Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quiz. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Somewhere Over The Rainbow!

I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell - Harry S. Truman
Welcome to my Sunday love 💓
I woke up early and enjoyed a cup of brew in the garden↓
Hubby gets up, we have breakfast and brew in the garden.
Now time to check the tyre pressures on Sexy Beast.
Then off to see my mum and dad.
I see younger brother is using the bench he bought to tie some flowers on the legs.
He did remember Father's Day then?
I had a chat with my mum and dad.
I said goodbye.
Popped into the Green Fair.
Both sons were playing Goalie in the Football game hosted by the Redditch Lions.
Lots of lovely classic cars↓

It was getting quite warm.
Time for lunch.
Then back home to get ready to go to quiz later.
Younger son came along.
Off we go....
Gets a table....↓
We pick a team name of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow".
On our team was, Hubby, younger son, me and Hubby's snooker mate and his wife.
Half time↓
Hubby's Snooker team won a trophy for finishing runner up in Divison one table.
The song I used for the winning answer is at the bottom of this blog post.
The last round we romped home to win by one point!
We won £40!
Woo hoo!
Back home.
Sleep Tea time.
Back on the Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow 🎡



Saturday, 16 May 2020

Slap And Tickle

When you are eight years old,nothing is any of your business - Lenny Bruce
Welcome to my weekend🎈
I overstayed my welcome in the nice warm bed...(Too much sleep)
For the end result, I had a headache!
Nice hug, cup of tea and headache tablet helped↓
We had a go on the Saturday Morning Quiz on BBC Hereford and Worcester.
We got 8/10 this week 🍾🍾🍾🍾 
 I had breakfast.
Got changed.
Now out in the sunshine↓
 I got my face covering ready!
 First stop was to get the newspaper↓
 Off to visit a garden centre.
The trolley was wiped down before we took it in.
Mmm there are some nice flowers in there↓
 I got my nice stuff for the garden↓
 The car was loaded up.
We tried to visit the Farm Shop, but the queue was too big. We will try tomorrow.
Next stop....
 I got three different type of runner bean plants plus an onion plant to put in the garden when I get back.
I didn't help the scanner I got, wouldn't scan my card or the food I got...
Had to scan all the items myself.
(It didn't like scanning the reduced food I got in my trolley!)
Back home to unload everything↓
 Anyone fancy a bit of Slap and Tickle?
 A late lunch↓
 Potted all the plants in the front and around the back....
1/2 bag of compost left!
Will have to be careful when I am getting more plants tomorrow!
Now to sit and enjoy the sunshine↓
 Get them legs nice and tanned↓
 Tea Break time↓
 I emailed the gardening programme on BBC Hereford and Worcester on what this bush was called...
We cut the bush back, and it keeps growing back↓
(I will get the answer tomorrow!)
 We had salmon burgers and a sweet potato burgers for our evening meal.
 I had to catch up with the newspapers of the week....
Hill Street Blues Season 5
After 5 episodes...
It was time to get into that warm bed with very warm hands!


Saturday, 28 July 2018

Handcuffs & Babyoil Part 2

The weekend is finally here \o/
I was up early to listen to
" The Sounds of the 60s"
Had a early breakfast...
Once everyone was up....
A little ride out....
 Long way down...↓↓↓
It stopped raining.
We went to the Bandstand to celebrate 
the life of Emmeline Pankhurst
 Our Redditch MP and Redditch Mayor was there.
 They all disappeared to have their photo took.
I waited for them to come back.
 We sat on the bench to carrying on listening.
I got chatting to a ex-worker from my time at Fawlty Towers....
Our water Fountain on the Church Green.
While everyone was taking photos, we went to the cafe. Sat on the leather settee, to enjoy a coffee, and waited for everyone to arrive.
I chatted to the MP again.
I even got two dvds for 50p
Walked back to the Library..
A really nice went past me :)
Chatted with a ex-postie.
A couple sat opposite me.
I recognised the man as my older's son's real Granddad from Kings Norton with his second wife sat with him.
(I haven't spoke to him since 1993 when he chased me around his drive with a hammer, then my boyfriend and his dad was trying to strangle each other on the drive)
The Grandfather is looking more like his son everytime I see him...
Arrived back home before the rain started again...
Sorted out my dad's Birthday cards out for tomorrow.
Had a quick tea as we were going out to a Snooker Awards Evening.
 Nice cold lemonade.
We had a quiz.
We had our usual name.
Handscuffs & Babyoil.
 At half time we were third.
 Hubby's team won the Divison one championship
 His team were Runner's up in a cup match.
 Nice sunset.
We finished second at the end.
We had a nibble at the buffet.
Gets back home....
Hopefully we are having a much deserved lie-in tomorrow....