Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Pat A Cake.....

Welcome to Hump Of the Week.
We have had plenty of sunshine
That's helped drying of the washing...
Even the massive sunglasses came out!
After catching up on some sleep after Job 2 
I may be able to keep awake to watch The Great British Bake Off
That might get me in the mood to do some baking tomorrow.....


Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Peddle To The Meddle!

Welcome to 4 jobs Tuesday.
As I was reminded of it by younger son last night.
Speaking last night, I stopped up late to watch 1- Life On The Limit
It was such a great documentary, I had to stop up to watch the end of it.
So after getting up at 4.30am to start Job 1.
Closely followed by Job 2.
I caught up on some sleep before Job 3.
Some people like to play games.
Their games aren't exciting as mine ;P
Finished Job 4.
Now to make a lovely hot & spicy Jalfrezi curry
Adding plenty of garlic to keep the bugs away!

Monday, 28 September 2015

No To The Coconut!!

Woo hoo it's Monday once more.
Back on the wobbly work wheel.
I had a lie in until 5am!!!
Once I had done two jobs,
time to wash the ever growing head of hair.
(It's now been longest for ten years!)
I joked with my dad,I need to shave it all off to number 1!!
"You will look like a coconut " he said folding his arms in disgust.
So my long hair is staying for the moment I suppose!

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Licking The Stamp!

At last we reached Sunday.
Lie-in  and cup of tea in bed we enjoyed.
We had fun with our lawn mower.
Not naming no names here,
Someone last time mowed over the power cord,
So we waited for a new power cord.
When it arrived it was the wrong one!
So we borrowed next door's lawn mower.
The front lawn looks well tidy!
I meanwhile made a belated birthday card to a good friend who delivers mail for a living.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

A Bit More Shake Than Vac!

Woo hoo it's Saturday!
No alarm clock needed!
Only warm hands, used on hubby....
I had to buy new shoes, as worn out my red trainers....
Bought a interesting book on the late James Hunt from the library.
The Fairy dust hasn't helped with loading up my washing machine :(
At least I can have a gentle play with Henry later.
Plus sprinkling of "Shake 'n' Vac" will make the house smell nice.
Tomorrow we start to tidy the front garden.....

Friday, 25 September 2015

Making The Most Of It!!

Thank goodness it's Friday.
All I have been doing is work,work and more work this week!
Mustn't grumble, it tries to keep me out of mischief!
Had time for coffee and full breakfast at Webbs in Wychbold.
Found a ideal box for my craft crap!
Turned off the Internet on my phone at 2pm.
Turned Internet back on 3.50pm.
Another job came up via email.
Quick strong coffee, then back to work I went with a hop and skip.
I was in bed with a warm hubby by 9pm.
Making the most of him and the bed......

Thursday, 24 September 2015

40 Winks Time!

Hip hip hooray. 
It's Thursday once more.
I finally caught up some sleep after I finished job 2.
(The bed was so nice and warm.)
(Henry will have to wait a bit longer to come out to play)
As I needed to, after ..
I woke up 4am this morning, and I couldn't go back to sleep.
Now I catch up with last night's "The Great British Bake Off".
(As I was in bed for 8.30pm last night)
I hope I won't be falling asleep on the settee....
We can only but hope Zzz

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Time To Grab A Star!

Welcome to Hump Of The Week.
I was up early again today.
I left the house in darkness.
I looked up at the dark sky,
There were stars twinkling back at me.
Being up early, there are not many people on the road.
Plus those spooky moments like on Monday.
While cleaning at 6.15am, heard a man talking
Except I was the only person in the building at the time! 


Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Remember Me?

It's 4 jobs Tuesday.
Woke up with a smile.
Whispered in my sleeping hubby's ear at 4.40am
"Remember me?" in a deep voice.
That made him laugh.
Fun and games during the day.
At 5.30pm, off come the roller skates.
I had to brush the smoke away from my feet.
When my hubby came back from work,
He crept up behind me,and whispered in my ear,
"Remember me ?.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Up Before The Crack......

