Domestic Goddess

Thursday, 30 June 2016
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Wet Birthday Hump!!
Another Hump Of The Week..
Our son's 11th Birthday
It stayed dry until 8.40am...
Great...another wet Hump Day :(
The bits didn't arrive for cake in time..:(
So I used the postcards of the film posters of the Carry On films instead.
Card made too.
Now for the cake...
More Carry On goodies on the way!
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Patter Cake, Patter Cake....
Today I have had to put up with sunshine and showers.
Not good as I work outside....
Time to play with some fondant icing..
I needed more green...
Out came the green food colouring, and blue gloves..
I thought it will only take a few hours to cover the cake,
Add Happy 11th Birthday on it, and I will be finished by 5pm...
I finally put my head on the pillow about 11.30pm.
Just really hoping the rest of the bits for the cake comes tomorrow.....
Monday, 27 June 2016
A Right Carry On!
I'm back on the Wobbly Work Wheel...
Larry is waiting for his bits to be put on...
I meanwhile had a little play with Kenny the Kenwood.
I have a Carry On Birthday cake to make for Wednesday.
I have bought some Carry On items for the cake...
You should know by now. I don't do small.
The bigger, the better!
Somewhere amongst the cake, there will be some mole hills...
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Lifting Of The Leg #2
I enjoyed this Sunday Morning by:
- Playing with the sausage of Love <3
- Drinking tea in bed
It didn't help, when we went back to Hubby's car.
The car next to his car was parked so close,
Hubby couldn't get into his side.
So he had climb over the passenger seat and gear stick...
Lift, double somersault, and kick of the foot...
That's better....
Our kids are back from Scout camp..
All ready for tomorrow's go on the wobbly work wheel
Without the use of Larry :(
double somersault,
Rupert Holmes: 'Escape (The Pina Colada Song)' Top of the Pops 1980,
scout camp,
so close,
Sunday Morning,
wobbly work wheel
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Adults Only Road Trip....
Welcome to our no kids weekend.
I played with the love sausage....
Then off on our little road trip..
We went through Chipping Campden,
Then we looked around Stow On The Wold
I made a woman laugh at a Church Fete,
When I commented on this:
"Oh, that's where I have left it!"
Then we visited Chastleton House
Wolf Hall was filmed there.
The long table appeared in the mini-series and hasn't left the room since 1625
Now to enjoy this adult only weekend further!
Chastleton House,
No Particular Place To Go - Chuck Berry,
road trip,
Wolf Hall
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Friday, 24 June 2016
Nice Knowing You...!!
Went to bed last night, with the cliff hanging result, Remain or Leave??
Woke up and found it was time to leave the EU!
Found out I wasn't invited back for a interview for my old job at Fawlty Towers..:(
I can now put the stab vest away..
My 2 sons are enjoying a weekend with the Scouts...
Child-free weekend for us!
Going to get very steamy, hot, wet, and that's
just going for a drive out tomorrow!
and Soft Cell Say Hello,
Child free weekend,
leave the EU,
no job at Fawlty Towers,
Wave Goodbye (Original Version HD)
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Getting Ready....
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Time To Make Full Use Of The Green Armchair!!
Welcome to another Hump Of The Week..
My younger son commented on the school run in the rain...
"It had better not rain next Wednesday, as it's my Birthday!"
I hope not either, as it looked like I was going to get wet again.
Larry was guarding the lolly pop stick...
Made the most of the lovely leather armchair this morning.
Caught up the big blog, more book writing and enjoyed some damn fine coffee!!
While kids are at Scouts, we are going to enjoy some adult time.....
By watching the second season of House Of Cards.....:P
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Getting Used To Some Comfort!
We actually had sunshine today!
Larry had to go in to the garage to see where his Umph had gone!
So I had to walk back home (1.71 miles in 44 minutes)
I saw some wonderful views of my hometown
Then walked over to my dads...(0.65 miles in 18 minutes)
Smoke was coming off my shoes by now....
At last I can put my feet up in comfort!
On the free upgraded green leather suite I was given for nothing!
feet up,
green leather settee and Bad Manners - Walking In The Sunshine (TOTP) (1981) (HD),
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Monday, 20 June 2016
Tracks Of My Tears :'(
Back on the wet wobbly work wheel.
Out came those green wellingtons boots
Then off to the funeral of a good friend.
Dressed in black with a black hat.
