Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Hunting The Lentil!

Welcome to Hump of the week.
Potty mouth from yesterday, kept his distance away from me.
Hunted high and low for green lentils.
As they were needed for my son's cooking lesson tomorrow.
Morrison's didn't have any, Tesco's came to the rescue.
We had a touch of Storm Jake, high winds, heavy rain, and more howling wind!)
My older son gave me a lift in his new car to JOB 1
I got out of his car and kissed the floor (Joking)
Jack didn't tell me his Scout uniform needed drying.
James's navy trousers had marks on from last week!!
I may be a good fluffy nice mum, 
But trying to read their minds......on what need doing....
That's a different story!