Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Out With The Old, Making Room For The New!

After the excitment of yesterday.
I had a more needed lie-in.
The smell of vapor rub lingering in bed from my hubby,
Was clearing my own head,nose and chest...
After a play with the gear stick,
Time for tea
The ex-plum was banging his gums together over yesterday's blog entry.
My hubby asked him:
"Did he need help reading it?
Or did someone read it for him?"
I had a declutter session of my clothes...
(Short skirts, low cut tops went
but the leather skirts stayed!)
I have made so more room...
(That will be soon filled up, no doubt!)
I put them in a charity clothes bin.
That's my good deed for the week.
All ready for the final week of work....\o/