Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday, 30 April 2023

I Feel Pretty.....

There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, hire someone, or forbid your kids to do it - Mona Crane
Welcome to my Crazy Sunday 💀
I did wake up at my normal time I get up on a weekday....
Nope I need a lie-in! 
3 hours later...
Breakfast and Brew.
On goes thermal vest....
Writes out Birthday card for my friend.
Coffee machine goes on.
Hubby sorts out his paperwork.
I try to update my blog posts.
Up to lunch I do.
Liquid Lunch time! 
More blogging to do until
Tea at 3.
Inbetween finishing off writing more blog posts and doing the tea.
Tea is ready...\o/
Quick look into this weekend's newspaper:
UK No.1 on this day in 1954:
Johnnie Ray - Such A Night
US No.1 on this day in 1955:
 Pérez Prado and his orchestra ► Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White
US No.1 on this day in 1966:
 The Young Rascals "Good Lovin'"
US No.1 on this day in 1977:
Glen Campbell - Southern Nights
Heardle time.
Heardle 50s:
Heardle 60s: 
My answers:
The garden lights are looking nice ;)
All powered by the Sun.
Sleep Tea Time.
We then went to put away the washing that had dried on the line earlier.
The oldest son comes back  effing at me.
Totally ungrateful he is becoming.
Buys him a bike last year for his 18th Birthday,
Didn't want it after he had a go on it.
I sold it after it was starting to rust in the back garden.
He might find himself sleeping in the front garden in the near future!
I was so angry I couldn't sleep.
I sleeps on the sofa!
I ended up getting four hours sleep!
I hope Bank Holiday Monday is alot better!

Trying To Catch Up!

 I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by - Douglas Adams
Hi everyone 👐
Just a small update....
So much has happened in the last 3 weeks,
I have been keeping the blog updated just not published them, as there is a huge gap of posts.
Good news and bad news I have had.
8th May is the 10th Anniversary of my mum passing away.
On a lighter note.
Got some Great vinyl albums from the local Charity Shop↓↓
Hopefully I will get three weeks blog posts published this week....
Fingers crossed 🤞



Saturday, 29 April 2023

Need It So Much!

 A gentleman never heard the story before - Austin O'Malley
Welcome to my Saturday Fun 👅
I work up at my normal weekday time!
Time to watch the sun come up...
We listened to "The Sound of 60s" in bed.
UK Top 3 from 1967 
3: Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze
2: Frank and Nancy Sinatra - Something Stupid
1: Sandie Shaw - Puppet on a String
Now for Breakfast and Brew.
Thermal vest still goes on.
Now to go for a little ride...
Special offer on full English Breakfast.
I didn't fancy one.
I had a fruit scone instead.
Hubby had his full English Breakfast.
Once we ate our nibbles.
Time to look around.
Got another one before they sell out!
Paid for my plants.
Hubby's boot is full ;)
We nipped into Morrisons to get the newspaper and other bits.
Great CD I found↓
Tried to use my voucher for my newspaper.
Then the red light came on flashing!
That was soon sorted.
Back home we go.
Unloads all the shopping.
Reaches the gardening gloves and starts to put the plants in the garden.
Halfway, time for a brew with a nibble.
Afterwards hubby took 4 bags of branches down to the Household tip.
Did some weeding.
The new Solar light goes up.
As well a some new lights going around the Pear Street!
Nice to seat out in the garden.
Wrote out the shopping list.
Shopping time!
Middle of the aisle:
I got myself a bottle for later:
Got the shopping.
Just loaded up the car before the rain came down.
We sat in the car and watched the rain come down.
Changed coats and we brought the shopping in the house.
I put the tea in the oven.
We had a few words with the kids over things that has happened today.
Where is that bottle of wine, I need it!
I ate the tea before I  had chance to take a photo!
It was yum!
Now to look into today's newspaper:
UK No.1 on this day in 1955:
 Pérez Prado and his orchestra ► Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White 
UK No.1 on this day in 1978:
Bee Gees - Night Fever
Heardle Time
Heardle 50s:
Heardle 60s:
My results:
The wine was so nice.
Took the edge of today!
Then we watched two hours of James Whale.
No sleep tea needed tonight.
Aiming for a bit of a lie-in tomorrow! 




Friday, 28 April 2023

Long Weekend Is Coming Up!

When a piece gets difficult, make faces - Vladimir Horowitz
Welcome to my Friday Feeling 🎈🎈
Next door is supposing to have a full rewire done.
I am going out for coffee and chat this morning ot get away from the drilling that will be happening...
Breakfast and Brew.
The thermal vest still going on!
Off out I go.
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leave.
I still put on my winter coat and summer hat as there is still a bit of a chill.
I go and put on my lights and fetch the newspaper.
I swapped my newspaper for my big stick!
Let's go and put my other lights on.
After they were put on, 
Time to start!
It's a good job I put on my waterproof boots and it started to rain.
Cars going to fast in the rain, and having to slam their brakes on!
People still parking on the double yellow lines!
Lots of BOINGs given out as well.
Finished in one piece.
Now to B3
Time for coffee and nibbles.
I had a yak with my friend.
I decided to see if there was any work going on in next door's house.
I wished my friend a good Bank Holiday Weekend.
Off home I went to avoid bad drivers on the way.
No work van, hubby contacted the Council.
The rewiring has been cancelled as they have to do other repairs.
Not enough time for a liquid lunch.
Let's Roll with...
Now out to do the final shift of the week!
On does the summer coat and summer hat.
Walks up the road and discoveries there is Traffic Lights.
Going to have fun later!
Walks down to turn on the other set of lights.
Nips into the Charity Shop.
Picks up some great vinyl!
One friend to go into school for a Book Fair.
My "Husband" turned up and we went and sat in the square for a rabbit until I started my shift.
I wished him a good Bank Holiday weekend.
Now to start.
Traffic was building up because of the Traffic lights.
People were stopping in the Keep Clear space.
Some BOINGs were given out!
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
Time for a brew!
Puts the tea in the oven.
Gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is served.
Let's look into today's newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1966:
Dusty Springfield - You Don't Have To Say You Love Me 
US No.1 on this day in 1979:
Blondie - Heart of Glass.
Heardle time.
Heardle 50s:
Heardle 60s:
My results:
My wisteria is growing back!
We watched "Have I Got News For You"
Sleep Tea Time.
Now to enjoy Three Day Weekend!