Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday 12 October 2021

It Can Never Be Big Enough!

 Marriage is a wonderful invention; but, then again, so is a bicycle repair kit - Billy Connolly
Welcome to my Tuesday 💥
Nice big hug to start Tuesday with.
Brew with breakfast.
It was looking dry outside...still a bit cold...
Gave hubby a sloppy wet 💋 before I left.
I have to go a different way due to traffic lights at the bottom of the road, causing bedlam!
I put on my Summer Coat..
(with four layers underneath)
I put on my lights..
Now for the fun to start...🍭
The first child I crossed over...
Ran over, and  nearly tripped over 
(Where the cross is in the picture)
He nearly landed in the middle of the road!
He steadied himself just in time.
Now for the fun of stopping cars....
A lot of cars went under my stick.
I lowered my stick to their face level and they stopped. One car was racing up the road and was met with a loud bang of stick being banged down on the floor!
Just got finished and chatting to a parent about the fun she had going for a Lunch Time Supervisior as the near-by school.
They said she wasn't suitable and readvertised the job, 5 days later.
I did say I was told of the job going.
But I prefer my lunch for one and not with 300 children now!
I didn't realise the time, and I should have been sitting down at Webbs, having a coffee and chat!
Too much rabbit again!
I said my goodbyes and went off to Sexy Beast.
I got to Webbs in 25 minutes.
I had to stop Sexy Beast in a funny position as a trolley was left in the car space I wanted to get into.
Now for coffee, chat and nibble.
After coffee, it was time to not get in the mood for Christmas!
I said goodbye to my friend, and now back home for a light lunch.
My new loft ladder had been delivered!
That should be tall enough!
I have a light lunch.
I had to take a layer of clothing as it was getting quite warm.
It looked like rain.
On goes the winter coat!
I puts on my lights.
Chats with one friend.
My friend and his dog didn't appear.
Now to do the afternoon shift.
I lowered the stick the whole time,
Suddenly the brake pedal was being used a lot!
I finished in one piece.
On top of traffic lights at the bottom of the road.
Traffic lights have now appeared at the top of the road .....
Back home.
Once the pastry was cooked,
I added the filling and put it in the oven to cook.
More coffee needed!
Hubby comes back and has a sloppy wet 💋
He gives me today's newspaper.
He looks at the loft ladder that came early.
"It's too big, you will have to send it back!" He said.
"It's not too big, and I'm not sending it back, you were looking at the measurements before I bought it!"I replied.
On and on he went about the ladder.
I dished up the tea.
One son left his tea...
Hubby left a 1/4 of his.
The other son and me ate all of it.
Can't win!
Hubby and younger son went off to the storage unit to fetch more stuff to put back in the loft.
Hubby and sons then put it up the loft.
Then on about the ladder again.....
All I had in my ear was "Send it back!"
I pointed to the Bathroom light...
"When's this being put up?"
Hubby and one son put it up.
We now have light!
(I am meaning to source the same pink paint I used to paint the bathroom with to paint over the white bit where the old light fitting was!)
I looked into today's newspaper while someone was still on about the bloody ladder being returned!
My answer was "No it bloody isn't!"
Sam Moore  is an American vocalist who was a member of the soul and R&B group Sam & Dave from 1961 to 1981. He is a member of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the Grammy Hall of Fame (for "Soul Man"), and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame. 
He is 86 years old 🎈 
David Vanian (born David Lett) is an English rock musician, and lead singer of the punk rock band the Damned. Formed in 1976 in London, the Damned were the first British punk band to release a single, release an album, have a record hit the UK charts, and tour the United States. With a fluid line-up since their founding, Vanian has been the only ever-present member. His rich baritone voice has been described as "impressively sonorous"
He is 65 years old 🎈 
I had a very early Sleep Tea...
I got tired of hearing about the ladder.
Off to bed early at 9.30pm on my own..
Let's hope I have a better hump day tomorrow! 🐫


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