Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Sunday Boost!

Beauty is only a light switch away - Austin Powers 
Welcome to my sunny Sunday 🌞
Nice big hugs and sloppy wet 💋💋
I didn't want to wait too late to check my tyres as we normally have to put up with bad Sunday Drivers....
Check the tyres on Sexy Beast↓
Then to see how my parents are doing.
I gave the plants a good water.
I will be up next Sunday as it's Father's Day with some great Balloons 🎈🎈🎈
We nips into Sainsburys for a mooch about..
Good Private Eye Front Page.
When we got out to Sexy Beast to load up the plants I bought, I tried to juggle two pots of plants at the same time...
That's not going to end well...
It's well warm!
We gets home to unload Sexy Beast.
I finally get to unpack the hand I bought yesterday from Joe's... 
The Dragon.
We have a light lunch in the front garden
I write out my friend's Birthday Card.
Now out to check hubby's car tyres and deliver the card.
(With a bit of reduced food shopping as well)
Nice boost of Flowers for her Birthday.
Goes round and delivers her flowers and birthday card.
(She was surprised to see me after we haven't seen each other face to face for 3 years!)
Wishes her a Happy Birthday for Tuesday.
Back home to unpack the bargains.
A nice CD to play in Sexy Beast tomorrow..
I start to plant the plants I bought from Sainsburys.
Hubby starts on the tea.
I finish the gardening.
He finishes cooking the tea...
yum yum....
Now for a much needed early night...with warm and not cold hands....
Back on that Wobbly Work Wheel 🎡tomorrow





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