Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label James Bond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Bond. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Shake A Tail Feather !

 It's always a business doing pleasure with you - Dolly Parton
Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
Breakfast and Brew.
Now out of the door I go...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leave.
I put on my summer coat and summer hat.
I got the newspaper and went back to Sexy Beast. I got chatting to a friend who I normally chat to in the afternoon.
They had come back from holiday in Broadway.
Pot of tea for 2 with sandwiches and salad = £27!!!
They went three times during the week!
I hope to find out more later on.
I got my big stick and went to turn on the lights on.
Still a few drivers don't understand the word STOP especially on the otherside of the road.
Then the rain came down, 20 minutes before I was due to finish.
Back to Sexy Beast and it is still raining.
Back home.
Cup of coffee time.
Unloaded the dishwasher and loaded it back up.
Lots of washing to do.
My Supervisor phoned me, to say the license number for the taxi is a black Primus.
Nope, it was dark green car that tried to take me out! Is someone borrowing the license number?
Liquid lunch time.
I had a chat with hubby on his lunch break.
Now back out to do the afternoon shift.
On goes the summer hat, summer coat,
Big big sunglasses .
I turned on my lights and walked down to the Charity shop.
The traffic lights halfway up the road is going to make my job interesting.
Said hi to everyone in the Charity Shop.
My lights wasn't still working.
Walked back to get my big stick.
I had a lovely rabbit in the square.
Said goodbye to my friends.
Now to do my shift.
The sun is out, what could go wrong?
Not stopping or stopping in the Keep Clear space.
At least I finished in one piece.
Nice cup of brew is needed.
Now to change the net curtains in the craft room.
Puts food in the oven.
Hubby comes home and has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is served.
(Cheese had gone be hard!)
I looked into today's newspaper.
Let's look into the James Bond box↓
Brilliant movie :)
Sleep Tea time.
Let's hope the sunshine lasts tomorrow!



Saturday, 11 April 2020

One Cone,Two Cone,.....

One must think like a hero to behave like a merely decent human being - May Sarton
Up far too early for a Saturday🎈
 Makes the tea↓
 The sun is coming up↗↗↗
Listened to "The Sounds of the 60s" while we had breakfast.
Then we got dressed.
Now out for the walk↓
 Someone has been playing with the cones↓
 That's where the cones have come from↓
 Goes past my late dad's house on the way back↓
 Found  the third cone↓
Some more Dvds arrived.
 We go off to get some more eggs↓

 The cherry blossom is looking nice on the tree↓
 We sat out in the sunshine↓
 Off for a siesta.
While we were in the land of nod.
One son made a lovely cake.
We had cup of tea with cake at 3pm↓
 The kids were watching the Top Gear specials on Netflix↓
I wanted to escape outside.
It then started to rain :(
 I got my nose in the newspaper↓
 Cerys Matthews is a Welsh singer, songwriter, author, and broadcaster. She was a founding member of Welsh rock band Catatonia.She is 51 years old 🎈
 Emile Ford, was a musician and singer born in Saint Lucia. He was popular in the United Kingdom in the late 1950s and early 1960s as the leader of Emile Ford & the Checkmates, who had a number one hit in late 1959 with "What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes at Me For?". He was also a pioneering sound engineer.He died aged 78 in 2016. 
  Once the top Gear has finished.
Time to catch up on the news↓ 
 Now for James Bond↓
 Sausage Casserole With Mash↓
 Movie time↓
 I didn't watch too much of the newspaper review....
As I was yawning too much....
Off for yet another early night!


Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Who Is The Man In The Red Hat??

Two days to go until Xmas day.
Stocked up on the Shloer (As I don't drink alcohol)
I have got Lego scattered all over my Living room.
I have Henry the Hoover fuming in the corner.
He can't come out to play just yet!
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is on the television.
My kids point to the television:
"Who is that?"
"Who is that?"
"Who is that?"
"He played James Bond"
"Oh in Dr No?" my kids asked.
(Well done, they are learning...)
"How about the one with the red hat mum?"
I try to remember,(can't) a quick Google,