As soon as I heard the opening song:
"Fields of Gold" by Sting,the tears came down :'(
I left a puddle of tears where I was sat :'(
(I could get a gold metal for crying so much!)
As he is buried in the same graveyard as my late mum.
I can visit them both.
I went to the wake afterwards with my brother.
Had a good chat with his family.
I left the wake in tears....:'(
and crying a lot.,
Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Tears Of A Clown,
Wet wobbly wheel
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Day For Dad!
and waitrose,
Bad Manners - Special Brew,
coughton court,
Father's Day,
in the water,
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Saturday, 18 June 2016
Having A Long Ride With Larry!
What a busy Saturday I have had!
Kids went to an fund raising event with Scouts.
So Larry came out for a long play.
Dropped off a Birthday Card I made yesterday
Ended up at Webbs for a coffee with hubby.
Made both Father's Day cards( one for my dad and my hubby's dad)
Now some footage of the driving I have seen while driving Larry.....
and Father's Day Cards,
Dash Cam fun,
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Friday, 17 June 2016
Playing With My Card Making Crap!
We have finally reached Friday...
The Friday Feeling is back...
So is Larry back on the road...
I cleared all my busy schedules for this morning..
Loads of card making to do...
Birthday Cards
A Bereavement card
Will be making a special card tomorrow for a extra special Dad for Sunday
(me at 18 months)
AURORA - Half The World Away,
Bereavement card and Father's Day,
birthday cards,
card making,
Friday feeling
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Thursday, 16 June 2016
More Fun With Larry!!!
Oh dear...
More torrid rain,
Me getting soaking wet....again
Tried to get valve changed for Larry.
The seller failed to give me the locking wheel nuts to get my wheel off!!
He dropped them off, and disappeared.
5 minutes later, more bad news...
There was a nail in the tyre
That made the tyre unrepairable!
Another tyre is needed!
I really hope Larry is not going to be a future Money Pit!
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Wet Soggy Hump
It was raining when I woke up.
Going to be a wet Hump Of The Week!
Went to get into Larry...
Oh dear flat tyre.
Gets a lift to work.
Then I work in torrid rain for the next hour.
(left my wellingtons at home again!)
Larry was collected to get some bits put right.
Torrid rain again for my job in the afternoon!
Larry was brought back.
"Nothing the matter with the value". I was told.
Comes back tonight...
I have another flat tyre!!
I will sort it out myself tomorrow,
After I have had a lift to work again!
At least I am doing some walking...
and Elvis Costello & The Attractions - Pump It Up,
faulty value,
flat tyre,
Hump of the day,
no Wellingtons,
torrid rain
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Doing Plenty Of Shake,Shake, Shake #3
I made the most at being home.
Sprinkled lemon flavour Shake 'n' Vac all over the carpet.
Henry then came out for a quick suck up!
Washing machine went on twice.
I got wet,
(This time I was prepared with the winter coat (with hood)
(just forgot to wear the green wellingtons !!)
while waiting to start the pm shift.
Tomorrow I have birthday cards, and a Father's Day to make...
While drinking some damn fine coffee!
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Monday, 13 June 2016
Nice To Be A Little Bit Different!!
First day back on the wobbly work wheel!
Was caught out by the rain doing the first shift.
I was wearing my summer coat (without hood)
Down it lashed down for 45 minutes :(
Took Larry for a trip to Webbs.
Dried out sipping on hot coffee and toast.
Had some funny looks and points of fingers from fellow 4x4 my Larry
Sometimes its nice to be a bit different....
and Oasis - Roll With It,
funny looks,
Wobby Wheel
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Playing With My Larry!
Today is my middle son's 12th Birthday.
We had breakfast out...
Even took out Larry the Land Rover.
He was dancing in the rain..
Even my dad couldn't wait to sit in him!
Few heads have turned, and fingers have
been pointed at my Larry.
James, liked his red iced Donut cake
Now I have a radio fitted into Larry.
The bad singing can now continue....
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Decked Out In Pink!
The wait is finally here...
My Land Rover Freelander was delivered...
Now to deck it out in Pink!
Pink seat covers, 3 Georges, and the pink Croc shoe air freshener!
My car is called Joseph the Amazing Multi-coloured car!
Land Rover,
New car,
pink croc,
pink seat covers,
Travis - Magnificent Time
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Friday, 10 June 2016
How Many Candles Are On The Cake???
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
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