Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Foo Foo Pill Isn't Working!

Welcome to my Thursday...
I wasn't quite well enough to join hubby & kids on the egg hunt around Hanbury Hall.
 One son got the Easter egg...!
I enjoyed the sunshine in another way..
I put the washing on the line.
I even enjoyed a cup of Peppermint  and Liquorice tea..
I had some nice buttons arrived yesterday....
When hubby and kids came back.
We were all supposed to be going out..
Then I started to go downhill ↘↘↘
Couldn't get warm etc...
Tried to sleep it off to no avail...
Supposed to be going to the NEC tomorrow
(4th attempt)
Lets hope the Friday Feeling will help me to get better for tomorrow!!
As the foo foo pill isn't working!!