I lay in bed at 4.30am, listening to my hubby snoring.
"That's it !" I said, I got up 5 minutes later.
Dressed, armed with a strong cup of coffee,
I had breakfast, and was ready for work.
The hamsters wanted to come out,
So 2 of the 3 went into their balls.
Kissed a sleeping hubby, and into the dark I went.
From 8.30am, it hasn't stopped raining.
Got wet doing second and third job!
The sun came out before the last shift,
So that saved me wearing my green wellies...
On a more positive note,
Woo Hoo
I have sold two more copies of my book
"The Diary Of An Unloved, Sex-Starved wife!"


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Licking The Strawberry....

Woo hoo it's Sunday once more.
As normal,I took full advantage of a sleeping hubby ;)
I visited two, yes TWO branches of Waitrose today.
Got loads of reduced food from both of them.
My younger son picked up a reduced item and asked:
"What is this for?"
"Oh to make your mum very happy!"
In the trolley it went.
Let's hope tomorrow, no one asks:
 "Who's been playing with the Strawberry?"

Saturday, 19 September 2015

The Steam Coming Off The Page!

Made the most of Saturday, and my husband!
We visited town, saw the fair, 
I decided my feet were stopping on the ground!
We visited Droitwich.
Gave some books into the Free Book Shop.
Found some Hot Hot Hot books.
Pity I have already got them, and practice on my hubby....
Visited Waitrose, for my free coffee.
Then back home to practice on hubby with my warm hands!

Friday, 18 September 2015

Get Down Tonight....

Woo hoo it's Friday once more.
I have now got off the wobbly work wheel until Monday.
The alarm will be made redundant for 2 days.
Now I make full use of husband....
I don't know who will be more tired after this weekend.
I have to get rid of my sexual frustration somehow,
So out comes the adult box of toys,gimp suit, and a small orange (vitamin C for hubby).
Now to warm up my hands....

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Plenty of Shake,Shake Shake

It's Thursday once more.
I have 2 jobs instead of 3 today.
So making the most of the time available.
I had a little play with Henry the hoover.
Did lots of Shake,Shake Shake with Shake and Vac.
So my house is looking nice and smells nice too.
I made the mistake of sitting on the settee,
Soon I was asleep..Zzzzzz
I have to be careful, as my late mum once said of my sleeping habits:
"I could fall asleep on a washing line....."
At least I get 8 hours sleep a night...
In bed,or on the settee, or on a washing line!


Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Getting Up Before The Sun Actually Comes Up

Welcome to Hump of The Week!
It's been a week of getting up early to do job 4.
At least the place looks tidy and smells nice.
So I must be doing a good job!
I was already to watch "The Great British Bake Off" in bed.
Got past 8;30pm, and off to Zzz I went.
At least I kept the bed warm for hubby when he got back from his snooker practice!

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

No Time For No More Jobs!

I had a better day today.
No troublesome alarms,
Got on with my 4 jobs.
I wore my green wellies all ready for the downpour.
Instead, the sun came out ;/
Had a job rejection letter.
At the moment with these 4 jobs I am doing,
I am too tired, and no time left for job number 5.
The roller boots can only take so much....

Monday, 14 September 2015

Can It Get Any Better Than This?

Back on the wobbly work wheel.
Gets up at 5am.
Used up the last of the normal coffee.
Off to work in the dark with a smile.
Tried to turn off alarm, it wasn't having any of it!
Had to call on a member of staff at 6am to turn the alarm off.
The day was not going to get any better.
All I seem to be doing is opening and locking doors!
The heavy rain I had while doing my third job and getting wet.
Really made my day complete.
There are reports of us having heavy snow next month.
Best get that snow plow on order just in case!


Sunday, 13 September 2015

No Rest For The Wicked!

I welcomed Sunday with open arms.
I had a much deserved lie in.
Now to tidy some of the house.
Washing machine on.
Walked the dog.
I popped into a Psychic Event.
I saw a clairvoyant, who said my late mum is not happy.
She said she will never be happy.
Oh dear.
So later on, I put some red roses on her grave to make my late mum a little bit happy.
Got my 3 uniforms ready for the start of the wobbly work wheel tomorrow.
Now to have a very early night, as I have a meeting with a 5am alarm clock! 

