Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Tony Jackson.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Jackson.. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

On The Edge!

How helpless we are, like netted birds, when we are caught by desire! - Belva Plain
Happy Tuesday 🎈
No hot temperatures for us in the UK!
(Fan stops in box!)
 Hug and Brew time↑
Followed by breakfast.
Gets dressed.
Left it a bit late to walk to fetch the newspaper.
Into Sexy Beast once more↓
 Gets back, the sun has vanished.
Gives hubby a sloppy 💋 before he leaves for work.
I have a little play with Henry....
Now for a peek in the newspaper↓
Nigel Griggs  is a musician who played bass guitar in Split Enz. He is the brother of Paul Griggs from the 1970s vocal group Guys 'n' Dolls. A professional musician since 1963, Nigel Griggs played in a number of bands, notably The Cortinas and Octopus, 1963–1971, with his brother Paul, Carmen and Steve Hillage's Khan.He is 71 years old 🎈
 Tracy Tracy [Cattell], Australian musician (The Primitives).
She is 53 years old🎈 
 Tony Jackson was an English singer and bass-guitar player who was a member of The Searchers.He died aged 65 in 2003.
  With the first coffee of the day↓
  Now to start to write yesterday's blog.
I don't know whether my computer or You Tube was playing up. I couldn't put a lot of Belinda Carlisle's pop videos on as a lot of her videos were unavaliable.....
Even a mash up Talk Talk/No Doubt/Michael Jackson's It's My Life video was unavaliable .....FFS
(I only listened to it yesterday!!!)
(It's now back on!) 
I was having emails about the start of the new school year.
I might have to find out and dust down my suit to wear at dinnertime↓
One for my Lollipop job↓
 When it takes me about an hour to write a blog post, due to having problems with putting the videos on, it took me a further hour and another cup of coffee!!! Grrrrrr
I was glad when lunchtime came round!
 Let's see how hot it is in the USA↓
 I had more lovely material arrive↓
 Time to make more funky facemasks↓
 I got two rainbow facemasks made.
Just started to finish the shiny blue one when the needle snapped off!!!
Removed that one.
The second one ended up being bent!
 I added a third needle.
I couldn't thread the thread.
Tried the needle threader↓
It broke off!
I needed a belated tea at 3↓
 After pissing about for another half an hour, I finally threaded the needle!
I then had to walk away and let my patience grow back!
I put the tea on...
Hubby had a bad afternoon at work as well.
Nice sloppy 💋 and a big hug...
We then felt a lot better!
Tea was ready↓
 Another episode of ↓
 Then off to do some work...
 First big tune↓
 Lots of singing along.....
It's nice and dark when I got back home↓
 It's Billy J Kramer's 77th Birthday tomorrow....plenty of tunes of his on tomorrow's blog post.
Here is a tune to get you into the mood!
 It looks like it's going to soggy Hump of the Week tomorrow...
I took my sleep tea upstairs to bed↓
Let's hope I have a better day tomorrow...
Surely it can't get any worst?????