No good deed ever goes unpublished - Clare Boothe Lace
Welcome to my Friday 🎈
I had to go downstairs at 4am as it was too hot in our bedroom.
I was back upstairs later to enjoy hugs and brew.
I gave hubby a sloppy wet 💋 before he went to work.
I was dropping off son at work early.
While I was waiting, I dug out the much needed Webbs free coffee vouchers!
We left the house.
Now onwards to Webbs.
Someone else parked by the B3 sign.
There is always next time!
(Looks a lot like my old Dunelm one)
Said goodbye to my friend and back home I went.
Late lunch.
As soon as I get home to unpack the bags.
Son needed picking up from Sainsburys.
Out I go again....
First a car coming towards me and to swirve back onto his side of the road. Next a pink smart car was sat on my arse on the way to Sainsburys!
Picked up son from Sainsburys, then I had more fun going back home.
A BMW was in the wrong lane and pulled in front of me, then he decided to slow down on the dual carriageway.I overtook him, tried to get back into the inside lane and no car would let me!
I carried onto the next junction, when a red Audi overtakes me on the slip road and then pulls in front me when we get on to the dual carriageway. Once I get off onto the next slip road a car appeared sat on my arse until he turns right at the roundabout, I turn left.
I was so glad to get back home!!!!
Time for tea!
Then he carried onto Bromsgrove with the younger son to do this week's food shopping.
I tidied up the house and watered the plants.
He picked up son from football.
Then we went out to get some more food.
One was from a M&S Petrol Station and the other was from Waitrose.
Quick look at today's newspaper.
We watched the news and turned the internet off.
Younger son didn't take kindly to that and started to threaten me!
His laptop and mobile was took off him.
I had a few stern words for him.
The internet is going to be rationed starting Monday, let's hope the threats stop soon.
Now to enjoy what's left of the Friday Feeling🎈