Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Bend Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bend Me. Show all posts

Friday, 25 October 2019

Lots Of Rolling, Rolling, & Rolling...

On the keyboard of life,always keep one finger on the escape key - Scott Adams.
Thank goodness it's arrived ....
Last day of term!
A week's holiday is coming up \o/
 It was nice to have snuggles and tea in bed with hubby.
I gave out plenty of 💋💋💋  to everyone before they left.
I too had to leave early....
 I had to go on detour as the one of the roads to Webbs is closed.
It was nice to B3↓
    Riding a white swan↓
 Now for coffee,nibble and chat↓
 I said goodbye to my friend.
It was raining again!
I had a little look at the newspaper
Helen Reddy is 78 years old 🎈
Jon Anderson is 75 years old 🎈
Enjoying the views of the fields.
  I had to use lots of eye rolls...
To get me through my job.
*I am glad I am having next week off!*
So glad I could do some singing on the way home.
 It was still raining when I got home.

I enjoyed a coffee and nibble↓

 I went off to the Happy Place of Work.
More eye rolls needed from me!
 I came back to get tea on the go.
 Off to burn off tea and do some singing with the last job of the week!
 I get back.
Take off those warm boots↓
We then watched:
The Graham Norton Show
 Jason Momoa, Emilia Clarke, Regina King and Ross Noble join Graham Norton on his sofa. With music from Camila Cabello, who performs Liar.
Now to enjoy more Friday Feeling in a warm bed.... 


Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Being Glücklich In The Sunshine!

I'd rather be hated for who I am,than loved for who I am not - Kurt Cobain
Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
It's going to be another warm one \o/
 I enjoyed a warm hug and a nice cup of tea in bed↓
 Some of the German words,
One of my sons have to learn at school↓
 Good job I have lots of einen Sinn fur Humour haben!
Gave everyone lots of wet 💋💋💋 before they left the house.
I meanwhile enjoyed coffee and vitamin C↓ 
 More washing was put on the line...
Light Lunch time!
  Now out for a little ride in Sexy Beast
Big Big sunglasses😎
 It's not getting too warm yet!
Lets do some singing along to get warm...
 Gets to work,
Nice and warm!
Paper time...
 Nice Blue skies!
 I Had a nice red face when I left work!

More singing needs to be done....
 My son's papers and new trolley was delivered.
 Time for...
 Then off to the Happy Place Of Work..
Such a hard choice to have↓
 Didn't fancy any....
Back home↓
 For lolly,
As I was well warm...↓
 Nice jacket potato for tea...
 We nipped to Morrisons to stock up on some supplies..
Look what is back↓
A bit smaller than I remembered!
Off to final job of the day with some good music...
One of my favourite songs came onto to do a great solo to...
(It's at the end of the blog post) 
I got back to catch up with 
Interior Design Masters 
Then I dragged a tired hubby to bed for a snuggle or even more? 


Friday, 2 August 2019

Mum's Singing Club Part 2

Life is like a prism.What you see depends on how you turn the glass - Jonathan Kellerman
The Friday Feeling is back🎈
I enjoyed a nice cup of tea in bed...
 I gave hubby a big sloppy 💋 before he left the house.
Nice t-shirt to wear today↓
 Oh dear no cabbages this year↓
 Kids up..
Now for a ride in Sexy Beast
 Big big sunglasses time
Off to pick up my order from the man's cave↓
 There was another woman in there,
who wasn't happy they didn't have her shade of paint she wanted.
My order was in...
 Interesting top 10 in todays newspaper↓
Meanwhile in today's newspaper
I noticed it was Andy Fairweather Low's 71st Birthday.....
He was in one of my favourite bands in the 60s..
(The favourite song is played at the end of this blog post)
 Off to town.
I parked in Car Park 4.
Soon as I walked in to the shopping Centre.
The singing along just had to be done..↓
We goes onto the market.
Got some nice things of the food stall.
Sung along with the following songs.
(My kids had to escape from my singing to the Library) 
 I met up with them in the Library.
I caught up with today's newspaper.
Then off to get a coffee..
 It didn't help I couldn't find the red token to get out of the car park....
I get back to Sexy Beast,
I had left it in there!
(It would have cost be £10 to get out,
If I had not found it!)
Pays to get out....
More good tunes to sing along with from the new 60s album I bought earlier in the week.
One of kids actually liked one of the songs!!!
 Next stop was Sainsburys.
 It was feeling well warm now↓
Unloads shopping.
Washing machine goes back on.
After reading the newspaper.
I was off to work...
 Fun time at work as normal.
Came home in sunshine not the rain like yesterday.
It's amazing what my kids learn when they are not on their mobile phones.
One has learnt to do crochet.
Once tea was made and eaten.
I caught up with two episodes of...
Off to do final job of the week.
 With some great music↓
 Once I finished, we caught up with some more Louie.
 In Love Without Limits
Altered States
In Love Without Limits, Louis travels to Portland, Oregon, the heart of a movement seeking to rewrite the rulebook on how we conduct intimate relationships and experience family life.
Portland, whose city motto is 'Keep Portland Weird', is seen as the US capital of polyamory and ethical non-monogamy, the practice of openly and transparently having multiple relationships that go further than just sex.
Louis embeds himself with families who have made the bold decision to open up their relationships in a number of different ways, whether inviting others into existing relationships or allowing partners to seek romance elsewhere. He discovers that for many, more partners means more love and more happiness. But for others, multiple relationships have led to jealousy, upset and broken hearts.
By Reason Of Insanity Part 1

Louis immerses himself in the world of Ohio's state psychiatric hospitals, meeting patients who have committed crimes - at times horrifically violent - while in the grip of severe mental illness. They have been found not guilty by reason of insanity and ordered by the courts to secure psychiatric facilities to receive the treatment that it is hoped will, one day, lead to their reintegration back into society. 
In the first of two episodes, Louis spends time with patients attempting to come to terms with their crimes and the clinicians entrusted with helping to make them safe. And he investigates the difficult question - when is a patient with a serious crime in their past ready to be returned to the outside world
I was trying to fight the zzzzzz
Now to enjoy the final moments of the Friday Feeling 🎈 in 🛏