Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label tyre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tyre. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

When Stop Means Go!

 "How many husbands have you had?"
"You mean apart from my own?"- Zsa Zsa Gabor
Welcome to my Tuesday 🚸
Hug and brew.
Get's one son up!
I gave out my sloppy wet 💋💋💋
Now to leave the house in the sunshine.
Big big sunglasses came out too.
The traffic lights are still there...
The summer coat went on.
Tree shot.
Let's hope yesterday will repeat itself and car drivers will behave themselves.
How wrong I was!
One white car was speeding towards me.
The stick came out, on went the brakes!
The sound of banging gums was almost deafening.....
I put my hand up when I got back to the pavement.More cars were failing to stop.
It's going to be one of those days!
I was glad to finish in one piece!
I nipped home for a pee.
Back out to get a new tyre of Sexy Beast.
Once that was done.
Off to visit Aldi to get more salad and lollies!
It was not too busy, and it was nice to look around!
Back home...
For some salad!
Back out in the sunshine..
Summer coat went on...
The Lollipop stick was ready and primmed!
I had the same trouble as in the morning.
One car to slam on his brakes or the windscreen would have been put through!
I glad to finish in one piece!
Back home.
Time for a lolly!
Then off to work with the bottle of very cold water.
Now the singalong to work I go...
Gets into work.
It's going to be hot and sweaty time!
Nice red tomato face when I finished!
I have the Probation Meeting next week.
(It was brought forward by a month....
I won't be working here by next week!)
Now back home with some singing along..
The sun still shining when I got home 🕶
Nice Veggie meal for tea.
Another soak in a cold bath for me!
That lovely smell of Lavender filled the bathroom!
Night off from the Sleep Tea.
I was soon asleep when my head touched the pillow!
Hoping for not such a sweaty hump tomorrow🐫




Monday, 30 November 2020

Making The Most Of Monday!

The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously - Huberth Humphrey
 Welcome to my Monday😋
Back on the Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow 🎡
Hug and brew.
Woke up kids.
Gave hubby a nice sloppy wet 💋 before he went to work.
Another 💋 for one son, as the other one is going in later.
Once I wrote my blog,
I was going to take out Sexy Beast for a nice ride... 
Some saw old friends again.
Got one tyre replaced.
(My late dad kept saying, check your tyres each week......)
I got the newspaper on the way back.
They asked where I had been.
I explained about my knee..
They said,"Painful?"
"Very," I replied.
Back home.
Still a chill in the air.
Someone wanted to buy my old pink laptop.
That's Christmas sorted out for us :)
Coffee time!
Quick read of the newspaper.
Frank Ifield is an English-Australian country music singer and guitarist who often incorporated yodelling. After living in Australia, Ifield returned to the United Kingdom in November 1959 where he had four number-one hits on the UK Singles Chart with his cover versions of "I Remember You" (May 1962), "Lovesick Blues" (December), "The Wayward Wind" (March 1963) and "Confessin' That I Love You" (September). In 2003, Ifield was inducted into the Australian Roll of Renown.
He is 83 years old 🎈 
Now for a bit of lunch...
With Hell's Kitchen for company!
Then it was time to do more sewing while I have the time!
Whipped up 3 Christmas masks!
Got the stir fry on the go afterwards.
Stir Fry with Pork Chops!
And more..
I had a hot shower later on.
Got all my stuff ready for tomorrow's fun!
Finished the night off with.....
Sleep Tea like normal!
Already to mount that Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow🎡