Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday 10 March 2016

Having Some Wisdom Removed Soon!

We have reached Thursday.
Still no car.
So a walking I go go.
Had my Pre-Op appointment for my wisdom tooth removal.
It looks like I am having two teeth out instead of one.
Got poked and prodded during my appointment.
The veins in my right arm was refusing to cough blood up.
So instead of using veins on top of my hand or wrist.
The veins in my left arm coughed up instead!
Hubby is going to have some fun to find the remaining 6 blue patches
That was stuck to my body to test my heart on the ECG test!
He will have a nice WARM reward if he gets all 6 :P


Wednesday 9 March 2016

Can It Get Any Worst????

Welcome to my Wednesday.
When my car failed to start, I knew I was going to have a bad Hump Day.
Wind, rain, feet nice and dry in the green wellies.
Got lift back home.
Waited for Green Flag.
He arrived, then he started it on the second time.
"It's the starter motor or a block in the fuel line" he told me.
Dropped it off at my local garage.
Messed about all afternoon.
(no leg up)
Got a message from the garage.
"Can you drop your car keys down here tomorrow?"
Funny, I gave him the keys to start the car.
As normal, 3 times he started the car, and 3 times the car started.
Yeah, I bring it back here, and it won't start tomorrow, when I need it.
Now to put leg up, as hasn't put it up due to the fun I had!!

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Resting The Leg...

Welcome to my Tuesday.
Put the wellies on as it was raining for JOB 1
Then it stopped raining,
After work, It's resting the leg day
Tried to carry on writing the new book
I don't think my Fluorescent yellow coat is bright enough.
As cars kept driving and not stopping! 
Time to add blue flashing lights to my coat and Lollipop stick.
It looks like wellies are going to be on tomorrow,
It's going to be a very wet Hump Day!
What could go wrong on Hump Day???

Monday 7 March 2016

One Lump Or Two?

Welcome to my Monday.
I tried to phone up my Doctor's Surgery.
Since 9am, as another lump appeared on the back of knee.
This lump was painful too touch.
So I hobbled about, kept phoning.
I had to visit A&E in the end.
To find out more about the painful lump.
4+ hours later of waiting.
The doctor pressed the painful lump.
"Does it hurt!"
I screamed very loud.
Now the result was:
I have a lovely Baker's Cyst
So no to the doggy sex position just yet! 

Sunday 6 March 2016

No To The 1970's Type Glasses...

Mother's Day
I have celebrated being a mum today.
It's been half sadness and happiness.
The sadness as my mum isn't around no more.
I kept her happy yesterday with flowers and gifts at her graveside.
I had cards, presents and a lovely Phalaenopsis Orchid for my Mother's Day.
I had my eyes tested at my local Tesco's Opticians
Great service,and they made my day!
Specsavers have now lost a customer!
I declined the Dame Edna type glasses
3 pairs of glasses under £110
Upgraded on the reading glasses.
I knew writing erotic books wouldn't be good for my eyesight!



Saturday 5 March 2016

Best Mother's Day Present So Far!

Not much of a lie-in this morning.
We are celebrating  Mother's Day weekend.
We left the house by 7.45am
I had a early Mother's Day treat.
Breakfast out!
Paid a visit to my mum, gifts and flowers.
In the afternoon, We visited Waitrose, Webbs and Aldi.
Had the best Mother's Day present so far....
Describes me down to a tee....


Friday 4 March 2016

Time To Be In The SideSaddle For A Bit.....

At last, It's Friday
Time to put on thermal knickers and scrape the windscreen.
Two of everything I was wearing, scarves, hats and gloves.
Panic Friday starts, cars were in no hurry to stop!
Enjoyed a late breakfast with a fine filter coffee at Webb's.
Enjoyed playing with the letters at Hobbycraft
(My twitter name)
 Finally Finished the last shift of the week.
It then started to snow.
The pain was getting unbearable
 I had to visit the GP Out of Hours Service.
Dose of Antibiotics, and hopefully the lump won't move!
Best to opt for the Sidesaddle for a bit...