! :D
As in chapter 11,
There's a man is sharing a bed with his ex-wife's younger sister
Now back to the writing...

Thursday, 23 July 2015

One Brick At A Time!

After last night of writing of more my new book into the early hours.
Then I attempting to act out the sex scenes (of my new book) out on my hubby in the VERY EARLY hours of Thursday morning.
I had a much deserved lie-in, whereas hubby had to get up for work, after having just about 5 hours of sleep.
So my kids got out their Lego and came up with some wonderful designs.
I took to weeding,feeding the garden (That's my excuse for fresh air!)
I told them to make sure they pick all the Lego up.....
As nothing quite hurts by standing a lone Lego brick in bare feet!....


Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Crazy Hump Day!

Welcome to Hump Of The Week.
This week is going so fast.
We were out of the house early, things to get and people to see.
A few car drivers nearly took the Pink Princess out with their bad driving.
Eyes were rolled as we escaped with our lives!
Got some canes for the tomato plants.
Saw one Stepford wife in Morrison's.
She stared at me, I stared at her £126 shopping bill!!!!
Got caught in the rain when we got home.
Finally decorated the rest of the cupcakes...
Now off to taste test one of them.....


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Breaking In The Coffee Machine

It's one job Tuesday.
We was going to go out,
But the kids had other ideas.
So while the kids played upstairs,
I go on with other things.
Opened and used our new coffee machine.
Chopped up the bumper crop of rhubarb.
Finished decorating the rest of the cupcakes I made yesterday.
The list of things I need from the garden centre
Will have to wait until

Monday, 20 July 2015

Happy 20th Birthday!

Today is my older son's 20th Birthday.
Makes me feel OLD !!!
Made him a card, and baked some coffee flavoured cupcakes.
I even got him a big "Birthday Boy" to wear at work
As we are day 3 of the school holidays,
What's better to go to my local Salvation Army Charity Shop for some cool bargains!

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

It's another Sunday.
The sun is shining once more.
I left my darked room, and the writing of my 4th book,
to venture out in the sunshine.
I got some more Hobby books to add to my collection.
I got told of a upcoming Full Time Job starting in September.
I have sent my CV in, and hope for a interview.
If I have to give up my 3 part time jobs to accept this job so be it.
I might be lucky,and be missed at 2 of the jobs.
I of course, won't miss wearing my stab vest or the Chocolate Teapots one bit!

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Who's Zooming Who?

Woo hoo it's Saturday again.
Sun is shining.
I'm indoors hard at work writing my 4th book.
Hubby and children has had hair cuts.
I have been hard at work writing steamy sex scenes
I had to write out a plan of who is zooming who in the book.
Might have to practice on hubby tonight...
Now where did I put that carrot???

Friday, 17 July 2015

More Time To Play With The Gearstick!

Yes! Yes! Yes! It's Friday!
Last day of school for kids, last day of work for me.
I am making the most of this day,
By having coffee and cake at Webb's.
Not a Chocolate Teapot in sight ;P
Here is my list of what I am going to do over the 7 weeks School Holidays:
  1. lie-in
  2. more nookie
  3. Visiting a lot of National Trust properties.
  4.  nookie
  5. more nookie
  6. oh yes more nookie

Thursday, 16 July 2015

No Quickies Allowed !!!

Enjoying some time with friends today
I visited a good friend, we had coffee,chat and a good laugh.
I was given some lovely free craft crap.
Then I popped into another friends for a quick chat.
"When's the baby due?" he joked.
"We haven't got time for baby at the moment!"
"No time for a Quickie?" he laughed.
"We don't do Quickie!" I said.
"Why not??"
"Because foreplay takes over a good hour...."I laughed
"Too much information!!!!" They responded.
Changing the subject...
Afterwards,I popped into Waitrose, for my free coffee....


Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Stab Jacket To The Rescue!!

Welcome to Hump Of the Week.
Last day at job 2. 
As normal my stab jacket saved the impact of being back stabbed again!
I was surrounded by Chocolate Teapots.
I nearly slipped on puddle of crocodile tears,
While I was playing on a very small violin.
Now only got 2 more days left until I have a wonderful 7 week holiday to enjoy.
Not a Chocolate teapot in sight ;p


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Once Upon A Time...

It's been 3 jobs Tuesday...
Took off the roller skates..
Getting some ideas for my new book..
The 4th Sleepily Village Mysteries  Kindle book.
It will be available to download off Amazon soon.
My other 4 Kindle books can be downloaded too.
My husband read the first Chapter,and blushed!
 I must be doing something right ;P


Monday, 13 July 2015

In Need Of Some Batteries....

