Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Monday 13 March 2023

Sexy Lumo Time!

 Until you've learned to drive, you've never really learned how to swear - Robert Paul
Welcome aboard my Wobbly Work Wheel 🎡
New working week!
Heardle Time.
Heardle 60s:
My results:
Heardle Country had a lovely song which is one of my favourites of Randy Travis.
Breakfast and Brew.
The thermal vest went on, as well as the sexy lumo trousers.
Wind and Rain time!
Out into it I go...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 😘 before I leave.
The other way I normally go still have traffic lights until the end of March.
Gets to work.
All the waterproofs go on.
I go and put on my lights and  I gets the newspaper. Puts my newspaper in the car.
I go and put on my other lights.
As it was pouring with rain, I didn't hang about to take a picture of the tree.
I goes back to Sexy Beast to collect my big stick.
When it was time to start I walked over to my spot in the wind and rain.
We are going to have some fun today!
Because I couldn't stick my big stick out too far, car drivers were driving through without the BOING!
I was nice and dry in my coat, the only thing that was getting wet was my glasses!
I finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
Coffee machine went on.
Hung my wet coat in the Dining Room.
Loaded up the Dishwasher, put it on.
Washing machine went on twice.
Coffee time.
Now to write some blog posts up to lunch!
Liquid lunch time!
We have blue skies now :)
Now out to do the afternoon shift.
My big winter coat was a lot less wet now.
There was no room in the car park where I normally park.
I squeezed Sexy Beast into a tight parking space.
(Using both mirrors)
I got my  Winter coat, winter hat, and gloves.
I put on both sets of lights.
Sat back in Sexy Beast, and soon took of my Winter Coat, as I was getting a damp bum from the damp coat! 
One friend came with his dog.
We had a nice rabbit in the square.
Said goodbye to my friend and got on with the job.
He was the first one I crossed over.
Oh dear here we go again.
As it was quite windy I couldn't stick my big stick out, and car drivers weren't stopping on my side or over the road.
Someone had to reverse as they stopped in the Keep Clear space!
At least I finished in one piece!
Back home I go.
Cup of brew is needed.
More blogging to do.
Gave hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 when he came home.
He had pizza.
I had a nice salad.
Afterwards he went to see his mate who like WWE wrestling.
I looked into today's newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1953.
Guy Mitchell - She Wears Red Feathers.
US No.1 on this day in 1965.
The Beatles - Eight Days A Week.
US No.1 on this day in 1976:
I got more blog posts wrote up to Sleep Tea Time.
Hubby came back just as I was getting ready for bed....
Now to enjoy a very warm hubby.....




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