Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label "Mission Impossible". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Mission Impossible". Show all posts

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Mission Accepted!

Enquire not what boils in another's pot - Thomas Fuller
Welcome to my Thursday 👾
Nice warm hug with brew.
I gave hubby a sloppy wet 💋 before he left for work.
Got kids up ready to do their on-line working for school.
Added some misty grey eye colour to my eye lids. Let's see if anyone notices???
Getting back onto Hobbycraft, as my order yesterday was delivered somewhere else...
I gets yesterday's blog post wrote.
Enjoyed a much needed coffee afterwards.
Out for some fresh air now.
I gets the newspaper and my neighbour's magazine.
Goes past my late dad's house and see my younger brother has left his huge van in the drive and using his limo now.
Back home.
It's warm and not that cold....yet.
Loads up the dishwasher.
Then it's back out for a little ride and singalong...
Quick look in the newspaper before I go into work.
 Billie Jo Spears (born Billie Joe Moore) was an American country music singer. She reached the top 10 of the country music chart five times between 1969 and 1977, her biggest being "Blanket on the Ground", a 1975 number-one hit. She also had a large following in the United Kingdom with two of her singles reaching the pop top ten.
She would have been 84 years old 🎈
She sadly died in 2011 aged 74. 

 I look across the fields of fun.
Wearing my new mask I made↓
I had a good time, giving stickers out.
After I finished, back into Sexy Beast to guess the year on the way home.
Back home to find my new hat has arrived.
Light lunch.
My neighbour's calender arrived.I go round to give it to him.He gives me a mission....
I get it done in 10 minutes...
I will be ordering them later.
Film time...
Tea at 3.
I gave hubby a nice wet sloppy 💋 when he came home.
Now to dish up the grub!
Another film to watch...
Followed by some Sleep Tea...
I'm all ready for the Friday Feeling🎈 coming in by the truck load tomorrow!





Sunday, 27 September 2020

Another Mission Untaken....

My advice to aspiring writers: marry money - Max Shulman
Welcome to my Sunday 🍿 
Brew and hug time!
Off for a walk...
Back home↓
Drops off my son at his boxing lesson.
Then I check my tyres and fill up Sexy Beast for the week.
I enjoyed a much needed coffee↓
We swap cars.
Hubby checks his tyres and fills his car up for the week.
We pick up son from his boxing lesson.
Then back to do some more shopping..
The large packs of toilet rolls are back↑
Nice book for sale↑
Lots of people wasn't wearing their face coverings properly. Some people wasn't wearing their masks over their noses!
I needed a much needed coffee↓
I drop off the yums yums to my neighbour.
My neighbour set me another mission to do...
 To find a book called:
The Apache War Saga:
Desert Hawks
Frank Burleson. 
Lunch time↓
Nap time.
Belated Tea at 3.↓
We did another walk..↓
 2.27 miles done today \o/
 Found some interesting things while we did it.
I shredded them.
Out comes the chopping board I bought yesterday↓
I read today's newspaper while the tea was cooking in the oven.
 Bernard  Jewry  known professionally as Shane Fenton and later as Alvin Stardust, was an English rock singer and stage actor. Performing first as Shane Fenton in the 1960s, Jewry had a moderately successful career in the pre-Beatles era, hitting the UK top 40 with four singles in 1961–62. However, he became better known for singles released in the 1970s and 1980s as Alvin Stardust, a character he began in the glam rock era, with hits including the UK Singles Chart-topper "Jealous Mind", as well as later hits such as "Pretend" and "I Feel Like Buddy Holly".He would have been 78 years old 🎈 
He died aged 72 in 2014.

Barbara  Dickson OBE  is a Scottish singer whose hits include "I Know Him So Well", "Answer Me" and "January February". Dickson has placed fifteen albums in the UK Albums Chart from 1977 to date, and had a number of hit singles, including four which reached the Top 20 in the UK Singles Chart. The Scotsman newspaper has described her as Scotland's best-selling female singer in terms of the numbers of hit chart singles and albums she has achieved in the UK since 1976. She is 73 years old 🎈
Cauliflower Cheese.
I wrote yesterday's blog post.
We watched the final part of 
Enjoyed Sleep Tea while catching up on the news.
Back on the Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow







Saturday, 28 March 2020

On A Mission!

Until you've lost your reputation,you never realise what a burden it was - Margaret Mitchell
Welcome to the weekend🎈
Another day of lockdown.
However we need to escape the house to get some shopping in...
I left sleeping beauty to snore..
I was on a mission..↓
   For tea and nibble↓
 Sleeping Beauty rose from his pit.
Breakfast, and we got dressed.
On the food misson...
We leave the house \o/
 First stop was to fetch the newspaper.
No queueing. I got some bits for dinner as well. I recognised someone at the front of the shop...↓
 My younger brother was stood there,
wearing a face mask.
He couldn't get to me, as a member of staff was filling the shelves and there was a trolley blocking the aisle.
I soon disappeared, paid for my goods and left the shop.
I was sat in the car, and he looked at me when he went past in his van. 
Now onto our local Farm Shop↓
Off to get some meat for the week↓
 We got some Chicken,mince,pork chop and fish cakes.
We went past Waitrose, there was a nice big queue outside,waiting to get in.
There was another queue outside the Tesco Express, I went in earlier too.
Back home to unload the shopping.
We divided all the meat into small quanties into food bags.
We had half the mince for tonight's meal.
Light lunch time↓
 Read the newspaper too↓
 Chris Barrie, British actor ( Red Dwarf,),He is 60 years old 🎈
Vince Vaughn,is an American actor, producer, screenwriter and comedian.He is 50 years old 🎈
 Peter Ustinov, British actor, author, journalist, comedian and broadcaster (Death on Nile, Logan's Run, Billy Budd), died aged 82 years old in 2004
 We caught up with:
Hubby went to do more food shopping with younger son.
I meanwhile caught up with the blog.
Start on with the tea↓
 Hubby came back from shopping.
Aldi has now got a Bouncer on the door. One person allowed in with a trolley.
After Aldi, they went into the Euro Supermarket↓
They got some lovely Polish dumplings, Polish sausages, garlic with chilli, with some Polish butter.
Tea is ready↓
 Shepherd's Pie
Movie time↓
 Great film \o/
Just have to find number 3 tomorrow.
I have ordered some great DVDs to watch↓
 It's going to be PJ day tomorrow.
Far too cold to venture out there......
As long as I put on jumper over the top.
Now to escape to the bedroom↓