Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

I Won't Back Down!

Literature is an occupation in which you have to keep proving your talent to people who have none - Julies Renard
Welcome to my Tuesday🎈
 I had covered up Sexy Beast last night.
I looked out of the window, and it had rained during the night. 
Nice hug and cup of tea↓↓
 I gave everyone their sloppy 💋💋💋
Before I left the house..
 I tried to go down a country lane to get to work a bit quicker, only to find a lorry blocking the road!!!
3 point turn and back on the normal route to work.
My tree pic↓
 The rain started with 25 minutes left of my shift...
Cars were ignoring the Stop sign again
One lucky white mini narrowly missed having her windscreen smashed.Stopped 25 yards up the road to nip into the local coffee shop! 
I finished in one piece..
Off home I went
 Coffee and nibble↓
 My good friend came round for a coffee and chat.....
She felt better when she left
Told her to sing along with some Big Tunes!
Out of the door I soon followed...
 Singing along with some tunes↓
On the way, I saw two men wearing yellow lumo trousers standing on the road.One was peeing in the hedge.I was so tempted to honk the horn when I went past!
Now to look in the newspaper↓
Michael  Prendergast MBE , known professionally as Mike Pender, is an original founding member of Merseybeat group the Searchers. He is best known as the lead vocalist on many hit singles by the Searchers, including the song "Needles and Pins" and "What Have They Done To The Rain?".He is 79 years old 🎈 

  I looked across the fields of fun↓
 I got in.....
Then I lost my temper
The gates of hell opened, mass screaming could heard, and my horns appeared...
I even threatened to put on my coat and leave.
Gulp of water,deep breath, the horns went back down.
I left late, nice and sweaty with a red shiny face...
Back to more singing↓ 
 A lorry back over the drive↑
Much needed coffee and nibble↓
 Back out again...
With more singing along↓
Car drivers weren't even looking when going past me, some of them nearly had their windscreens put in for their trouble!
I finished in one piece.
Now for more singing on the way home↓
I got changed to go up to Happy Place of Work 
I was glad to have some music to sing along with↓
 Back home for hug and tea↓
Off to burn it off with singing and work↓
The flowers for dad's funeral is being delivered tomorrow.
They look so nice!
They will look really nice on his grave on Thursday :)
It looks like its going to be a wet,soggy hump tomorrow🐫🐫

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