Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label and Bones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and Bones. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Making The Most.....

Oh what fun day I had!
Firstly I was waiting 2 hours down the hospital,
As my youngest son had fractured his left wrist
(This happened at after school football the night before)
He now had a black and white bandage on his left arm for 3 weeks!
Did food shopping for other son as his is cooking at school tomorrow.(That's our tea)
To round off the day, both sons enjoyed their first time at Scouts for 2 hours.
Hubby and I enjoyed making the most of  some lovely adult time for 2 hours....;p

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Time To Play With The....

Welcome to Hump of The Week!
I am so damn tired....
But not for much longer...
Half term holiday starting on Friday....
The alarm will be turned off..
Time to relax, chill, and bake...
Might even get to play with the Pumpkins!!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Watch Out For That Headstone!!

Made the most of the strong winds we had today.
Out goes the wet washing, held onto the washing lines for dear life with plastic pegs
We then went out for a Sunday drive.
We looked around two more graveyards.
First was Stoke Prior.
We still trying to find this elusive Church we can't remember where we saw it.
We ended up in Droitwich again.
So we looked around the graveyard...