Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label toilet cleaner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toilet cleaner. Show all posts

Thursday 20 May 2021

Grab, Grab, & More Grab!

A women's rule of thumb:if it has tyres or testicles, you've going to have trouble with it - Ella Gough
Welcome to my Thursday 🤑
Hug and brew time!
Got kids up ready for school.
Gave out plenty of sloppy wet 💋💋💋
No big big glasses this morning.
Big winter coat, winter hat and gloves on, with big boots.
Tree Pic
Now for the fun to start.
Most car drivers stopped, some even put their hands up when they went past.
The wind was getting up quite a bit...
I even started humming a song while waiting to cross people over...
No lambo either :(
The rain held off.
I finished in one piece.
Now to do some errends.
Topped up the fuel for Sexy Beast.
Then off to Lidl to buy some bits including Toilet Cleaner...for my cleaning job.
(I told higher up that I was running low on Monday.....)
I went and got my newspaper.
I couldn't park outside the shop, so I park further down the road.One potty mouthed man who screaming foul language at me, as I had parked opposite his drive, and he couldn't get long stretchy 4x4 off the drive without hitting my Sexy Beast. I wasn't in the mood for a fight of words, so I just moved Sexy Beast further down the road....
Finally got home!
Quick coffee time.
Now to blog ......
As soon as I turned off the computer I had a email from my late dad's Solicitor about how much we are all having each...
My arsehole brothers have been grabbing as much money from my dad's estate as they can...
Prodical brother - £6000 extra
Younger brother - £3000 extra
(including a fee of £78 to get my dad's safe open!) 
I had to send a bank statement through so they can send me my paltry amount I will be getting once it has all been sorted.
Those two arsehole brothers are firmly cut off from me, and hope never to speak to them again!
(Younger brother had the nerve to call me a gold digger in December last year, maybe he should look in the mirror) 
Light lunchtime.
Rain was forecasted....
Those sexy lumos had to be worn..
Oh dear, the wind and the rain was knocking me  all over the road.
My lollystick was going all over the place.
I finished in one piece.
Was glad I was wearing my winter coat!
Back home.
Coffee,crumpets and Apricot time.
Back out with some  Big Hits...
Gets in.
No delivery of toilet cleaner has arrived.
Oh well, it's not as if I didn't tell higher up on Monday!
Loaded up the Skip.
The toilet cleaner I bought from Lidl, I left in the boot of Sexy Beast.
Counting down the days until I am no longer have a job here.......
Finished on time.
Now for more singing along with the big tunes on the way home...
Back home..
Nice Gammon with Veg for tea.
Quick look in today's newspaper.

John Robert "Joe" Cocker OBE  was an English singer known for his gritty voice and dynamic stage performances that featured spastic body movements. Most of his best known singles were covers of songs by other artists, though he composed a number of his own songs for most of his albums as well, often in conjunction with songwriting partner Chris Stainton.
He would have been 77 years old 🎈 
He sadly died aged 70 in 2014.
Sleep tea in bed.
Friday Feeling is back tomorrow...🎈
The rain!