Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Monday, 31 October 2016

Back On It!

Back on the wobbly work wheel...
 Enjoying the Autumn colours
However it's back to normal for me.
I was nearly took out by a red volvo.
He had two choices:
Brake or hit me!
He left it at the last minute to slam the brakes on!
I had a little play with Henry later on to get rid of any stress I had!

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Enjoying The Ride!

We took Larry out for a nice long ride.
Enjoyed the scenery.
Bought a good DVD...
Larry was on his own in the field.
 Even had to pop in for a free coffee
Lovely Autumn  colours on the way back

Saturday, 29 October 2016

It's Getting Steamy In Here!

Still got the lingering smell of Vicks Vaporub.
At least my chest is clear!!
We spent a record 54 minutes visiting our local shopping centre.
The views of Autumn was great from the car park.
Larry was sulking as he didn't come out for a ride.
Before I started once more on my steamy novel..
Time for coffee and tea-cake!
 Helps start up my filthy imagination!


Friday, 28 October 2016

Rubbing It All Over...#2

The smell of Vicks Vaporub is strong in our house.
Hubby has got a heavy wheezy chest, so out comes the Vicks...
 Clears my chest no end!
My imagination was running overtime.
Got to get this written down in the book
Smoke was coming off my fingers,
Had to leave the writing alone to....
Enjoy this Friday Feeling,
Pass the Vicks, I am missing the smell....!

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Much Needed Play Mate!

Now to make the most of having Larry back.
I won't have to worry about the diesel tank falling off!!
 (when I go over a speed hump)
Had to get more bits for Larry
 I have been looking for a play mate for Larry.
Hopefully it will be on my drive this weekend
Just need to think of a name for him.... 

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Play Time!

After a long night playing with the Gear Stick.
I got a much needed lie-in.
I had itchy baking hands..
Out came Kenny for a quick play
Witches Hats,Spiders, Ghosts and Pumpkin cup cakes.
Got Larry back!
(Direct hit to the bank account!)
More writing of the new book tonight..
Going to experiment on hubby some of the sex scenes I am writing about..
I'm sure he won't mind!

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Anyone Want A Video?

After another lie in,
Cup of tea in bed.
We took Larry for a little ride.

Had to park further down the road, as the car park  opposite was full.

The video cassettes were piling up outside.
Pity I have most of them on video already...
At least someone was glad to see me..
 Got some great bargains....
I saw a great car when I dropped off Larry for some much needed work...

Monday, 24 October 2016

The Rubber Ball Keeps On Bouncing...

No wobbly work wheel for me.
I enjoyed a lie in and cup of tea!
The housework still needed doing..
On goes the pinny...
 Even took Larry out for a ride...
 Had the normal tantrums, moods, foot stamping and sulks from our kids...
Lots more to come as the week goes on....
Sorry to hear of the deaths of Bobby Vee & Pete Burns.
Time to reminisce on YouTube!


Sunday, 23 October 2016

The Big Move...

Nice lie in...
Nice play with Gear stick..
Closely followed by a bacon & egg sandwich
Now to move some of my hoard about.
Everything had to be removed off the sideboard,
As the new Gerbil tank was going on the top.
 DVDs, books, sewing baskets moved about.
After the big move about:
 I hope I can remember where I put it all!

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Keeping The Stocks Warm....

No chance of a lie in this morning.
We had a early breakfast (out)
We went to Bewdley to pick up a bigger Gerbil cage.
Visited Bewdley Museum.
We had a go in the stocks....
Hubby first.....
Then me!
 Picked up some nice cake for later...
(It gives my Kenny a rest for a day!)



Friday, 21 October 2016

Trying To Get In The Mood For....

Making the most of no work Friday.
There was of course a bad start to Feel Good Friday...
More gold screws I found on my drive this morning :(
Now to take Larry out for a ride...
Playing hide andseek with Larry
Trying to get into the mood for Christmas
(No Such Luck!)
For the second time this week,
I enjoyed a toasted tea cake ,coffee & chat!
 It was nice to get praised for our kids having good manners :)


Thursday, 20 October 2016

Pass The Fork!

Woo hoo final day of Job 1
Had more madness.
(I survived!)
Now I can wear my Mum name badge with pride
(For the next 10 days)
Larry has been enjoying the Autumn...
Someone wants me to buy some other tyres for Larry at my own expense :( As I found some screws scattered about on our shared drive.
On a brighter note, I am now on holiday..
I can't wait to spread some of the Friday Feeling tomorrow....

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Still Trying to Get Me!

