Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Living Doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Living Doll. Show all posts

Friday, 8 March 2019

Which One Can I Take Out?

It's Friday! I can't wait to be ashamed of what I do this weekend - anon
Hey Hey it's Friday!🍾🍾🍾
First cuppa of the day..↓
 Gave everyone big 💋💋💋 before they left.
 The sun is shining.....🌞
Posted blog post
 Coffee and vitamin C time.
Tidied the house 
Liquid Lunch↓
 Just getting ready to leave, when I notice something parked over the drive...
 When has the sun gone???
 Good job for the leggings↑
I finally get off my drive.
On the way to get my newspaper.
Two large vans park up,
(I go down to 5 m.p.h, as I can't see what is coming, now the vans have parked)
The driver of the first van nearly had his door took off by me, as he didn't see me coming.
Then a couple jay walked straight into the road in front of me. I had to brake very quickly!
When I get to work, there is no where to park!
 My car is halfway up a bank↑
As no one has left no room in the lay-by.
Someone offered me help getting my car inbetween a purple car and black car.
As there was no room for me to park,
I asked the man:"Which car do you want to take out?"
Up and down the road to try and find a parking space.
Then it starts to rain again!
 I had to park on bank with Sexy Beast 45 degree angle....
Quick look at the Birthdays:
Micky Dolenz:is an American actor, musician, television director, radio personality and theater director, best known as a vocalist and drummer of the 1960s pop/rock band the Monkees is 74 years old.
Carole Bayer Sager (born Carol Bayer):Is an American lyricist, singer, songwriter, painter, and New York Times best-selling author is 72 years old.
 Gary Numan (Anthony James Webb):Is an English singer, songwriter, composer, and record producer.(Are Friends Electric, & Cars)is 61 years old.
Tom Chaplin: Is an English singer-songwriter, musician and composer, best known as the lead singer of the British pop rock band Keane.He is 40 years old.
John Inman: An English actor and singer best known for his role as Mr. Humphries in Are You Being Served?, a British sitcom between 1972 and 1985. He was also well known character actor in the United Kingdom as a pantomime dame.He died aged 71 in 2007. 
Adam Faith: was a British teen idol, singer, actor and financial journalist. He was one of the most charted acts of the 1960s. He became the first UK artist to lodge his initial seven hits in the Top 5.He died aged 62 in 2003.
The Young Ones and Cliff Richard release new version of single "Living Doll" for Comic Relief charity in 1986.
  The car park is rammed! 
 My co-worker wasn't in to dish up the food.
I went back to Sexy Beast to get my hat and apron out of the boot.
 I had a great time dishing up the food to the kids.
"What happens if you mess with the chef?"
I was asked.
I replied:"A big 💋 on your forehead"
I had a nice beetroot colour face when I finished.
It was still raining on the way home.
 Nice bit of coffee before I had off to Job 2
 Nice new washing up bowl.
(I had worn out the other one!)
 It is still raining when I get home.
I got the evening meal sorted..
Pasta Bake with mushroom, red onions, garlic and chilli.↓
 We watched part 2 of:
The Apprentice Comic Relief 2019
The Friday Night film to watch in bed is:

 Then to carry on with some Friday Feeling 🍾