Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday, 30 March 2018

Making Full Use Of Friday & Husband!

Welcome to Good Friday...
Even better with added Friday Feeling...
We were going out for a ride...
 It's getting foggy ↓
 That would look nice in my garden...↓↓
 Mocha time...
 Treat of the month...
Buy one and get one free...↓↓
 Nips in to get my free newspaper & magazine
 and coffee...↓
 Newspaper and apples...↓↓
 We gets back home...
Just look at those dark clouds↓↓
A bit later on, the rain came down...☔
 I did a bit of chop chop...

Beef, onions cooked in red wine
with mustard mash..
Back on with hurting the ribs while laughing too much....