Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday, 31 December 2023

Highlights of 2023!

The truth is more important than the facts - Frank Lloyd Wright
Happy New Year everyone 🎇
Just a quick update on how 2023 went for me.
The Best of 2023 
My older son became a Councillor and started at University.
I too, became a Councillor on two Parish Councils
The sequins made appearance....
My youngest son turned 18!
(Even better is I won't have to see my ex-plum any more \o/)
 We visited Blackpool twice \o/
We visited Bobby Ball's statue↓
We visited Les Dawson's grave↓
Keith Harris's grave↓
I came first in a Macmillan Bake Off in aid of my lovely friend who passed away in September.
The minion collection is growing...↓
Third Anniversary of cutting off both of my brothers \o/
The Worst of 2023
We stopped in two hotels and after staying there,we won't be going back again. :(
My lovely friend of 30 years passed away in September :'(
My hubby's brother cut contact with my hubby \o/
Their inheritance was paid out, no contact with hubby for two and half months until after Christmas. When hubby had got badly written message from his brother, asking where the £600 payment from a plan their dad took out for his  brother's kids was?
(Hubby didn't realise there was time limit!)
 Hubby's brother had wanted a huge games machine that hubby  got rid off while clearing out their dad's house.
(Hubby's brother couldn't fit it in his car when he came down on the Sunday after their dad had died, when he grabbed the new 2 week old microwave, and coffee maker from their dad's house)
I hope Hubby's brother enjoys his inheritance!
At least my Hubby is paying for a nice new Gravestone for his  late dad and the 5 family members in the family plot. It should be ready in April just in time for his late dad's Birthday.
We went to see Madness in concert before Christmas.
Oh dear, they only played two old hits in 40 minutes. They played their new album, which we couldn't stand. After 40 minutes we walked out of the concert. At least the DJ before Madness came out played some great tunes!
Now to see in the New Year...


Sunday, 26 November 2023

Hunt The Presents!

A well-written Life is almost as rare as a well-spent one 
-Thomas Carlyle
Good morning all 🐎
Not long with December is here,
Going to look around the house for future Christmas presents I have hid.....
Breakfast and Brew.
Grabs rain coat.
Now for a little ride in Sexy Beast.
Checks the tyre pressures.
Coffee and nibble time↓
Then off to speak to my parents.
Nice long chat.
Then back home we go.
liquid lunch time.
Then it was time to hunt the presents for Christmas.
While I was looking for hubby's, he went to put the tea on.
Found everyones, and hid them in the Craft Room to be wrapped up!
Time for tea...
Followed by a hot shower for me.
Then sorted out the washing....
(Which was done yesterday)
Sleep Tea time.
Watched a few minutes of Headliners..
All ready for the Wobbly Work Wheel 🎡 for tomorrow 🍭


Saturday, 25 November 2023


If you can't see the humour in yourself, you could be missing the joke of the century - Dame Edna Everage
Welcome to my Saturday 😖
I had a big lie-in this morning.
I missed "The Sounds of the 60s"! 
Late breakfast and brew.
Popped into Lidl to do some food shopping.
Back home to unload it.
No liquid lunch....
Then back out ....
Let's have a look around....
Back home to unload the shopping.
Quick read of today's newspaper.
We watched some James Whale.
Then Headliners.
Sleep Tea Time.
Off to a warm bed with a even warmer hubby.


Friday, 24 November 2023

Time To Turn Them On!

If I had to live my life again, I'd make all the same mistakes - only sooner - Tallulah Bankhead
Welcome to my Friday Feeling with sequins 😻
It is time for Christmas Lights turn on later...
I'm wearing sequins and silver boots all day...
Breakfast and Brew 
Christmas jumper, silver boots and sequins time.
Now to leave the house...
I gave hubby a sloppy wet one 😘
On goes the winter hat and winter coat.
I go and turn on my lights and pick up the newspaper.
I swap the newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on my other lights.
Let's go to work....🍭
Some rain appeared for half an hour.
Everyone was looking at my sequins.
The silver boots are more attention than my sequins!
The first car I tried to stop, slammed his brakes on, then carried on driving under my stick! Ffs!
Last minute brakers having fun with!
Finished in one piece.
Took coat off and put big stick in Sexy Beast.
I had a cup of coffee with the volunteers putting the things out for tonight.
Had some fun trying to get out of the car park...
Back home.
Took off my sequins and silver boots until later on.
Coffee time.
Wrote yesterday's blog post.
Early lunch.
I had a Surveyor arrive to do a survey on the house. Younger son came back from work.
Off to work with sequins and silver boots.
I had my own parking space.
On goes my winter coat and summer hat with my big big sunglasses.
I go and turn on my lights.
My friend goes and gets a cake.
I have a quick play with Santa.
Pops into the Charity Shop.
Shows off the sequins.
The rest of my friends turn up for a rabbit.
I say goodbye to my friends and start my afternoon shift.
Low lying sun time.
One woman in a Range Rover stopped her car to warn me about the low lying sun!!!! 
Loads of traffic, and going really slow.
Finished in one piece.
Drops off coat and big stick.
Goes and has a cup of tea and nibble with two of my friends. After 40 mins I leave and head off to see how the market in the village hall is going.
Adds my lumo vest to the sequins.
I got chatting with loads of old friends I hadn't seen in ages.
Nice cup of tea with nibble.
I had 10 goes on a raffle and didn't win nothing :(
A picture of me with the above was stuck on a post in the village hall.
The Christmas lights were turned on.
I did feel like a 5th wheel at times :(
The road was going to be open at 8pm.
One last look at the funfair.
I got in the queue  to get out of the Village Hall car park. I had to go around the block as the bottom of the High Street wasn't open.
Gets home.
Now to watch Joan Collins.
Hubby came back from going to a wrestling match with a mate.
Sleep Tea time.
Now for some Friday Feeling in the bedroom 💕