Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Pet Shop Boys - What Have I Done To Deserve This. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet Shop Boys - What Have I Done To Deserve This. Show all posts

Monday, 22 October 2018

Putting My Hands Up...

Welcome back to the  Monday Feeling..
Let's shake those cobwebs out..
 Nice breakfast in bed..
 Yum Yum.
Now to wear a Superheros t-shirt.
Gave everyone a big 💋 when they all left.
Enjoyed marmite and coffee.
 The sun is coming out↑↑
 The leaves need cleaning away,
When I get back.
I nip to the Newsagents to fetch the paper.
A great tune is on the radio.I just had to sing-a-long...with Neil & Dusty..↓↓
 Then more singing to be done on the way to work.
 I chill in Hanbury Hall's Car Park for 20 mins.
 Some nice Autumn views

 I had another sing-a-long to my dad's.
Made sure he was alright.
The temperature is going up up up↗
I had a lovely tea cake with coffee  

 Chocolate 🍫 was going at work↑↑
 The Police Helicoper was going over my house a lot.
 It was feeling like being in an Airwolf episode..↓
Put my hands up...
To wave....
After putting on the washing machine.
I went to do yet another job.
 Full Moon when I started Job↑
 Full Moon when I finished↓
Nice bit of Stir Fry to finish off Monday with↓
 I flopped on the bed and soon slept off the Monday Feeling...

Friday, 1 June 2018

Feeling The Pinch

Welcome to the 1st of June!
to the Friday Feeling...🍾🍾🍾🍾
I woke up early due to the excitement of being home... ↓

Nice cup of tea.

I went back to sleep....
Later on we went on a short ride...

Had to enjoy a Webbs Experience...
Glad we had a free coffee...
Money none avaliable at the moment...

Had coffee and chat.
Reached for the begging bowl.
We went around to see my dad to borrow some funds so we can eat this week.
Last time it was this bad was 4 years ago....
Hopefully I will be fit and well to return to work next month after being at home for seven months, recovering from my achilles injury....
Thanked my dad.
 Visited Lidl

Just got enough shopping for the week.
I popped into see my friend who I normally see on Tuesdays.
She was so glad to see me.
We quickly caught up on what has been happening.
Then back home
 Caught up with a weeks worth of newspapers
 I had to plan for all the Birthdays and bills coming out this month....
The hug I had off my lovely hubby was priceless..... 

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Foo Foo Pill Isn't Working!

Welcome to my Thursday...
I wasn't quite well enough to join hubby & kids on the egg hunt around Hanbury Hall.
 One son got the Easter egg...!
I enjoyed the sunshine in another way..
I put the washing on the line.
I even enjoyed a cup of Peppermint  and Liquorice tea..
I had some nice buttons arrived yesterday....
When hubby and kids came back.
We were all supposed to be going out..
Then I started to go downhill ↘↘↘
Couldn't get warm etc...
Tried to sleep it off to no avail...
Supposed to be going to the NEC tomorrow
(4th attempt)
Lets hope the Friday Feeling will help me to get better for tomorrow!!
As the foo foo pill isn't working!!


Wednesday, 3 May 2017

I Need To Sing Aloud!

Welcome to my Hump of the Week
Job 1 was full of madness,bedlam and chaos rolled into one.
While I was in the middle of the road crossing over the children.
A car drove on the pavement, 
overtook the car in front of him, then done a U-turn in front of me!!
 As a result to this..
I went shopping at Asda at the end of that shift...
Then the music started...
Time for a bit of singing along with:
 then one of my favourites came on..
I sung nice and loud while walking the aisles
Feeling so much better now.
Now for a little play with Henry.... 


Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Can It Get Any Worst????

Welcome to my Wednesday.
When my car failed to start, I knew I was going to have a bad Hump Day.
Wind, rain, feet nice and dry in the green wellies.
Got lift back home.
Waited for Green Flag.
He arrived, then he started it on the second time.
"It's the starter motor or a block in the fuel line" he told me.
Dropped it off at my local garage.
Messed about all afternoon.
(no leg up)
Got a message from the garage.
"Can you drop your car keys down here tomorrow?"
Funny, I gave him the keys to start the car.
As normal, 3 times he started the car, and 3 times the car started.
Yeah, I bring it back here, and it won't start tomorrow, when I need it.
Now to put leg up, as hasn't put it up due to the fun I had!!