He's so tight that if you stuck a piece of coal up his ass in two weeks you'd have a diamond - Matthew Broderick
Welcome to the Friday Feeling 🎈
I saw my friend who was walking his dog.
I gives him the Birthday present for his wife,
(Her birthday is in the Whitsun Holiday, and I might not see them this afternoon for a daily rabbit)
I get the newspaper on the way back up.
I swop the newspaper for the my big stick.
Now to turn on my other lights.
The fun I have, with people parking on the double yellow lines, and other car drivers can't see walking out in the road.
One lorry was going to park on the opposite side of the road on the double yellow lines, but chose not to, after me starring at them!
Still gave some BOINGs out to cars failing to stop on the otherside of the road!
At least I survived!
Back home I go...
Liquid lunch time!
Black Lexus pulls out of the petrol station, right in front of me! Overtakes the cars in front of me, and there happened to be a car coming the other way, words were swapped when they drove past each other!
I go down the Charity shop and gets some great bargains. I got some raffle prizes for the upcoming raffle for Studley in Bloom Coffee Morning.
Turned on my other lights. Swapped my bargains for my big stick. I met my friends in the square. Those dark clouds are making me nervous!
Now to do the final shift of the week.
It did finally rain for most of my shift.
I'm glad I had my winter coat on with the hood on!
Few Boings given out for those cars on the otherside that fail to stop!
At least I finished in one piece!
Back home.
Hubby comes home and has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is served.
Sleep Tea time...