Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Monday fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday fun. Show all posts

Monday, 5 June 2017

Nice To See You, To See You Nice #4

I made the most of the last day before our kids go back to school.
 Lie-ins for everyone!
(except hubby who went back to work)
I started my new job today \o/
I don't know who was more excited...
The children or me!
The pine cones that were on the playground forecasted no rain 

(they were right until I finished,
then it tipped down!)
There is forecasted a lot of rain this week...
Those green wellies are going to be seeing some action! 


Monday, 17 October 2016

Getting Back On It....

I nearly went back to sleep this morning.
Good job the radio was a bit louder, or it would have been more  Zzz for me!
Back on the wobbly work wheel for me...
The moon and sun were both out..
I had the normal Monday madness..
Back home for the pleasures of my own housework.
Gentle play with Henry.
Dancing with the mop and bucket.
Even managed to fit in a chapter of the new book!
Had over 6,000 views of my Angel Cake on Twitter :)
3 days to go, and my kids and I break up for half term...
Then the fun starts......

Monday, 10 October 2016

Don't Know Much....

Back on the wobbly work wheel after the weekend...
Run out of coffee (which didn't help matters)
There are roadworks are nearby where I work at Job 1
Traffic lights sprung up for the afternoon's shift.
Bedlam and chaos happened...

  One Grandmother was moaning about no one knowing anything about when the next newsletter is coming out...
My response was:

 "I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know!":
I sung very loud, and out of tune....

Monday, 19 September 2016

Let's Get This Party Started!

Welcome back to Monday.
It was heavy drizzling by the time I started Job 1
Then as one parent said to me:
"Let's Get This Party Started!"
The party did start so to speak...
4 cars parking on Zig Zags,
One car wheel spinning in front of me.
One parent nearly getting knocked over by a car failing to stop!
I needed to chill.
Roll on Apple Crumble...
I thought things couldn't get much worst for part 2 of Job 1
Well, I was nearly took out of by a taxi in front of children and parents was the next thing!
Things can only get better!

Monday, 25 July 2016

Somewhere Over The Rainbows..

Time to escape from the house...
No Wobby Work Wheel for 6 weeks!
Dropped off Larry at the garage for his service.
The mechanic joked: "Surprising it can still drive!"
Enjoyed teacake, coffee and chat in the cafe at M&S
Later on, time to let the kids burn some energy off playing football around
 the nearby Lake...
There was a double rainbow over the house tonight :)
They looked really nice...:)