Welcome to sort out Thursday.
The sun was back again 😎
I had to sort out all my haberdashery gear...
First sewing box emptied..
Plenty of eyes...
Plenty of lace..
I came across this little bag I bought off ebay years ago. Look what I found in there....↑↑
Dinner outside in the sunshine..
Finally sorted out all my haberdashery stuff!
Found some interesting books..
Put all the sewing boxes back...
Went for a little ride....
(To clear some cobwebs)
Nice Apple Blossom.
I bumped into a old school friend.
Chat chat time.
While at the self service till,
I showed him the most important things in my trolley...
He replied:"You have bought some scones to go with them?"
I laughed.
While waiting at the petrol station,
I turned on the radio...
A great song was on...
I couldn't hold back
I had to sing-a-long with backing vocals...🎶🎶
The looks I had
(As the car window was open)
The more looks I had...
The louder I sung...
(I blame the sunshine,
Is my excuse for backing vocals)
The song is today's pop video..
Getting ready to welcome the Friday Feeling!