Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday, 30 September 2016

Wet T-Shirt Time!

Welcome to my Feel Good Friday...
The temperatures are dropping a bit...
Time to wear a jumper...
The first shift of Job 1 was manic...
Cars, kids, undertaking, banging of the gums and horns being pressed.
By 9am....the road was quiet....
Sunshine all day...
While finishing Job 3, the heavens opened, who forgot their coat?
A quick dash home, I looked like I was taking part in a Wet T-shirt Competition....
The weekend is nearly here...
Time to use my warm hands on hubby instead of Henry the Hoover.... 


Thursday, 29 September 2016

A Touch Of Kung Fu!

Felt nice and refreshed after that long sleep...
It was raining when I got to Job 1
Then it stopped,and the sun came out...
While visiting my dad for coffee,chat and a dose of "Kung Fu".
The episode had so many big name actors. my dad and I had so much fun spotting them:

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Catching Up On.....

Welcome to Hump Of The Week..
My lollypop stick was nearly took out on the second shift of Job 1.
The same blue car driven by a woman NEVER STOPS when my stick in the middle of the road....
She might pick a day, when my lollypop stick and her windscreen make beautiful music together.....
As I have been missing out on SLEEP, so I was in bed by 8pm....
I didn't have to wake up hubby at 2am either...
(I gave him the night off,he needed it after last's night fun!")


Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Playing With The Gearstick At 2am!

Another night of painful Toothache.
Clove oil, gel, and painkillers was just enough to kill the pain!
At 2am unable to sleep....
It was time to play with the gear stick...
It soon woke up hubby...
After a nice, hot and sweaty session,
 We both went to sleep...
Visiting the Dentist (I have got abcess between two teeth)
So I'm on Antibiotics and £30 lighter....(Hopefully no more Toothache!)
Hopefully won't be needing the Gearstick at 2am tomorrow!

Monday, 26 September 2016

Through Gritted Teeth....

Back on the wobbly work wheel..
Suffering from tooth ache which isn't helping.
Clove oil being used as soon as the pain gets really bad....
Managed to get into see Dentist tomorrow!
Now to make a Birthday card...
Card and present all wrapped up...
I did tell my hubby that Clove oil is strong:
 He sniffed the smell coming from my mouth:
 it nearly burnt off an eye-brow! 
Oh the pain of tooth ache....


Sunday, 25 September 2016

In And Out...

We actually got up early this morning...
One treat out of the whole month was having Breakfast out..
Even Larry came out for a ride out
Yum Yum
Once back home, I bought more school uniform for James....
Trying to dry washing on the line,
Then it  started to rain...:(
Brought it back in.
After an hour.....
Out went the washing back on the line...
All ready to mount the wobbly work wheel tomorrow.....\o/

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Stepping Out...

We have had a Saturday of no rushing about.
Had a little play with Gear-Stick before we got out of the warm bed this morning...
Collected some new footwear..
His and Her's matching Trainers
Hubby's are size 9 and mine are size 12.
 Could have been interviewed by Sky News this afternoon, as they were asking the residents of Redditch about the Labour Leadership.
I didn't want to air my views on telly, as probably be kicked out the Labour Party!


Friday, 23 September 2016

Having A Good View?

The sun was shining on this Feel Good Friday..

Had enough of the Friday Madness while doing Job 1.
Went to Webb's to enjoy their coffee.
Larry enjoyed his view...
 Had a woman kept staring at me while I was enjoying my coffee.
After the final time of staring, I stared at her long enough, for her to look away.
I was going to ask her if she wanted a photo
if she stared at me again....


Thursday, 22 September 2016

Rolling Pin Time....

Had the normal fun of a Thursday.
More Adventures from Job 1
Lollipop stick up in the air to stop the traffic.
One woman driving a red Skoda drove under my stick and then she stopped at the traffic lights just further up the road, when they were on red!
I needed to bake...
Used up the spicy sausages, bacon bits, vegetables and some puff pastry that was reduced at Asda...
Time to bake the Pie
Pie was ready....

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Black Hump Day

Welcome to my Hump Of The Week.
A rather sad Hump...:'(
I went to the funeral of my Aunty
 (my dad's sister)
So stuck on what to wear !!!
 (so many black clothes,its unbelieveable!!)
Black lacey dress, fishnet tights
( I didn't have no normal black tights)
  I think I deserve a gold medal for crying, 
I sobbed all through the service.
Shook hands with everyone at the end.
No Wake, no yakking to other family members or no food for me :(
I had 3 jobs to get on with
 At least I wore all my funeral outfit under my lumo coat for Job 1..

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Playing With Apples....

We have reached Tuesday.
Had more than enough fun with Job 1
Now onto baking...
Used more apples off the tree.
South African Apple Cake.
I added Christmas Cake Curd in the middle of the two cakes
Squirty cream on the top... 
It might be Hump Day tomorrow,
I am going to my Aunt's funeral.
As long as they don't play "Fields of Gold" by Eva Cassidy, I won't be leaving too many puddles of tears under my chair...

