Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label House of Cards Intro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House of Cards Intro. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Groundhog Day!

Clock on. Do as little as you can. Clock off. Live beyond your means. Then die. -Eileen Grimshaw, Coronation Street.
Welcome to a interesting Tuesday👀
Breakfast and Brew.
Now out of the door I go....
The gates to the hall wasn't open again.
Parked up opposite.
Put on my winter coat and winter hat.
Went and turned on my lights.
Picked up my newspaper.
The gates were open,
So I drove in.
Got my big stick out.
Now to turn on my other lights.
Off to work I go...🍭
Last minute brakers,
Parking in the Keep Clear Space.
One BOING given out.
Our parker on double yellow lines turned up again!
Same time, same place.
Finished in one piece.
Nips into the Council Office.
Then to go to the Co-op to fetch more mince pies for Friday night. 
Back home.
Gets my Council things ready for later.
Cup of coffee needed.
I wrote yesterday's blog post up to liquid lunch.
Read the newspaper.
Talked to hubby on his lunch break.
Now the time is to leave...
I handed in the mince pies.
Put on my winter coat and winter hat.
My friend arrived, and we went to put on one set of lights. Then off down to the Charity Shop for some bargains and conversation.
The teddy bear I donated last week, and I saw a man walking with it, had come back.
I got a nice jacket for hubby↓↓
I sent him the picture and he wanted it.
Got it him.
Said goodbye to the staff in the Charity shop.
Turned on my other lights.
Back to pick up my big stick.
Then off to the square for a rabbit.
My other friend didn't turn up ;/
My friend thanked me for giving her the food yesterday, and everyone enjoyed it for tea last night. \o/
I said goodbye to my friend as she starts work before me.
No lying sun to worry about.
Starts my shift.
My other friend had been out and about as he went past and did the royal wave at me.
Still people are leaving it too late too brake.
Nearly had some tap and cracks....
No BOINGs given out...
My other two friends arrived, quick chat, and off home they went.
Finished in one piece.
Back home.
Cup of brew needed.
Got some more Council business done.
Early tea time.
I watched last night's Headliners.
Hubby came back and had a sloppy wet one 💋
Then I had to go out for my Council Meeting.
Grabbed my bag.
Hubby had another sloppy wet one 💋
Now to get ready for the Council Meeting.
Interesting meeting.
It was really dark when I left.
Nice moon...
Sleep tea time.
Hoping for a warm Hump day tomorrow 🐫



Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Trying To Chew It Off....

Appreciate me now, and avoid the rush - Ashleigh Brilliant
Welcome to my busy Tuesday 🐔
Breakfast and Brew.
As it was raining, and going to carry on raining this morning, on goes the sexy lumo trousers.
Put on rain mac, and ran to Sexy Beast.
I gave hubby a sloppy wet one💋 before I left for work.
On goes summer hat, winter coat and waterproof boots.
As it is pouring down with rain.
I go and turn on my lights, and back up to my other lights to turn them on.
A new Pillar Box topper↓
Back to
Sexy Beast to get my big stick.
I walked over to my spot.
I was getting well warm in the rain.
In the end, I took off my gloves, and my hood.
Lots of kids to cross over.
I had 3 cars ignore me on the other side of the road, including one parent who I used to talk to.
It kept starting to rain.
Finished in one piece.
I had to take off my sexy lumo trousers as I was well warm!
I got my newspaper, then onto to do some Council business for a few hours.
Back home to pick up son for his job interview.
Quick coffee...
Then out...
I had a look around while younger son went for his interview.
Nice ;)
Gets what I needed to get.
Son comes back and says he has got the day job.
Woo hoo!
When we left the store, the heavens opened!
Back home.
Small lunch.
Younger son went off on my bike to see his older brother.
I was running late to go to my job!
I didn't put on sexy lumo trousers as it was forecasting not to rain anymore!
I put on my Summer hat,Winter coat, and waterproof shoes, (Just in case it does rain)
I go and put one set of lights, then down for a visit to the Charity Shop. We had a good yak in there.
All of my friends appeared in the Charity Shop.
I said goodbye to the staff in there and walked back up the road, turning on my other light on the way.
I fetch my big stick and go and stand in the square for a little rabbit.
Those dark clouds coming over doesn't look good.
I said goodbye to my friends as I started my afternoon shift.
This is where the fun starts.
Someone parks on double yellow lines.
The car drivers coming up the road now have a problem seeing me crossing the road!
While in the middle of the road, I was waiting for a child to cross over, a van driver just drove past, realising a child was coming over, he said "Sorry" when he drove past me!
The lovely parent that tried to run me over last year in her previous car, decided not stop as I was crossing over the road.
Nice loud BOING she received for not stopping!
Finished in one piece, just!
Back home.
Jumped into the shower.
Got some lovely things from the Charity shop earlier↓
Nice cup of brew.
Something must be in the air.
First my younger son chewed my head off about joining a Union. I soon put him right on a few things.
Hubby comes home and tries twice to chew my head off!
He didn't get to do it for the third time!
Tea was served up.
Then off out for me as I had a Council Meeting to go to...
Has Council meeting.
Back home.
Hubby had gone to see his friend who had just lost his dad.
I wrote another blog post.
Looked into today's newspaper.
Watched some news.
Sleep Tea time.
Hoping for a sunny Hump Day tomorrow 🐫