It's Monday, the final week of work and school.
Typical it has to rain....
This morning I went off to Webbs for a coffee and cake.
I dropped in a Birthday card and Birthday present.
The lucky person will have hours of fun with the present!
I didn't help I forget to enclose the batteries...

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Not Quite A Coconut....

It's Sunday once more.
Thanked my hubby for the flowers this morning,
By jumping on him.....
My fringe is far too long, and I have to keep flicking it out of my eyes.
I have been tempted to get it all shaved off, to have a number 1 hairstyle.
But my dad moans I look like a coconut and it's not very ladylike!
Doing anything to stop my dad from moaning....
So the head of hair stops for a while....
And I look like a L-A-D-Y
So had the hair trimmed, but still has the 1970's sideburns!

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Handle With Care

It's a lovely sunny Saturday.
I had a bouquet of flowers off hubby( he's after something,nudge nudge,wink wink!)
We packed a picnic and headed off in my Money Pit (car) to Packwood House 
They had lovely gardens,styled hedges,and
Large house to look around.
On the way back, I got my free Waitrose coffee and magazine.
 I will Handle my hubby with lots of care later ;P



Friday, 10 July 2015

Sweat And Tears

Woo hoo it's Friday at last!
Last day on the work wheel...
I was walking everywhere, as the Money Pit (car) was having work done.
When I finally got to pick her up.
I said to the Mechanic,"There are sweat and tears on that money!".
Now I will be sitting on my hands for the week,
As I haven't got any money now to spend at all ;(
Now to tuck into the cake I made this morning ;/

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Something Warm between My Thighs...

Today I have put on my frilly apron.
I have played with my mate Henry the Hoover.
My Dining room looked like a bomb had gone off in there.
Bits of paper, double sided tape, then norm, when card making is involved!
Now its nice and tidy....
The Money Pit (Pink Princess) has gone back in for more work to be done.
So it's back to walking everywhere tomorrow
Now to start on my takeaway Chinese meal before it goes cold...

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

A Little Sprinkle Of Sarcasm Works Wonders...

Welcome to the Hump of The Week.
I had to click fingers with some new parents (It's Transition Day)
As they didn't realise I was there to cross them over the road.
I got praised for doing a good job(of keeping alive) and crossing the kids over the very busy road.
The second job I had to put up with Chocolate Teapots once again.
I was being bossed,back-stabbed, and spoken down too.
Gave a bit of overdue Sarcasm back,felt better for it ;P


Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Nice To See You,To See You Nice..

Woo hoo it's only 2 job Tuesday today.
So what have I been doing with all these spare time I hear you ask?
Catching up on my card making...
2 Birthday cards completed, one more to go.
I had to ignore little brother's attempts to come in for 5 minutes...
That 5 minutes would turn into 2 hours, and I wouldn't get nothing done..
Hopefully he had gone round to see our dad instead,
As he hasn't been round to see him since last Friday....

Monday, 6 July 2015

Shake Your Booty!

Back on the work wheel...
The sun was out for the first half of the day.
It didn't help that a car drove under my raised Lolly Pop Stick.
Few seconds later, I would have been paying a visit to my hospital via ambulance!
Then the rain came down.
I wasn't dressed up like a Victorian for my second job.
More like someone who worked in a workhouse instead!!!
I have sorted out our freezers at home.
We are alright for frozen fruit, vegetables, and frozen pastry!
And not much else ;P

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Sitting On My Hands...

It's Sunday once again..
Dark clouds are forming....
Caught up on the housework.
Having no money at the moment doesn't help ;(
So off to find another job.
Applying for a 4th job, hubby isn't to keen on that idea.
He says,"As I have enough hassle with my other 3 jobs I have!"
"Never mind."I say.
I am enjoying sitting on my hands, in my garden, enjoying the sun.
By sitting in the shade ;P

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Birthday Party Time!

It's Saturday once more..
The Sun's shining...
Kenny the Kenwood been so busy this morning,
3 different kinds of cupcakes, double chocolate chip,lemon and coffee cupcakes.
We held a Joint Birthday party for our 2 sons at Phoenix Scalextric Circuit.
6 big kids and 6 kids racing against each other
James and Jack both received medals for finishing 2nd & 3rd!
I tasted the double chocolate chip cupcake...
Oh it tasted so good......