Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday, 30 November 2019

Putting It Down!

If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style 
- Quentin Crisp
Welcome to the start of my weekend🎈
As the norm, I was up early,
But not that early....
I caught up with the final hour of "Sounds of the 60s" with a nice cup of tea in bed!
 We have a nice snuggle in bed.
We all got up and out in the cold...
 It was nice to get some bargains↓
 Then we popped into the nearby Co-op↓
 Then down to Studley after I dropped off one of my sons at his boxing lesson
 We visited the local Charity Shop.
(Got some bargains!)
Followed by a much needed coffee in the near-by coffee shop↓
 I showed hubby and my other son, where I do my lollypop 🍭 job twice a day↓
 Gets back to car
(via a short cut)
Picked up son from his boxing lesson.
Quick lunch..
Sir Ridley Scott, English film director (Alien, Blade Runner) is 82 years old 🎈
We then went off for a road trip to Alcester.
 Someone picked up a tin in a Charity Shop we were in.
(I said to myself, put it down, put it down)
She did!
Woo hoo!
I swooped in and got it!
I got the kitchen tool to help unrelease lids on jars!
We nipped into Waitrose↓
 Private Eye front cover↑↑↑
Some nice big big sunglasses↓
 We got a free coffee and free newspaper.
 The moon is out↑
 It was getting dark when we got home↓
 I got myself an advent calender↓
 I made a really tasty Califlower Cheese↓
I caught up my blogs of the week.
I also caught up with:
We had our late night of the weekend...
Hopefully we catch up with The Irishman tomorrow...

Friday, 29 November 2019

Thermals Including Knickers Needed!

I don't even butter my bread. I consider that cooking 
- Katherine Cebrian
Welcome to a cold Friday Feeling🎈
I looked out of the window..
All the cars were frozen up!
Time for the thermal knickers to wear!
Plus my new t-shirt↓
  First cup of tea and hug of the day↓
 I gave everyone their sloppy 💋💋💋
 I goes outside...
It's freezing cold!
 When I got to my 🍭 job.
Nice views↓
 The sun is coming up↗↗↗↗
No one tried to run me over today!
I gets home.
It's still cold!
 I enjoy some toast with coffee↓
 Back to it...↓
 More singing to do...
I looked in the newspaper↓
 Howie Mandel, Comedian (Dr Wayne Fiscus-St Elsewhere) is 64 years old.🎈
 I can see the church...↓
I look across the fields of fun↓
 I have a nice red face once I finish.
Final sing-a-long of the week..
Back home↓
 I had to leave the house early,
To get a parking place as Studley is having their Christmas lights turn on at 5.30pm,but the Christmas market starting at 2pm.
I had a go on the raffle and won 2 prizes..
 I did my afternoon Lollipop🍭 job.
There was the soundtrack of Christmas Songs...which I enjoyed singing along with.
Survived for another week...Just!
I gets back home.
Gets changed.
Off to Happy Place Of Work.
With some great music to work too..
When I got back home..
Tea was ready! 
I had a little treat, which I bought off the Studley Christmas market...
Now to burn it all off with final job of this week!
 I finally get home....
The roller boots are burning and smoking!
Is it unheard of being in bed before 10.30pm on a Friday Night?????


Thursday, 28 November 2019

Thank My Lucky Stars!!

There are more pleasant things to do than beat up people - Muhammad Ali
Welcome to my Thursday...
I heard the rain outside...
(Going to have wear those sexy lumo trousers again!)
I enjoyed my first hug and my first cup of tea↑
I gave everyone their sloppy 💋💋💋
Sexy yellow trousers on!
Dark and wet time↓
 Time to start the morning's 🍭
Oh dear it's going to be one of THOSE days!
I was stood in the middle of the road. A woman driver didn't want to wait 20 seconds for me to go back on the pavement. She hit the accelerator and nearly took off my arm!
Once I got finished, I was walking back to my car, when I got talking to the local PSCO in his Police van. I finally finishing talking after one hour and twenty minutes!
I had to hurry back home.
One very quick coffee and salad.
Quick singing session to work I go↓
 Quick look in the newspaper↓
 Joe Dante, Film Director, (Matinee, Twilight Zone, Police Squad, Gremlins) is 73 years old 🎈
It's still raining!
 More singing along on the way home..
Nice takeaway coffee after I filled up.
 The yellow lumo trousers have to be put back on again. As it is still raining.
I get started in my lolly 🍭 job.
I just am returning back to the pavement, the male driver puts his foot on the
accelerator, he sees me, slams his foot then on the brake! The front of the car was two inches away from me!
When I got on the pavement, he then started waving his arms at me, blaming me for being in the road!
Second attempt of trying to run me over today!
I finally finish my shift in one piece!
I gets home, gets changed.
Off to the Happy Place of Work. 
Anyone fancy cake?
More singing to be done↓
  I gets home to put on the tea..
Nice mince casserole↓
 Then off to work to burn it off:
  We will party tomorrow↑
Gets back home.
I cover up the Sexy Beast, as it going to get really cold tomorrow....
Friday Feeling and Thermal knickers time tomorrow🎈