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Playing With The Fondant

Still got up 6am this morning to finish off the baking.
The Victoria Sponge failed twice.
The Lemon Drizzle cake sunk when it came out of the oven :@
The plan I had for my cupcakes sunk without a trace
Oh dear, rushing around trying to bake,have coffee, and roll fondant!
Time was a ticking, first I played with white then black fondant icing.
I inserted the last eyeball into the last sheep, time now for the mad dash.
It was 10.15am, all my items had to be booked in and displayed by 11am.
I had 2 minutes to spare!
I returned to discover I had won First Prize for my Chocolate Cake.
I also finished runner up twice in two categories.
Now to take off the concrete baking shoes, and sit down for a bit,while eat some cake I have made!

Friday, 11 September 2015

Stir, Stir, And More Stirring....

Woo hoo it's Friday again!
From 9.30 am, I carried on baking.
I didn't stop..
I made the following:
  1. Fruit cake
  2. Coffee and Walnut cake
  3. Fruit scones
  4. Bread
  5. Shortbread
  6. Chocolate cake
  7. Sausage rolls
Here is what I made at the start of the month to enter the competition tomorrow:
  1. Red Plum Jam
  2. Apple and Blackberry Jam
  3. Guava Jam
  4. Guava Jelly
  5. Orange,Lemon and Lime Marmalade
  6. Lemon curd
  7. Hot Mango Chutney
  8. Jar of Pickled Onions
  9. Jar of Pickled Vegetables
  10. Jar of Pickled Cabbage
Fingers crossed I do well in the Produce show tomorrow, now off to bed Zzzzz

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Quickie or Quiche?

Second day of getting up at 5am to start my new job.
Drinking loads of coffee, helps...
Hubby had a rare day off.
He cleaned 2 out of 3 hamsters cages..
I meanwhile had some baking to do,
As the baking competition is on this Saturday.
I just got to do was a quiche, and a fruit pie.
It didn't help,me falling asleep in the armchair at 7.30pm
Tut Tut

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Roller Boots Are Getting Too Hot To Wear!!

Welcome to Hump of The Day.
I was awake just before my alarm went off.
Had a stiff coffee when I did finally get up.
Got my new job done and dusted by 7.45am.
Then off to do my Lolly Pop job!
Nice hot shower once I had finished....
Hang on, I had to do number 3 job as well....
The Roller boots are now took off,
I am letting the smoke off my feet settle down,
Before the 5.15am alarm goes off again tomorrow!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Tuesday once again.
I am on the hunt for some duck eggs.
No duck eggs at Morrison's and Tesco's.
So off I go and get some from Waitrose.
They are on the reduced stand!
Even better!
Got my free coffee.
My younger son,Jack  noticed the cashier didn't scan the reduced price on the rolls.
Jack soon went to customer service department
Wanting the 51p back.
Once home, I moved the oven gloves, a box of duck eggs hit the floor.
Now I have only got 9 left!
Start my new job tomorrow!

Monday, 7 September 2015

Time To Oil The Roller Boots!

Woo hoo it's Monday!
Back to school for my kids, and back to work for me.
Getting up early, I wanted so much to press that snooze button!
I wasn't invited to a important work meeting.
I turned up,and the room was full of my co-workers.
 I asked "Do I still work here???. I better turn round and walk back to my car!"
No one laughed except me ;)
Might have job number 4 on the horizon.
Got a job interview tomorrow :)
Best to oil those roller skates!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Road To Hell

Sunday morning in Blackpool.
Wakes up in lovely four poster bed and a warmer hubby.
Had some drunken revellers during the night shouting down the road at 2am!
Had a lovely breakfast,
Packed car,
Now for the journey home.
Had several stops for coffee.
It was so tiring watching my hubby drive.
So many bad drivers on the motorway (M6)
Gets home to get the kids uniform ready for school for tomorrow
Blow the dust off my lolly pop for my work tomorrow.
The work wheel is being greased, as if I don't, it might wobble far too much ;P