Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Wishing For The 00..

We had a busy Thursday...
First I had a blood test...
Pity my number didn't have 00 before my number..↓
 Then to carry on with our road trip to pick up something for the kitchen...
Even had a takeaway coffee on the way..
↓Splashback for behind my oven↓
While on the way back home, I picked up a nice blanket box for £5!
Now to use up some chilli!


Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Here It Comes Yet Again!

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
As normal it decides to rain.....🌧
We decide to change the colour scheme in our kitchen.
First a roll of wallpaper...↓
Just as soon as the pasting board comes out....↓
It pours down with rain...
Even the lighthouse gets wet...🌧
The kitchen is looking a lot

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Let The Singing & Dancing Commence!

After getting my shoulder looked at...
Made the most of hubby being on holiday.
Time for coffee, chat and late breakfast at..
 Nice price...
Now for the breakfast....🍴
My friend gave me some tins.
Now to add them to my kitchen..
I signed up to Amazon Music...😀
I was in my element listening to lots and lots of nice music.....🎶
Let the singing along and the dancing  commence...👯💃 

Monday, 28 August 2017

Enjoying The Sunshine!

We actually had sunshine on a Bank Holiday Monday for once!
Off to visit Bidford on Avon
We visited the car boot.
Got some nice bargains...↓
Added a nice trim to the lamp!
 Now to enjoy this sunshine on this Bank Holiday Monday...with wearing of the👙


Sunday, 27 August 2017

Got To Have A Little Shake,Shake,Shake..

Had a busy Sunday.
I had a shoulder, neck message and Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer Report, all done at Omega Therapies.
Moved onto have a Dunelm Experience..
 ↓Even had half priced lunch with £1 coffee....↓
Nice to send the males of the family to pick something up and put in the Sexy Beast...
So enjoyed my Dunelm experience...😆↓
We went off to a Family Funday afterwards
There was a Juke box just waiting to be used...
Some Disco tunes had to be put on.....
I did a little bit of  boogie woogie 
Then back home to use the nice china....

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Zooming To Close For Comfort!

Had a nice well deserved lie-in.
Now to look for some nice things.
 Nice chair to sit on...↑
Got some nice items..↓
That's better...
While sitting in the front garden drinking tea.
The entrance to Hell is getting a bit nearer to me...👿

Friday, 25 August 2017

Pass Me A China Cup Please.

Having a overdose of Friday Feeling..
Paid for the units.
Had them delivered.
Now to fill them up....!
While putting all my china back on the bookcase.
My youngest son asked me:
"Why have you got lots of China cups mum? 

"In case the Queen visits.. 👸"
"That will be never" Jack replied.
"You can never tell!" 

I answered, tapping my nose.
Now to use one...

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Making Room

It being Thursday...
I was in need of coffee and chat...
 Now for coffee, toast and chat...
I visited Boomerang to get some more shelving units for my Dining Room.
I bought three units. 
(They will be delivered tomorrow)
Then for the next six hours, 
We had to make room in the Dining Room!
By 11pm, we were all tired,
I didn't need any lavender body lotion to go off to sleep....