Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday 25 February 2016

Getting Hot & Sweaty...

Welcome to my Thursday...
Another hard frost overnight
Another scrape of the windscreen.
Temperatures was actually a bit warmer from yesterday at -2.5c
Thermal knickers, hats, scarves, and gloves all needed.
Did catch a few car drivers driving their tanks!
On the first shift of JOB 1
I was nearly took out by a taxi.
He stopped inches away from me :(
Played with Henry the Hoover, Mop and bucket, and the hairdryer!
We are going to re-watch the box set of "The Tudors....
It's bringing  me out in a hot sweat just thinking about it! 

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Very Cold Hump!

Welcome to Hump Of The Week.
Had to give the car windscreen a good scrape this morning...
2 hats, 2 pairs of gloves, and thermal knickers..... just keeping out the cold!
The Juke from yesterday parked BEFORE the Zig Zags lines today.
Eye to Eye Contact does work sometimes \o/
Sewed on the 2 remaining Scout badges on my son's shirts.
Sorted out the Scout weekend they are going on...
Sorted out where we are going for THAT weekend too ;P
Roll on Friday at 5pm, this wobbly work wheel is getting far too wobbly even for me!


Tuesday 23 February 2016

Banging Of The Gums #2

After 3 cars this morning on the first shift of JOB 1 didn't stop,
I knew it wasn't going to get any better.....
The parent in the white Juke parked again on the opposite Zig Zag lines.
This time I gave her some eye to eye contact (Song by Elvin Starr)
Her gums started banging together.
I crossed her daughter over.
The gums kept banging together, she totally ignored my Lollipop in the air.
She pressed hard on her accelerator, and left half of her trend behind on the road!!
One more car driver had to stop, she gave me more gum banging...!
After this fun, I went home to bake cakes and make 2 Birthday cards.
Second shift of Job 1.
I told some of the mothers, after the glowing report of my Supervisor yesterday.
"I'm not going anywhere!"
"The majority want me here, only a minority doesn't!!)
The certain Troll of Facebook(who has made it quite clear I should be removed from my post, and be publicly flogged) heard this.
I watched as she started to bang those gums together to herself!
Pity I couldn't read her mind!

Monday 22 February 2016

Counting Down The Days Until I'm 11 Years Old!

Back on the wobbly work wheel today!
I was reminded on "On This Day" on Facebook, it's my 13th Wedding Anniversary.
Pity I am divorced from him, 5 years ago!
(My book about last years of my 1st marriage and meeting second hubby)
I will be celebrating my 5th Wedding Anniversary to my second hubby in September! 
2011 was a crazy year.
Divorced and married in the same year!
I enjoyed my coffee and chat at Webb's.
Got praised on doing my Lollipop job.
As long as I keep alive doing it for the next 7 days.
As I celebrate my 11th Birthday next Monday!
(11 real Birthdays due to being a Leap Year Baby!)
Now to enjoy some Ovaltine, warm bed, and a warm second hubby :P

Sunday 21 February 2016

I Know What I Like......

I have had a busy Sunday.
Stocked up on the  Zoflora
Visited Waitrose, got some lovely reduced food and my free coffee.
Back home to unpack.
Then off to Stourbridge to pick up another cabinet,
(I won it off Ebay)
Now I have got somewhere to put my books.
Time to get the school bags done, sandwiches made, & my lollipop ready for tomorrow!
Back on the wobbly work wheel tomorrow!

Saturday 20 February 2016

How many F's and C's In Library????

I have one of those days, I wish I could drink alcohol!
So instead I suck on a cup of Horlicks instead!
I dropped off 3 boxes of books to the Free Book Shop.
Not much thanks only grumbles.
When we popped in later on,
They wanted me to take half of them back!
"I'm afraid, I got no room!" I replied.
We got some great bargains looking in the Charity Shops.
Went to rest our weary bones in the Library.
A man, then a woman sat opposite us.
She couldn't hold back the bad language. Lots of words starting with F and C.
I rounded up my kids, told them not to repeat any of those words they heard!
Went off to Waitrose for my free coffee,free magazine and lots of lovely reduced stuff.
Tonight, is my hubby's lucky night, my warm hands, and a wonderfully scented lube to use!

Friday 19 February 2016

Amazing What Warm Hands Can Do!

Woo hoo the Friday Feeling is back.
Enjoyed myself at M&S coffee shop.
Mocha ,toast and a good yak!
Done a good deed by handing in 3 pairs of football boots for the upcoming Easter Swap Shop
Came first in a Chopstick Competition.
I am such a wiz with chopsticks!
Currently sorting out my Pantry. 
I could bake a cake everyday I have so much stuff!
(It won't be happening just yet!)
As I have given up cake and chocolate for Lent,
If there is ever a national flour shortage,
I won't have to worry, I have got loads!
Going to relax tonight watching "Ted" on Film4
In bed with a very warm hubby with warm hands!