Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Road Trip Resulting In Coffee!

We all had a lie in.
I wrote out the large shopping list for this week.
Hubby went to Lidl then Morrisons.
Only two more things he needed to get...
I meanwhile listened to the rock n roll channel
Carried on with the new one..
 My turn to have a road trip.
Dropped off the sick note to Job 2
Now off to get more bits for some lovely recipes this week..
 Sun going down ↑↑

I waited in the car...
 Coffee & my reduced sandwich
Third time lucky to get the rest of the goodies \o/
Road trip back home
 Gets home.
Unpacks all the food shopping.
Time for chop chop chop
Lovely :)
Time to remove the kinky boot..
 Now to get down down on that single bed of mine,
To relax & enjoy my hubby ;)