Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Marguerita Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marguerita Time. Show all posts

Friday, 28 July 2023

Raise A Glass!

You wouldn't get away with that if my scriptwriter was here - Bob Hope
Welcome back to the Friday Feeling 🎈
Breakfast and Brew time
Gets dressed.
Gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before he went to work.
Then younger son and me are going out for a little ride out...
I got the newspaper, and some petrol.
Now the time is to B3.
Time for a coffee and nibble....
I only noticed they had buttered the bread when I ate into it.....
Now to walk it off in Hobbycraft.
We looked in Lakeland...
I have two, don't need another one.
Off home we go.
We took part in Pop Master on the way back.
My son got the answer, The Beach Boys, the man didn't and only got 33 pts!
The woman that came on next only got 15 pts.
The 3 of 10 was The Hollies.
That was a easy one!
Now to send a email about the Consultation on the Councils Tenancy Management Policy.
Oh dear, it bounced back twice!
In the end I phone the Housing Dept up.
They forgot to add the - to the email address in the letter!
The man from the Housing Dept said they have a lot of people phone up after receiving the letter thinking it is eviction letter and asking for the correct email address!
They said the dates for the road show was on the website. I looked, no dates at all the website!
After that fun, it was time for a light lunch!
I put tonight's tea in the oven.
Now to write some blog posts.
Hubby came home and had a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is served...
Now to watch something....
Followed by a catch  up on the news.
Sleep tea time.
It is my late dad's 82nd Birthday tomorrow.
Let's raise a glass for him 🍺



Friday, 20 January 2023

Time For A Catch Up!

Some people pay a compliment as if they expected a receipt - Kim Hubbard.
Welcome to the Friday Feeling 🎈
Still feeling yuk :(
Got to up early to get the Heardles done.
Heardle 60s:
My answers:
I had a bit of toast for breakfast.
The thermal vest went it's frigging cold!
I gave hubby a sloppy wet one 💋before he went to work.
The kids then went to school and work.
My older son's bedroom needs a bomb dropping in there....
I got on writing the blog.
My friend came round for a catch-up.
It was to have coffee and something a bit better than toast!
I thanked my friend coming around.
Liquid lunch time...
Now to get on updating the blog.
I was told we were going to be dumped into a really bad area of Redditch.
(If I choose to move, which I'm not!)
It is that bad, Roy Chubby Brown even made a joke about how bad the area is when he was at the Palace Theatre last week!
"I visited this bad area of Redditch. I could get any kind of drug I needed, but I couldn't find any paracetamol!"
Hubby came back from work and had a sloppy wet one 💋
The jacket potatoes were done!
I didn't fancy beans with my jacket.
Now to look into today's Newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1956:
Tennessee Ernie Ford - Sixteen Tonnes
UK No.1 on this day in 1966:
The Spencer Davis Group - Keep On Running
UK No.1 on this day in 2001: