An author is a fool who, not content with boring those he lives with, insists on boring future generations - Charles De Montesquieu
Welcome everyone to the fun I had in February!
1: Coffee Morning includes Knit and Natter every Monday.
I was took out for a lovely meal↓
Uniform Bank in April.
Easter Stone Hunt over the Easter fortnight.
Sorted out the events for VE 80 Day on May 8th.
We are extending the Warm Space over May and June.
I have 6 dates for the Uniform Bank over the 6 weeks Summer Holiday.
There are 6 dates for Arts and Crafts for the kids to join in over the 6 weeks Summer Holiday.
We will be hosting a coffee morning to celebrate VJ 80 on August 15th.
Then to enter some bakes into the local Flower Shop!
"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."