Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label The Harder I Try. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Harder I Try. Show all posts

Monday, 8 July 2019

The Harder I Try

If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it - J.P Morgan
Welcome aboard my wobbly work wheel🎡
I am lucky I am not doing my lunchtime job as its TE day.
Hubby has got the day off from work too ;)
 I gave my kids sloppy 💋💋 before they left the house.
I put the washing on the line before we left the house for our road trip...
 I reads the newspaper on the way
 We park on top of the car park

 We start to look around some shops.
We walked into one shop.
There was a wow price below↓↓↓
Now to look in some Charity Shops
 I found a really old Kenny the Kenwood..
I have two already...
I was so tempted↓
 I went into another shop and found loads of John Wayne films on DVD↓
 I just had to get some...↓
I tried to cheer up the woman behind the till when I paid for the DVDS.
She wasn't in the mood for my sense of humour.
The next shop we visited,was playing a great song, that  just about summed up the day so far....
(The video is at the end of the blog post)
Now to enjoy some coffee and strawberries!
 I had a email about a interview for the lollipop 🍭 job I applied up. 
Interview next week :) :)
After walking about for a next hour,
We stopped to have  beef and stilton pastry.
Now back to the car...
For the lovely views!

Now to wave goodbye to Worcester.
Back home to unpack..
Back out in Sexy Beast...
To check the tyres and add more fuel.
Gets back in time to go to the first of my two jobs I have to do today.
I comes back with a nice red face!
I come back from the second job listening to great sing a long song...
 Someone is collecting the old headboard for free!
 After I saw my dad.
I made sure all my teddies were in our bedroom!
Back to wearing the Chef's Hat tomorrow 🥄