Monday, 19 September 2016

Let's Get This Party Started!

Welcome back to Monday.
It was heavy drizzling by the time I started Job 1
Then as one parent said to me:
"Let's Get This Party Started!"
The party did start so to speak...
4 cars parking on Zig Zags,
One car wheel spinning in front of me.
One parent nearly getting knocked over by a car failing to stop!
I needed to chill.
Roll on Apple Crumble...
I thought things couldn't get much worst for part 2 of Job 1
Well, I was nearly took out of by a taxi in front of children and parents was the next thing!
Things can only get better!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Playing With Our Toys

Woke up far too early for a Sunday
(going to bed at 9.30pm last night didn't help)
Spent much of the morning dragging my ball and chain around the house...
Hubby played with his toy
I played with mine
  Tomorrow, I am baking with apples off my tree...

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Second Time Around.....

Making the most of no work Saturday!
Had a quick play with the gearstick...
Visited town.
Enjoyed some free Polish food.
Got things for, me, my hair, my back, and my late mum's grave..
I recognised the t-shirt my youngest son was wearing....
My oldest son wore it back in 2002.....
Now to break open those chocolates...

Friday, 16 September 2016

No Finger This Time!

Thank goodness for Feel Good Friday
Had my normal Webbs's Experience
Larry enjoyed the grass...
 One person had the nerve to park on the Zig Zags outside the school
While doing my final shift of Job 1.
I politely asked him to move off them.
For a change, I wasn't told to do one, or shown the finger!
After doing all these 3 Jobs this week.
Time to relax, and let my warm hands to do the talking.....

Thursday, 15 September 2016

The Road Is Only Big Enough For One!

Woke up to see heavy fog.
One son was worried about drivers not seeing me in it...
The stick was up in the air, and as normal not many car drivers stopped!
By the afternoon shift:
 it was hot,hot hot...
Too many selfish car drivers!
Telling the children to stop on the pavement while I was trying to stop the traffic.....
Patience wearing very thinly
Nice to calm down to a bit of good old 70's music on the way home...
Roll onto Feel Good Friday Feeling...



Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Too Tired For The Hump....

Welcome to my Hump of the Week
The temperatures were soon going up and up.
I made the most of it by enjoying the sunshine in the shade.
(no chance of getting sun burnt!)
 Even managed to keep awake to watch 
"The Great British Bake Off" in bed.
Didn't have time to try for the Gold Medal.
I went to Zzzz while the closing credits of Bake Off was rolling.....


Tuesday, 13 September 2016

You Hum It, I Sing It....

Oh dear, it's back to then normal!
Better check my life insurance policy is still in date...
Two car drivers tried to take me out while I was doing JOB 1..:(
I kissed the pavement when I finished....(in one piece!)
Still singing along nice and loud with my new 70's CD...
I must have upset someone with my attempt of singing...
Dark clouds, heavy rain, thunder and lightening soon followed...
At least the garden got watered.....
Now you hum it, I will sing it.....


Monday, 12 September 2016

I'm In The Mood For.....

Welcome to Monday Feeling....
I had a rather quiet first shift of Job 1.
Breaking a new CD  in Larry..
I did a lot of singing along while on my trip to Webb's...
Great song after great song..
(Just hope I don't make it rain!)
Larry enjoyed being parked on the grass..
 It was such a nice thrill to do yet more singing on the way back....
If I only could fit a big glitter ball on top of Larry.....

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Counting To Ten....

Made the most of this Sunday...
Had a lie in....
Played with gear stick too...
Even had some sunshine!
 Had to buy some new shoes, as my trainers are off to trainer Heaven!
Even got some decent reduced food and a free coffee at Waitrose..
 The downside of today:
 The boat has docked in the Hunt for Red October...
No nookie for 5 days
 I will be .......
more angrier  than normal...grrrrrrrr

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Time To Say Goodbye #2

No chance of a lie-in this morning.
Didn't even have a chance of a little play of gear stick either!
Time to say goodbye to my friend of 10 years...
Say hello to a new friend...
(I'm paying for it over 12 months before anyone says anything)
 My dad's sister who fought a brave battle against Lung cancer,(over the last couple of months) died this morning :'(
I'm giving my dad plenty of comfort and support \o/


Friday, 9 September 2016

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive & Dodge

Woo hoo Friday is finally here.
I handed my trophies back in,
 I can't enter this year to retain them.
No time, no money, no enthusiasm are my reasons.
I had to deal with the normal Friday Madness with my Job 1
Just to add to my woes, ex-plum is trying to dodge paying his maintenance to me for our kids. A crazy scheme he is trying to rope me in to agreeing.(No Chance!)
 Once November comes, he will have to mandatory pay it....
Now to enjoy the what's left of the Friday Feeling......