Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes - Edgard Varese
Welcome to Friday 🍾🍾🍾🍾
I enjoyed a hug & a cup of tea↓
I gave everyone their sloppy 💋💋💋
Now to leave the house↓
It's going up↗↗↗
I quickly looked in my newspaper↓
I didn't get chance to take the tree picture.
Lots of traffic to deal with with.
I survived!
Now for some more singing..
I couldn't park in the B3 space.
So it was C3-PO space instead↓
A nice £500 ↑↑↑
A nice coffee and nibble↓
I had a good chat with my good friend.
I said goodbye.
More singing along to do on the way..
I looked across the fields of fun↓
I performed more miracles
I left with a nice red face!
Back to more singing↓
It reached double figures!!
Found another mince pie!!!
Then off to do final lollipop job of the week!
Oh dear, it was chaos, bedlam, & mayham!
Cars backing up, 6+ cars failed to stop.
One woman who stopped in the Keep Clear area, left half of the tread of her back tyres when she drove off!
I finished in one piece....JUST!
Back home↓
I gets changed
Off to Happy Place Of Work.
With some great music...↓
I get back after several hours.
Tea is waiting for me :)
I put my feet up
fell asleep Zzzzz
I wakes up,
I decide to do my final job tomorrow.
Now to drag my tired bones off to a warm bed with hubby!