Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday 3 March 2016

Roll On Mother's Day....

Dipped back into the past today.
After finding out about an ex-boyfriend's mum passing away last week.
I popped a card around to his house this morning.
I know what he is going through.
 As it's 3 years in May since my mum passed away.
I have got the flowers and gifts ready for my Mum's grave for Sunday.
Baked a pie for tea tonight.
It smelt nice cooking in the oven.
It's my last day on the wobbly work wheel tomorrow.
we are supposed to be having a bit of snow..
Better wheel out the snow plow!


Wednesday 2 March 2016

Hunting The Lentil!

Welcome to Hump of the week.
Potty mouth from yesterday, kept his distance away from me.
Hunted high and low for green lentils.
As they were needed for my son's cooking lesson tomorrow.
Morrison's didn't have any, Tesco's came to the rescue.
We had a touch of Storm Jake, high winds, heavy rain, and more howling wind!)
My older son gave me a lift in his new car to JOB 1
I got out of his car and kissed the floor (Joking)
Jack didn't tell me his Scout uniform needed drying.
James's navy trousers had marks on from last week!!
I may be a good fluffy nice mum, 
But trying to read their minds......on what need doing....
That's a different story!


Tuesday 1 March 2016

Meets Another Potty Mouth!!

After such a good day yesterday.
Someone with a potty mouth came along and spoiled the morning.
I was waiting in the rain, wearing the green wellies, just before I was due to start JOB 1
He pulled up over the road. His daughter got out, she waited to cross.
I shouts over to her,"I don't start until 8.15am!"
He then gets of the car, swearing very loudly!
I told him the reason.
"Who's going to cross over my f****** daughter now then???"
I said,"Ring the Council, it you got a problem!"
He wasn't having any to it.
Lots of swears came from that Potty Mouth.
He drove off, and left me to face my first shift of the day in March getting wet!
 I did have a nice surprise off Tesco via Twitter.
I nominated myself for "Born on Feb 29th" competition on Monday.
I wasn't in when they tried to deliver on Monday.
So I had the nice surprise today instead!


Monday 29 February 2016

Time For A Real Birthday!

At last!
I'm celebrating my 11th Leap Year Birthday.
Plenty of lovely presents and cards to open.
I was treated to a trip to the cinema to watch "Grimsby"
Had a steak meal at the local restaurant.
Had many nice Happy Birthday messages via Facebook and Twitter.
Still managed to fit in 2 jobs as well.
Now to go to bed early....for another hot and steamy present..from hubby! 


Sunday 28 February 2016

Not Long Now.....

Still enjoying the 3 days of celebrations.
Had my Birthday (for tomorrow) was read out on BBC Hereford & Worcester Radio Station this morning at 9.15am :)
Nice lie with warm hubby and a cup of tea.
Popped into Waitrose for free coffee, free magazine and to use the voucher up I had to use by today.
Then it's time to move the wardrobe from my son's room to ours...
Got the wooden Fabric Wardrobe from the loft.
However unable to locate the screws!
The cards and presents are building up to be opened tomorrow......

Saturday 27 February 2016

Losing A Chin!

We are doing  3 days of Birthday Celebrations...
(As I only celebrate my real Birthday every 4 years!)
Has a Birthday card delivered with my old surname on it.
(Changed that old surname 5 years ago!)
Will have to wait until Monday to see who sent it!
We jumped on the train to Birmingham.
Practiced using the chopsticks for dinner!
Walked off the dinner, (all up hill) to the new Birmingham Library.
 Then a nice long walk back to the newly refurbished New Street Station.
Leaving Birmingham a lot fitter, then I arrived!


Friday 26 February 2016

Always Like A Bit Of Flash....

Welcome to Friday..
I have tonnes of that Friday Feeling to sprinkle about.
Booked in for a eye test in a week's time.
Might end up with  glasses like Olive wore in "On The Buses"!
 Counting down until the big Birthday (3 days to go)
We taped the film "Flash Gordon" last Friday.
We have got round to watching it now....
(My kids are watching it for the first time!)
(It's bad I know this film word for word)
Now back to the movie "Flash"!