Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Judy In Disguise (With Glasses). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judy In Disguise (With Glasses). Show all posts

Thursday 18 May 2023

Soaking Up The Vitamin D!

I kept a pet goat that followed me like an unpaid bill - Myrtle Reed
Welcome to my Thursday fun 💥
Breakfast with Brew.
Going to be another sunny day.
(No thermal vest needed!)
Leaves the house.
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋
Now onto work I go....
The summer hat and coat goes on. I walk down to turn on the lights and collects my newspaper.
I swap my newspaper for my big stick.
Another topper has been added....
Turn on my other lights.
It might be sunny, but still the drivers don't want to stop, Boing,Boing,Boing I go with my stick.Only a week and a day to go and I break up for Whitsun Holidays.
I survived in one piece.
Picked up my Chrome Book to do my Council bits on.
Home I go...
Coffee time↓
I didn't have the password to get on the Chrome book.While I waited for it to be emailed to me, I got on with some housework up to lunchtime.
Liquid lunch time.
Now time to go out and do the afternoon shift.
I put on my summer hat and summer coat.
I turn on my lights and walk down to Charity Shop.
I have a good yak and says my  goodbyes.
I turn on my lights and walk back to fetch my big stick.
I have a good rabbit with my friends.
When the time is for me to start my job, I say goodbye and start.
Last minute brakers, and car drivers stopping in the Keep Clear space are not helping!
I finish in one piece.
Home time!
Cup of brew time is needed.
I starts to make tonights tea.
Gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 when he comes home.
Dishes up the tea.
(too late to take a photo)
Looks at today's newspaper.
I caught up with news .
Sleep Tea time.
Having a early night......
As the Friday Feeling is back tomorrow 🎈