Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday, 31 March 2023

Using Up The Friday Feeling !

 Any film, even the worst, is better than real life - Quentin Crisp
Welcome back to the Friday Feeling 🎈
We are leaving the Heardle to do at the hotel tonight....
Rain is forcasted all day :(
Breakfast and Brew time. 
On goes the Thermal vest and sexy lumo trousers.
Now to do the final morning shift before I break up for my Easter Holidays.
It was pouring down with rain.
I gives hubby a quick sloppy wet one 💋before I leave for work.
The gates weren't open for where I normally park, so I parked around the corner.
One school had its TE day,so it wasn't open for pupils.
On goes the waterproofs. 
I puts on both lights and gets the newspaper.
Back to Sexy Beast to pick up my big stick.
On and off the rain was on.
Still had a few cars failing to stop on the other side of the road.
I had a nice Easter present from one of the parents which was so nice.
Finished in one piece.
I dropped my completed form into the Council Office.
I dropped off my Birthday present and card to the Birthday boy. 
Then off to B&Q and Asda.
Back home...
Coffee time.
Got the outfit ready to wear tonight.
Finished packing the overnight bag.
I had two friends phone me up to my liquid lunch....
 Looks into Today's Newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1960:
Lonnie Donegan - My Old Man's A Dustman
US No.1 on this day in 1962:
Connie Francis - Don't Break The Heart That Loves You
Still raining :(
The sexy lumo trousers goes back on.
Back out to do the final shift of the week.
Lovely rain clouds!
On goes the waterproofs.
Goes and puts on both sets of lights.
Pops into the Charity Shop for a mooth.
Not my size!
Walked back to Sexy Beast.
I have one friend to have a good rabbit with, until it was time to say goodbye.
Just as I started to start.
The rain started again.
Very heavy rain, but not a lot of traffic to cope with.
Wished everyone a happy holiday.
Finished in one piece.
Home time.
Still raining :(
The Storage units will be going in the next 4 weeks \o/
I emptied Sexy Beast of all the lollipop gear.
I had a nice tour of the factory next door :)
I opened the Easter present from the parents earlier.
Hubby came back and had a sloppy wet one 💋
Now to get changed into the sequin gear!
Gets the overnight bag and off we go.
Checks in.
Off to the nice bedroom.
Nice views of the golf course from out window.
Now to have our 3 course meal.
Main Meal↑
We had a cider and a lemonade.
That came up to just under a tenner!
Back to the room to do the Heardles.
Heardle 50s:
Heardle 60s:
My results:
Sleep Tea Time.
Now to make full use of the large bed!
Night all ;)



Thursday, 30 March 2023

Showing Me The Gums!

You will find my last words in the blue folder on my desk - 
Max Beerbohm
Welcome to my Thursday Fun 👄
 Didn't have enough time to do the Heardles.
Breakfast and Brew.
As well as the thermal vest and those sexy lumo trousers went on.
 Now to leave the house.
Gave hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I left.
There was a chance of rain again.
Gets to work.
On goes the waterproofs.
Turns on my lights, and gets my newspaper.
I tuck my newspaper into my winter coat and walk up to turn on those lights as well.
Returns to Sexy Beast to swap the newspaper for my big stick.
Now walks to my spot in the pouring rain.
There was no room for the Flower lorry to park, so it carried on.
Another lorry parks on double yellow lines.
They find it funny parking there!
At least the rain has stopped.
Still gave a few BOINGs out.
Finished in one piece.
Applying for another Councillor job in another Parish now.
Off home I go.
I wrote yesterday's blog post up to the liquid lunch.
I didn't on my sexy lumo trousers.
Off to the afternoon shift.
I started to rain on the way to work.
It stopped when I parked up.
I still put on my waterproof shoes just in case.
I walk and turn on two sets of lights.
I nip into the Charity Shop for a mooch...
Then back to  Sexy Beast to get my big stick.
My friends join me to have a good rabbit!
Those dark clouds are coming in thick and fast!
I said goodbye to my friends and started my shift.
A few BOINGs given out to those on the otherside of the road for failing to stop.
I had my big stick just out in front of me a little bit as the wind was getting up.
One red car came up the road, slammed on the brakes in front of me, and started banging her gums at me.
(IF she wound down her passenger window, I could have heard what she what saying!)
She then sped off!
I was glad to finish in one piece.
Back home I go.
Brew time.
Out comes the sewing machine.
Wonder Woman themed cushion.
Birthday Card.
Then I made a quick easy tea.
Hubby came home and had a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is served.
Leeks wrapped in ham, in cheese sauce.
Wrapped up the Birthday Present.
Now to look into today's newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1956: