Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Duke of Earl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duke of Earl. Show all posts

Friday, 17 April 2020


You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation - Unknown
Welcome to the Friday Feeling🎈
 The sun is back \o/
 I enjoyed a warm hug and cup of tea↓
 We had breakfast.
Now off for a little walk↓
 The hole has now been covered up↓
 Back home.

I gives hubby a sloppy 💋 as he goes off to work.
I meanwhile have a look in the newspaper↓
 Billy Fury, was an English singer from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and remained an active songwriter until the 1980s.He would have been 80 years old🎈
 He died aged 42 in 1983
  Jan Hammer  is a Czech-American musician, composer and record producer. He is 72 years old 🎈
 Eddie Cochran was a mid-20th century American rock and roll musician. Cochran's songs, such as "Twenty Flight Rock", "Summertime Blues", "C'mon Everybody" and "Somethin' Else", captured teenage frustration and desire in the mid-1950s and early 1960s.He died at age 21 after a road accident, while traveling in a taxi in Chippenham, Wiltshire, during his British tour in April 1960.
 If I was still working for Royal Mail,
I would have been celebrating 30 years working there🎈
However I was medically retired in 2012.
I wrote and publish yesterday's blog.
Cake and coffee time↓
 Then I sit outside to catch up with this newspapers in the sunshine

Followed by light lunch↓
 Then I was back on sorting out all my old an new characters for my new book↓
After an hour, I was all set to start writing.
I sent my kids out for there 20 minute walk up and down the road.
They were just coming back, when the police stopped them and asked what they were doing.
"Exercise," replied one son.
"Do you live in the same house," he was asked.
"He is my brother,and we live in that house," Replied my son pointing to our house.
"Keep safe," the policeman replied and drove off. 
Out for a bit of air and they get stopped. 
I carry on writing a chapter of my book.
My youngest son says;
"Is that all you wrote!" 
I leave the book alone and get on with the tea.
Gives hubby a big hug when he comes home.
Tea is served↓
  Then off to work I go with some great tunes↓
 We gets back to listen some great tunes on the 70's channel...
Then off to practice some parts from my new book on my hubby in bed....