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
I have applied for another job
 (That will be Job 4)
(roller skates needed)
 While I was in the middle of the road, stopping all traffic
During the final shift of Job 1.
My arms outstretched, the kids just about to cross the road.
A orange moped appeared, drove through,went past my fingertips.
The kids stopped themselves from getting hit by the moped.
 I might have to check my life insurance policy....
One more day of this go.



Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Just Missed Me Again!

Here we go again.
Had the madness of first shift of Job 1.
One parent drove around my Lollipop stick..
I saw the kids in the car say to their mum,
"I think you are supposed to stop mum!".
Some of the other mums couldn't believe it.
(That's the norm, I get it all the time!)
To keep calm after the near death experience, I went for coffee and toasted tea cake.
However, I had to have the next best thing...
Bacon in a bun! 
 Two more days to go until Half-Term Holidays....
Let's hope I make it..


Monday, 17 October 2016

Getting Back On It....

I nearly went back to sleep this morning.
Good job the radio was a bit louder, or it would have been more  Zzz for me!
Back on the wobbly work wheel for me...
The moon and sun were both out..
I had the normal Monday madness..
Back home for the pleasures of my own housework.
Gentle play with Henry.
Dancing with the mop and bucket.
Even managed to fit in a chapter of the new book!
Had over 6,000 views of my Angel Cake on Twitter :)
3 days to go, and my kids and I break up for half term...
Then the fun starts......

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Hands That Works Wonders!

Had a lazy Sunday lie in which involved;
Playing with the gear stick,
Sipping on a cup of tea in bed.
We was going to look around a car boot,
Only it had been cancelled due to the rain we had..
Out comes Kenny the Kenwood to whip up some wonders...
Angel Cake.
Ghosty cupcakes...
No more playing with the gear stick for 5 days as:
 The Boat from Hunt for  Red October has docked for 5 days...:(
However, I'm sure my warm hand will be of some use!


Saturday, 15 October 2016

Coconut Anyone?

Hubby and James went to collect our new family members.
I was on the hunt for a certain recipe...
Finally found the book with the recipe I needed!
No damn coconut in the house!!!
(got everything else!)
Popped into my local Asda..
(I call it Asda Meeting Place)
Had a good chin wag with 3 friends.
Our new family members have made themselves at home..

Friday, 14 October 2016

Getting Down On It!

I had a bad night of tossing and turning.
(didn't have much sleep)
It's getting cold out there...
So out came the leggings..
Got back to a warm bed to catch up on the Zzzzz
The Friday Feeling returned.
Turned the music on for Job 3.
Singing, dancing, and doing plenty of shake shake shake while working!
Now to enjoy this Feel Good Friday,
By letting my warm hands doing the talking... 


Thursday, 13 October 2016

Feeling It Now....

Welcome to Thursday...
 My legs were feeling the cold during Job 1 this morning..
"Leggings going on tomorrow!"
Just don't need any of that cold white stuff yet!
(Larry,however can't wait for it!) 
My front door step is decorated with Pumpkins done by our kids at Scouts!
  Having high hopes they can last until Halloween!


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Ask... And You Will Receive!

Welcome to my Hump of The Week.
Still not cold enough for those thermal knickers just yet!
My long purple Dr Who scarf has had to come out (Keeping my neck warm!)
I got some reduced cauliflowers !!!!
 (Now for a bit of cauliflower cheese!)
I was moaned at about not bringing no cake in at Job 2.
"Haven't had any of your cake lately?"
"You haven't asked for any!" I replied
"I got to ask for it?"
"It helps, as I can't quite read minds just yet!" I replied.. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Any Which Way But Don't Hit Larry!

Those cold mornings are getting colder by the day...
Soon the leggings and thermal knickers will be worn..
After surviving the chaos and madness of the morning shift of Job 1.

A toasted tea cake and a coffee came to the rescue from the cold.
Because I can't go the normal way home after I have finished Job 1
I decided to drive past the school further up the road to get home.
More madness and chaos.
One car pulled out of the car park,
I had to swerve to avoid being hit!
I will try another way tomorrow...


Monday, 10 October 2016

Don't Know Much....

Back on the wobbly work wheel after the weekend...
Run out of coffee (which didn't help matters)
There are roadworks are nearby where I work at Job 1
Traffic lights sprung up for the afternoon's shift.
Bedlam and chaos happened...

  One Grandmother was moaning about no one knowing anything about when the next newsletter is coming out...
My response was:

 "I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know!":
I sung very loud, and out of tune....