Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Avengers.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avengers.. Show all posts

Thursday 18 October 2018

Sunshine Superman

Welcome to Thursday...
Breakfast in 🛏 once more...
 Another Super Heros t-shirt to wear...↓
Marmite and coffee time↓
 Hopefully the sun will appear.
 Chilled in the Hanbury Hall car park↑↑
 Some lovely views↑↓
 Gets back home,
The sun disappeared
 Cleaned up the leaves off the path yesterday.
More as fell off the tree↓↓
 Some good films arrived↓↓
 Here we go again.
Blocking off the drive again ↑↓
 Nipped to Tesco to look around.
 Good card :)↑
The Birthday card and present, in need of wrapping up↑
After such a long day,
It was nice to snuggle with a warm hubby.
All ready for the Friday Feeling.